Ece4710 L1

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ECE 4710 / 7710 Communication Systems

Goal : To provide an introduction to digital communication system basics. Topics include: signal analysis, power spectrum density, baseband digital signaling, signal transmission and filtering, modulated digital communications, error performance, and communication link analysis. Instructor : Dr. Curt Davis

Office : 323 EBW Phone: 884-3789 Email: Course Time : M W F from 10-11 pm
Course Location : 355 EBW Course Eligibility : Undergraduate Students: satisfactory completion of ECE 3810. Graduate Students: basic knowledge of probability and linear signals and systems. Text : Digital & Analog Communication Systems 7th Edition, Leon Couch, Prentice Hall, 2007.

ECE 4710: Lecture #1

ECE 4710 / 7710 Communication Systems

Homework : Homework will be assigned approximately once a week and will be due at the beginning of the hour for the class period one week later. Each student is allowed to turn in one late homework assignment at 50% credit and this must be turned in no later than 3 PM on the day after the assignment is due. After this no credit will be given for late homework. If you plan to miss a class for any reason, you are responsible for arranging for the homework to be turned in. Exams : All exams are mandatory. Failure to take an exam will result in an F for that exam. If for some legitimate reason (sickness, death in the family, etc.) you cannot take an exam on the scheduled day, you must notify me prior to the exam so other arrangements can be made. Grading : The following percentages will be used to determine your final course grade: Homework First Exam Second Exam Final Exam 15% 25% 30% 30%

ECE 4710: Lecture #1

ECE 4710 / 7710 Communication Systems

Grading Scale** : Grade A B C D F % > 90 80-89 70-79 60-69 < 60

** Grading scale may be adjusted at the end of the semester depending upon class performance and overall distribution of final %s. Different grading scales may be used for undergraduate and graduate students based upon class performance. Normally there is no curve for graduate students final grading scale. Academic Dishonesty : Academic honesty is fundamental to the activities and principles of a university. All members of the academic community must be confident that each persons work has been responsibly and honorably acquired, developed, and presented. Any effort to gain an advantage not given to all students is dishonest whether or not the effort is successful. The academic community regards academic dishonesty as an extremely serious matter, with serious consequences that range from probation to expulsion. When in doubt about plagiarism, paraphrasing, quoting, or collaboration, consult the course instructor. Copying homework assignments (from previous solutions or other people) and cheating on exams will not be tolerated. Any occurrence of this will be dealt with on a case by case basis and may be grounds for dismissal from the class.

ECE 4710: Lecture #1

ECE 4710 / 7710 Communication Systems

Electronic Notes
A complete set of course notes are available in MS PowerPoint format for the use of the student. The notes are organized by lecture and closely follow the lecture #s identified in the course outline. All 41 lectures are currently available on the website. These are being provided because this course covers a great deal of material in a short time. Past experience has shown that it is difficult for students to take all the notes and concentrate on the lecture content at the same time. Thus, students are encouraged to get the lecture notes prior to coming to class. These should then be brought to class so that additional comments can be added to the notes as needed. In addition, the students are encouraged to bring their course textbook to every class so that they can easily refer to figures and tables that are referenced by the instructor frequently. A complete set of the homework assignments in MS Word format are also being provided for easy access. The lecture notes and homework assignments are available at

ECE 4710: Lecture #1

ECE 4710 / 7710 Communication Systems

Computer Useage
Homework assignments will often require you to use a computer to plot signals, compute spectral responses, evaluate integrals, generate random numbers for probability calculations, and analyze communication systems. I strongly encourage students in this course to use either Matlab or Mathcad for homework problems that require this type of analysis. Student versions of these software programs are available at very reasonable prices. Computer Spectrum in Brady Commons carries the student version of Mathcad for $125. The Matlab student version can be purchased online about $100 (credit card only) at: Computer Spectrum should also be able to order this from MathWorks (company who makes Matlab) as well, but they do not currently keep it in stock.

ECE 4710: Lecture #1

ECE 4710 / 7710 Communication Systems

Computer Useage
For those of you who do not have a home computer and/or do not want to purchase the software, Matlab is available in the ECN computer lab (W2003 EBE). Your textbooks author has provided a set of Matlab (*.M) and Matchad (*.MCD) programs for solving selected equations and example/study problems throughout the textbook (See Section 1-5 on pg. 7 of textbook). The selected equations/problems that have the computer programs are denoted by a computer symbol : . The *.M and *.MCD files are available on my website in the \Matlab or \Matchad subdirectories. They are also available at the following web-site:

See Appendix C for Quick Start for Running M files and Programming in Matlab

ECE 4710: Lecture #1

ECE 4710 / 7710 Communication Systems

Lecture # 1 2 3 4 5 6 -7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 --15 16 17 18 Day of Week M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W F M W Date Aug 20 Aug 22 Aug 24 Aug 27 Aug 29 Aug. 31 Sep 3 Sep 5 Sep 7 Sep 10 Sep 12 Sep 14 Sep 17 Sep 19 Sep 21 Sep 24 Sep 26 Sep 28 Oct 1 Oct 3 Book Sections Chpt. 1 (1-6) Chpt. 1 (7-11) Chpt. 2 (1) Chpt. 2 (2-3) Chpt. 2 (6) Chpt. 2 (7,9) -Chpt. 3 (1-2) Chpt. 3 (3) Chpt. 3 (3) Chpt. 3 (4) Chpt. 3 (5) Chpt. 3 (5) Chpt. 3 (5) Chpt. 3 (6) --Chpt. 4 (1-2) Chpt. 4 (3-4, 6-8) Chpt. 4 (16) Chpt. 4 (16) Topic Introduction Information & Channel Capacity Signal Properties Fourier Transform & PSD Linear Systems Review Bandlimited Signals & Noise Labor Day Holiday Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM) Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Digital Signaling Line Codes & Spectra Line Codes & Spectra Synchronization Intersymbol Interference First Exam Modulated Signals Bandpass Spectrum & Power Txs & Rxs Rxs

