The Radiance Equation: Mel Slater

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The Radiance Equation

Mel Slater


Introduction Light Simplifying Assumptions Radiance Reflectance The Radiance Equation Traditional Rendering Solutions Visibility Conclusions


Lighting is the central problem of real-time graphics rendering

Arbitrary shaped lights

Changes in lighting conditions

Real-time shadows Real-time reflections Mixtures of many different types of surface


Real-time walkthrough with global illumination

Possible under limited conditions Radiosity (diffuse surfaces only)

Real-time interaction
Not possible except for special case local


Why is the problem so hard?


Visible light is electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths approximately in the range from 400nm to 700nm



Light: Photons

Light can be viewed as wave or particle phenomenon Particles are photons

packets of energy which travel in a straight line

in vaccuum with velocity c (300,000m.p.s.)

The problem of how light interacts with surfaces in a volume of space is an example of a transport problem.

Light: Radiant Power

denotes the radiant energy or flux in a volume V.

The flux is the rate of energy flowing through a surface per unit time (watts). The energy is proportional to the particle flow, since each photon carries energy.

The flux may be thought of as the flow of photons per unit time.

Light: Flux Equilibrium

Total flux in a volume in dynamic equilibrium

Particles are flowing

Distribution is constant

Conservation of energy
Total energy input into the volume = total

energy that is output by or absorbed by matter within the volume.

Light: Fundamental Equation

Emission emitted from within volume Inscattering flows from outside

Streaming without interaction with matter in the

volume Outscattering reflected out from matter Absorption by matter within the volume

Input = Output

Light: Equation
(p,) denotes flux at pV, in direction It is possible to write down an integral equation for (p,) based on:

Emission+Inscattering = Streaming+Outscattering +


Complete knowledge of (p,) provides a complete solution to the graphics rendering problem. Rendering is about solving for (p,).

Simplifying Assumptions

Wavelength independence
No interaction between wavelengths (no fluorescence)

Time invariance
Solution remains valid over time unless scene changes

(no phosphorescence)

Light transports in a vacuum (non-participating medium)

free space interaction only occurs at the surfaces of



Radiance (L) is the flux that leaves a surface, per unit projected area of the surface, per unit solid angle of direction.

d = L dA cos d



For computer graphics the basic particle is not the photon and the energy it carries but the ray and its associated radiance.


Radiance is constant along a ray.

Radiance: Radiosity, Irradiance

Radiosity - is the flux per unit area that radiates from a surface, denoted by B.
d = B dA

Irradiance is the flux per unit area that arrives at a surface, denoted by E.
d = E dA

Radiosity and Irradiance

L(p,) is radiance at p in direction E(p,) is irradiance at p in direction E(p,) = (d/dA) = L(p,) cos d



Bi-directional Reflectance r Distribution Reflected ray Function

f(p, i , r ) i


Incident ray

radiance to incoming irradiance

Illumination hemisphere

Reflectance: BRDF

Reflected Radiance = BRDFIrradiance L(p, r ) = f(p, i , r ) E(p, i ) = f(p, i , r ) L(p, i ) cosi di In practice BRDFs hard to specify Rely on ideal types
Perfectly diffuse reflection Perfectly specular reflection Glossy reflection

BRDFs taken as additive mixture of these

The Radiance Equation

Radiance L(p, ) at a point p in direction is the sum of

Emitted radiance Le(p, )

Total reflected radiance

Radiance = Emitted Radiance + Total Reflected Radiance

The Radiance Equation: Reflection

Total reflected radiance in direction :

f(p, i , ) L(p, i ) cosi di

Radiance Equation:
L(p, ) = Le(p, ) + f(p, i , ) L(p, i ) cosi di
(Integration over the illumination hemisphere)

The Radiance Equation

p is considered to be on a surface, but can be anywhere, since radiance is constant along a ray, trace back until surface is reached at p, then L(p, i ) = L(p, i )


L(p, ) depends on all L(p*, i) which in turn are recursively defined.


L(p, )
The radiance equation models global illumination.

Traditional Solutions to the Radiance Equation

The radiance equation embodies totality of all 2D projections (view). Extraction of a 2D projection to form an image is called rendering.

Traditional Solutions
Local Global Illumination Illumination Real time graphics: OpenGL View Flat shaded Independent graphics (IBR) View Dependent Ray tracing Path tracing Radiosity (Photon Tracing)

(Image Based Rendering)

IBR not a traditional solution Images for a new view constructed from a large collection of existing images No lighting computations at all. Light Field Rendering specific instance to be discussed later.


Where does an incident ray through the image plane come from?
Which surface?

Ray tracing in principle has to search all surfaces for possible intersections Radiosity has to include visibility in form-factor calculations between surfaces Real-time rendering solves visibility problem on a pixel by pixel basis (z-buffer).
Major complication for large scenes

We will see later that LFR does not have this visibility problem.


Graphics rendering is concerned with solution of integral radiance equation Traditional solutions are various kinds of approximations to this equation. Rendering is the process of extracting images from the equation. Rendering may be view dependent or independent, together with a global or local illumination solution.

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