Mla Format
Mla Format
Mla Format
MLA Style
A guide to in-text and reference citation methods. Modern Language Association (MLA)
Choose a standard, easily readable font (e.g. Times New Roman) and type size (e.g. 12 point) Do not right justify the margins Turn off the automatic hyphenation feature Print on one side of the paper only
Format (continued)
Except for page numbers, 1 inch margins all around Microsoft Word default is 1.25 for left & right margins Use Page Setup under the File menu to change. Indent the first line of each paragraph inch Set off long (defined as those longer than 4 lines or prose or 3 lines of verse) quotations 1 inch (ten spaces) from the left margin
Format (continued)
Double-space throughout, including quotations and works cited! No extra spacing required (dead space). 1 space after a period or other concluding punctuation
Format (continued)
GENERAL RULE: Ideally, no more than 25 percent of your paper should be direct quotations. Paraphrase as much as you can. Use direct quotations when citing a statistic or original theory Use author's words if they capture a point exactly.
You must acknowledge in your paper the source of A direct quotation A statistic An idea Someone elses opinion Concrete facts not considered common knowledge Information not commonly known Information taken from the computer (CD ROMS, internet, etc.) Illustrations, photographs, or charts if not yours
Source: Silverman, Jay, Elaine Hughes, and Diana Roberts Weinbroer. Rules of Thumb: A Guide for Writers. New York: McGraw Hill, 2002.
In the words of researchers Long and McKinzie As Paul Rudnick has noted
acknowledges agrees believes comments contends denies emphasizes grants implies observes reasons suggests
Complete list: Hacker, Diana. A Writers Reference. 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martins, 2003. p. 336.
a system in which you give your source in parentheses immediately after you give the information.
Parenthetical Citations
Author and page number Title and page number Page number only Secondhand quotations
The first word of your citation match the corresponding entry on your Works Cited page!
Parenthetical Citations:
Author & Page Number
(Keeling 125)
Parenthetical Citations:
Page Number Only
If you have already mentioned the authors name, put a page number only:
Keeling states that Plaths work stands in stark contrast to other confessional poets (58).
Parenthetical Citations:
Secondhand Quotations
When you quote someone who has been quoted in one of your sources, use:
qtd. in = quoted in
Evelyn Maxwell, author of numerous books about poetry, refers to Plath as the queen of darkness (qtd. in Keeling 99).
Parenthetical Citations:
Special Cases
Electronic Sources:
Interview or Speech:
If the source is an interview, lecture, or speech, include persons name in introductory clause with no parenthesis:
You may give the name in parentheses, but you can be more precise and include the name by indicating the format and incorporating the name smoothly into your sentence.
Julia Cohen, graduate student in English and a self-professed Goth, states that being Goth is more a state of mind than outlandish dress.
Parenthetical Citations:
Multiple Authors
Use the first identifying words to indicate the title of the work
The radical disconnect in Plaths writing is evident in the poem Cut (In the Middle, 188).
OR (Rimbaud, In the Middle, 188).
Parenthetical Citations:
Organization as Author
Often, an organization serves as the author: The National Council for Teachers of English state that students bring insider knowledge of youth culture and a passion for and investment in its texts and practices (5). OR Students bring insider knowledge of youth culture (National Council for the Teachers of English 5).
Parenthetical Citations:
How Often to Give Citations
When several facts in a row within one paragraph all come from the same page of a source, use one citation to cover them all. Place the citation after the last fact. The citation MUST be in the same paragraph as the facts!
List only those sources that you actually used. List the complete title of the article, essay, or book. Alphabetize your list by authors last names or the first main word in a title. Online sources usually follow the print format followed by the URL <URL>. (journals, newspapers, magazines, abstracts, books, reviews, scholarly projects or databases, etc.). Format
Indent second and third lines five spaces Most item separated by periods leave one space after ending punctuation. Place a period at the end of each entry.
Specific Entries
Author. Title. City: Publisher, date.
Corti, Lillian. The Myth of Medea and the Murder of Children. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.
Article in a Magazine:
Author. Title of Article. Title of Periodical Date: page(s).
Specific Entries
Article in a Newspaper:
Author (if given). Title of Article. Title of Newspaper Complete date, section number or title: page(s).
Kerr, Walter. The Lives they Lived. The New York Times 29 December 1996, late ed.: sec. 1: 53.
Author. Title. Book Title. Editor. City: Publisher, date. Pages. Franklin, Benjamin. The Speech of Miss Polly Baker. Benjamin Franklin: The Autobiography and Other Writings. Ed. Kenneth Silverman. New York: Viking, 1986. 209-213.
Specific Entries
Author. Title of Article. Journal Title Volume number (complete date): pages covered by article.
Witham, Barry B. Images of America. Theatre Journal 34 (May 1982): 223-232.
Title of Article. Title of Encyclopedia. Year of the edition. Plath, Sylvia. Encyclopedia Britannica. 2005 ed.
Specific Entries Electronic Sources
Author of e-mail [title or area of expertise, professional affiliation]. Subject line. E-mail to the author (meaning you) date.
Rushbrook, Sally [poet]. For Goths Sake. E-mail to the author. 7 June 1999.
Author. Title. (or the heading of the material you read) Title of Entire Work publishing information of original, if known. Title of Database. Publication Medium. Vendor (if relevant). Electronic publication date. Good, Sarah. Goth Tradition in Adolescents. Newsday 16 Mar. 1997 sec. Life: 1. Newsbank Newsday. CD-ROM. 1999.
Specific Entries Electronic Sources
Author or organization. Title of section, if given. Title of the Complete Work. Date of publication or last revision. Sponsoring organization if different from author. Date you viewed the site <URL of site>.
Elder, Preston. What is Goth? 2000, 2001. 30 March 2006 <>.
Author (not screen name). Subject line of article. Online posting. Date of posting. Group to which it was sent multiple group names separated by comma. Date you viewed it <URL>. Rushbrook, Sally. Plath and Me. Online posting. 7 June 2000. 6 March 2006. <>.
Special Cases
No Author:
Alphabetize according to the first main word in the title, ignoring the articles a, an, and the.
Moonshot Tape. Antaeus. Ed. Daniel Helpern. New York: Ecco Press, 1991.
Give the last name first for the first author only.
Hall, David, Laura Henigman, and Lillian Corti. Worlds of Wonder, Days of Judgement. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990.
Special Cases
Use three hyphens and a period (---.) in place of the authors name and alphabetize the works according to title.
Wilson, Lanford. Day. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1994. ---. Sympathetic Magic. New York: Dramatists Play Service, 1998. ---. Tally and Son. New York, Dramatists Play Service, 1995.
Special Cases
Radio/Television Program:
Speaker Name. Program Title. Company if known. Network and/or station call letters, city. Date of broadcast.
Mangone, Carlo. Weekend Edition Saturday. Natl. Public Radio. KSMU, Springfield, MO. 31 May 1997.
Author, Director, or Performer. Title. Format. Distributor, date. Frizell, Michael. I Hate Hamlet. DVD. Little Theatre Home Video, 2006.
Special Cases
Speakers name [Speakers position]. Type of presentation. Location, date. Jenkins, Jeff [Owner and Creative Director, The Skinny Improv Theatre]. Personal Interview. Springfield, MO. 29 March 2006.