ECE 4710: Lecture #1

Communication Systems
Designed to transmit information between two points Electrical systems do this via electrical signals

Time-varying voltage in electrical circuit

Wired communication Time-varying EM wave propagating through air/space Wireless communication

Transmission of information implies that message is not known ahead of time random

Randomness (entropy) is proportional to information


ECE 4710: Lecture #1


Communication Systems
Design and selection of information bearing waveforms is critical to successful communication Waveform design/selection depends on:

Signal Bandwidth Information Data Rate Transmission Center Frequency Signal Power/Energy Resistance to Noise/Interference Complexity/Cost to Design Tx/Rx Circuits

ECE 4710: Lecture #1


Communication History
Year 1837 1864 1876 1901 1921 1928 1933 1945 1948 1948 1950 Event Telegraph EM Theory Telephone Radio Transmission Mobile Radio Television Frequency Modulation (FM) First Computer Information Theory Transistor Error Coding Inventor/Comment Samuel Morse James Maxell A.G. Bell G. Marconi P.T. Farnsworth E.H. Armstrong Univ. of Penn. Claude Shannon Shockley et al. Hamming

ECE 4710: Lecture #1


Communication History
Year 1958 1965 1971 1972 1981 1983 1989 1991 1995 1998 2003 Event Integrated Circuit Satellite Communications Microprocessor Cellular Radio Concept Personal Computer 1st Generation (1G) Cellular GPS Satellites 2G Digital Cellular WWW and Internet 2G CDMA Cellular 3G Cellular Standards Qualcomm/Sprint PCS Whole World 13 Inventor/Comment Jack Kilby (TI) Intel Motorola/Bell Labs IBM Analog AMPS U.S. Military GSM in Europe

ECE 4710: Lecture #1

Analog vs. Digital

Information Source

Analog: continuous range of states

Microphone: output voltage signal with continuous range of amplitudes Digital: finite set of possible states Computer Keyboard: finite set of characters

Waveform = signal voltage vs. time

Analog continuous amplitude Digital discrete set of amplitudes

ECE 4710: Lecture #1

Digital Communication System

Typically uses BOTH analog AND digital waveforms

Analog: carrier waveform (sinusoid) for transmission Digital: discrete values for amplitude, frequency, or phase
used to represent information bits

Binary Digital Waveform

0 1 0 1 0

2 states for each digital symbol, e.g. 0, 1

1 0 1

M-ary Digital Waveform

M-states for each symbol

00 01 00 10 00 11 00 01

# Bits/Symbol = log 2 (M)

M = 4 states 2 bits/symbol

ECE 4710: Lecture #1


Deterministic vs. Random

Waveform Classification

Deterministic: waveform modeled or represented completely as a function of time, e.g. s (t) = A cos (w t + f) Random/Stochastic: cannot be completely specified as a function of

Recall that randomness = information

Waveforms must be random to carry significant information

Source/Information Waveform: each symbol can be deterministic but information stream is random Noise is also a random signal Probability/Statistics must be used to analyze performance of any communication system ECE 4710: Lecture #1

Digital Communication System

Digital communication systems have MANY advantages over analog systems including:

Data encryption for security/privacy Combine multiple information types (voice, video, data) on

a single transmission channel Resistant to noise, fading, and interference Small error probability even with large interference Error detection and correction using digital codes Implementation using all digital circuits

ECE 4710: Lecture #1


Basic Communication System

Information Source Transmission Channel Information Sink

m (t)
Baseband Signal Processing

s (t)
Noise Modulation & Carrier Circuits

r (t) n (t)
Demodulation & Carrier Circuits

m (t)
Baseband Signal Processing

Transmitter (Tx)

Receiver (Rx)

Goal: Design system to transmit information, m(t), with as little deterioration as possible within design constraints of signal power, signal bandwidth, and system cost

ECE 4710: Lecture #1


System Components

Baseband signals signal centered at f = 0

m(t) : input information signal (voice, data, video, etc.) m(t) : received information signal distorted/corrupted by
noise, interference, non-linearities, etc.

Baseband Signal Processing

Encoding of information Source coding Filtering to minimize signal bandwidth Error coding to protect information Channel Coding

ECE 4710: Lecture #1


System Components

Tx Carrier Circuit

Converts processed baseband signal into frequency band

that is appropriate for transmission thru channel Tx output s(t) is called a bandpass signal
Carrier frequency, fc, is center frequency of bandpass signal

m(t) s(t) conversion or mapping is called modulation

Channel : Two major categories

Wire coaxial, twisted pair, & fiber optic cables Wireless mobile radio, broadcast, satellite channels Introduces significant distortion and impairments
ECE 4710: Lecture #1

System Components

Channel Impairments

Attenuation, multipath echoes, fading, noise, interference,

etc. Channel characteristics can be fairly stable (wired) or change rapidly as function of time (mobile radio) Time-varying channel is difficult to model Noise Man-made: computers, motors, car ignition, other users (cellular phone) Natural: thermal background noise, lightening, etc.

ECE 4710: Lecture #1


System Components

Receiver Carrier Circuit (Rx)

Takes corrupted signal from channel and converts down Cleans up distorted baseband signal and delivers
estimate of the source information signal m(t) Filtering, bit detection, error detection/correction

to baseband signal demodulation (mod/dem = modem)

Rx Baseband Signal Processing

Performance measures

Analog output signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio Digital probability of bit error or Bit Error Rate (BER)
ECE 4710: Lecture #1

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