Pediatric Sports Injuries

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Pediatric Sports and Recreation Injuries

Terry A. Adirim, MD, MPH Washington, DC

Pediatric Sports Injuries

Learning Objectives

The Score

Children are Not Little Adults

Sports Concussions

The epidemiology of sports injuries in children Differences in physiology and development The latest in assessment and management of mTBI Evaluation and management of the child athlete Return to play

Pop Warner is Hurt--Sport Specific Injuries

Pediatric Sports Injuries

Physical Fitness Motor development Learn New Skills Improve Skills To Make Friends

Build Self-Esteem
Have Fun


Injury Surveillance

40 million people > age 6 participate in organized sports 2.6 million ED visits related to sports
Ages 5-24 5x ED visits is estimated to be # injuries

Reliable data lacking

Under age 10, most injuries are secondary to recreational activities rather than organized sports

related to sports


High School Sports with Highest Injury Rates

Body Part Most Likely Injured
Football--boys Cross Country--girls

Ankle Knee Wrist, hand, elbow Shin, calf Thigh, Groin Head, Neck, Clavicle


Catastrophic Injuries
Most common non-traumatic death in

sports is cardiovascular (e.g. hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) Among H.S. athletes, 90% of traumatic deaths involved head, neck

Football historically the sport with the most fatal traumatic deaths

Developmental and Physiological Differences Between Child and Adult Athletes



in musculoskeletal

Pediatric bone has a higher water content

and lower mineral content

The physis (growth plate) cartilaginous structure that is weaker than bone predisposed to injury

less brittle than adult bone Thick periosteum in children Rich blood supply in pediatric bone

Pearl Ligaments in children are functionally stronger than bone; therefore children are more likely to sustain fractures rather than sprains


Most commonly fractured bone in children:


Younger children fracture upper extremities As children get older, more risk for lower extremity fractures Closed reductions of fractures more common in children


Greenstick fracture

Torus fracture

The Physis
Salter-Harris Classification of Fractures

High risk for growth arrest

Pearl If a child is tender over her physis, but x-ray appears negative for fracture, splint and have child followup with sports medicine physician or orthopedist.

Capitellum Radius Internal (medial) epicondyle Trochlea Olecranon External (lateral) epicondyle

Ossification Centers of the Elbow


Supracondylar fractures of the Humerus

Most common mechanism--fall onto

outstretched hand

98% are extension type

Seen in 3-11 year olds Gartland Classification

Type Inon-displaced Type IIdisplaced with intact posterior cortex Type IIIcomplete displacement; usually posteromedial or posterolateral


pearl Check for posterior fat pad in child with swollen elbow

Type II Supracondylar fracture

Pitfall Children with type II and III need immediate referral/transfer to pediatric orthopedist
Type III Supracondylar Fracture



Are growth plates that add shape and

contour rather than length to a bone. Are often sites of muscle attachment Avulsions at the apophysis are not uncommon in older children and adolescents

Diagnosis by x-ray Conservative management

Common Overuse Injuries in Children
Traction Apophysitis Severs Disease (age 8-12)

Osgood-Schlatters (age 11-15)

Osteochondrosis of the heel

Sinding-Larsen Johansson (age 10-15) Little League Elbow (age 10-15)

Apophysitis of the tibial tubericle

Apophysitis of the inferior pole of the patella Apophysitis of the medial epicondyle of the elbow

Treatment = relative rest & strengthening

Severs Disease

Osgood Schlatters

Avulsion of tibial tubericle


Distal pole of patella

Little League Elbow

Medial epicondyle

Specific Sports and Their Injuries

Ankle sprains Bruises


Mechanism of injury is plant and twist of


knee Usually non-contact Higher incidence in girls Knee effusion common


ACL Injuries
Diagnosis can be made clinically on

examination with Lachmans test


ACL Injuries
Anterior Drawer


ACL injuries
Radiography in the ED AP/Lateral x-rays Look for tibial plateau fractures ACL is soft tissue so may not have radiologic findings


ACL Injuries
Best to allow sports medicine

consultant or orthopedist to order MRIs MRIs are performed to rule out associated injuries such as meniscal tears

