Statistical Package
Statistical Package
Statistical Package
A statistical package is a suite of computer programs that are specialised for statistical analysis. It enables people to obtain the results of standard statistical procedures and statistical significance tests, without requiring low-level numerical programming. Most statistical packages also provide facilities for data management.
Statistical Package
Collections of software for the analysis of
data. SPSS (Statisical Package for the Social Sciences) is one of many good ones. Some software tools perform only one task and are limited. Software packages are a mix of tools and come together as a system.
companys own homapage. SPSS is mainly the statistical program. In your research you can enter your data into the computer calculate new variables manage the SPSS files select or weight cases in your data
describe the data (frequencies, graphics, statistics) make statistical tests (t-test, chi-square test,
correlation test,...) make the statistical analysis (anova, regression, factor, discriminant, ...) select our results in the output window and move them to the text editor with SPSS.
1.1 The data presentation The data is entered in a matrix form. The variables are
installation. Here the variables are id, salbeg, sex, time, ... and the persons are in the rows. For examle the firs persons id is 628, salary in the beginning is 8400, age is 28.5 years,
1.2 Menus
SPSS is used with the drawn menus. In the up of the
screen is the menu. Here you can click a word (File, Edit, ...) in the picture to get more information about the selection. From the File menu, you can open or save datafiles, outputfiles or syntax windows. Also printing and exiting the program runs by the File-menu. From the Edit menu, you can edit the datasheet or any other window.
file transformations. For example the calcultion of the new variables, selecting and weighting cases and adding and merging files runs by the Transform menu. From the Statistics menu, you can find the data description methods, hypotheses tests and the analyses.
present your data. From the Utilities menu, you can manage the environment of the program. Here you can select fonts, get info about the files and the variables, look the value labels, ... From the Window menu, you can organize the windows you are using. From the Help menu, you can find some help to use SPSS.
1.3 Windows
The data is in one window. You get the results into one
window or you can use several output windows. Also the graphics will be presented in its own window. Instead of using menus, you can run SPSS typing the commands into the syntax window. You can hide a window to an icon pressing the triangle in the right upper corner of the window. You can select an object from the previous picture to get more information.
other windows are the data window (Newdata), the syntax window (!Syntax1) and the output window 2 (Output2). You can see here also the buttons in the windows. Pause button interrupts the scrolling and the Scroll button continues it.
can get some information of the selected area from the Glossary. The next button presents the graphic, if you have drawn one. With triangles you can browse the window. Same you can do with the buttons with two triangles. Pressing the two triangle button you go to the beginning (or end) of the concerned listing. Pressing the exclamation mark (!) activates the window. You can select for example the output window, where you want the output, pressing that button.