Writing Effective Sentences
Writing Effective Sentences
Writing Effective Sentences
What is a sentence?
A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought, or we could say a sentence is a group of words that begin with a capital letter and ends with a period or an exclamation point or a question mark. Serrano and Bello (2002)
1. Conciseness in Sentences
When you write your first drafts of documents, undoubtedly you will write sentences that need to be pruned. Here are some strategies for writing sentences that are concise. It is important to note that concise sentences can be filled with sophisticated material. They can be packed with content, but they do not contain unnecessary words. Eliminate Redundant Words and Phrases
spherical [in shape] seven p.m. [in the evening] [final] conclusion
Eliminate Unnecessary Words Edit out words that unnecessarily pad the sentence. Wordy phrases make sentences laborious to read. It is useful to be reminded of some of the some common wordy expressions. On the left are the wordy phrases and on the right are the corresponding tightened expressions.
until daily
Focus on the Real Subject The "real" subject should be in grammatical subject of the sentence; it should be highlighted. Do not bury the real subject Poor: The use of this method would eliminate the problem. Good: This method would eliminate the problem. Also, try to avoid beginning sentences with "there is" or "it is." Begin with the real subject. Poor: There is no alternative for our company except to modify the practice. Good: We have no alternative for our company except to modify the practice.
The "real" verb should be prominent. Do not bury the real verb by placing it in the form of an abstract noun. An abstract noun most often ends in the suffix, tion. Technical writing can be very weighted down if the writer uses abstract nouns where verbs would do far better. Poor: An investigation of all possible causes was undertaken. Good: All possible causes were investigated.
Delete Needless Qualifiers Many qualifiers--I feel, I believe, in my opinion--are unnecessary. After all, the I referred to is the writer and it is obvious that he or she is the one expressing beliefs or feelings. Poor: In my opinion, you have completed this project. Good: You have completed this project.
Avoid "All-Purpose" Nouns Use precise words instead of vague words like "factor," "aspect," "thing," and element.
Poor: One thing that became clear at the meeting was that managers were not listening well to their employees. Good: One problem that became clear at the meeting was that managers were not listening well to their employees.
Use the Positive
Positive statements are more easily understood than negative ones, because they are direct. In addition, positive statements are more concise and clear. Poor: I did not gain anything from the lecture. Good: I gained nothing from the lecture.
2. Fluency in Sentences
Fluent sentences use a variety of patterns. In using different word orders and sentence lengths, fluent sentences make clear connections between major and minor points. Good writers write sentences that have fluidity and connectedness, while inexperienced writers tend to use choppy, repetitious, short sentences. When you write technical documents, you will discover that generally, you will write shorter sentences than those you write in essays. Yet, the sentences you do write in technical documents ought to have some variety in length and word order. These variations will make ideas clear and emphatic.
3. Emphasis in Sentences
Good writers make arrange words and phrases in sentences to emphasize key points. They foreground main ideas and background subordinate ideas.
It is crucial that a sentence convey the meaning of ideas easily and immediately. Good writers strive to make sentences clear upon the first reading.