Head and Neck Acromioclavicular Sprains Stingers, Burners Finger injuries

Jersey finger Mallet finger

Mechanism of C-Spine Injury

C-Spine straight with axial loading on top of head



Acromioclavicular Sprains (AC Sprains)

Mechanism is direct hit to top of shoulder Point tenderness at AC joint

Rx: Ice, Antiinflammatories, active rest

Clavicle Acromion


Burners, Stingers

Stretch or compression

of the brachial plexus Sudden pain, tingling radiating from neck to fingers Typically transient Tx = ROM, strengthening, protective gear (e.g. neck roll, cowboy collar)


Finger Injuries

Jersey fingerinjury to flexor digitalis

profundus (FDP)

Occurs during tackling in football History of failure to grab an object (e.g., football jersey or car door handle) Painful, swollen finger, especially at the volar DIPJ Ring finger commonly involved

FDP causes flexion of the DIP joints


Finger InjuriesJersey Finger

Inability to flex at the DIPJ PIPJ and MCPJ flexion preserved Radiographs (AP, lateral, oblique) to

assess for tendinous rupture or bony avulsion fracture Splint finger in comfortable position; refer to hand surgeon as soon as possible.


Mallet Finger
Flexion deformity of the DIPJ Painful, swollen fingertip May have occurred when trying to catch a ball

Inability to extend the distal phalanx at the

DIPJ Radiographs (AP, lateral, oblique) Two forms of mallet finger:

Tendinous--extensor tendon rupture Bony--bony avulsion fracture of the distal phalanx


Mallet Finger Treatment Continuous splinting 6 to 8 weeks

Bony avulsions < 1/3 of articular surface can

DIPJ must not be allowed to drop in flexion

be reduced with dorsal pressure and dorsal splinting - 6 to 8 weeks. Post-reduction radiographs are essential Refer failed non-surgical treatment, bony avulsions that are irreducible or involve 1/3 or more of the articular surface, or volar subluxation of the distal phalanx


Elbow Injuries

Little league elbow (age 10-15) Apophysitis of the medial epicondyle Overuse injury secondary to throwing mechanics Tender directly over the medial aspect of elbow Will often elicit a history of child pitching too many innings or too many pitches per week (> 200) Need to differentiate Little league elbow

from Panners disease and OCD


Panners Disease (< age 12)

Avascular necrosis of the capitellum of

the humerus Affects mostly boys Common symptoms

Pain and stiffness restricted extension motion of the elbow local tenderness over the capitellum


Panners Disease
Usually resolves on own Need to differentiate between this and OCD



Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD)

usually affects adolescents and young

adults involves separation of a segment of cartilage and subchondral bone The area most frequently affected is the anterolateral surface of the humeral capitellum


Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD)

Dx: initial radiographs, MRI for staging, loose body

Rx: Rest, refer to sports medicine specialist

ACL injuries Patellar tendonitis (Jumpers knee)

Ankle sprains very commonly injured joint Most common is lateral ankle sprains In child with open physis, if tender

over lateral malleolus, then splint and refer for follow-up


Lateral ankle sprains

Mechanism is inversion, plantar flexed


High ankle sprain

Syndesmosis injury ligament between tibia and fibula tears Mechanism is outward twisting of ankle


Syndesmosis Injury

Associated injurymaisonneuve fracture Radiographs: AP, Lateral and Mortise views

Proximal tibia fracture


Most of the time surgery necessary Refer to orthopedist


Back Injuries Spondylolysis

stress fracture or defect of the pars interarticularis in a vertebra due to repetitive increase in shear forces in the lumbar spine Spondylolisthesis movements of extension and rotation leading to slipping of all or part of one vertebra forward on another slippage occurs as a result of repetitive hyperextension which causes a shear stress at the pars interarticularis.


Symptoms include:
Insidious onset Pain with hyperextension (e.g. back walkover)

Initially pain with sports, then increases to pain

with ADLs and progressing to pain interfering with sleep A hyperlordotic (increased curvature, not scoliotic) lower back Relative tightness of the hamstring muscles.




X-rays: AP, Lateral and oblique If neg., CT, spect scan or MRI

Rest, analgesics Referral to orthopedist

Pearl Back pain in children less than 18 is always pathologic until proven otherwise

Pediatric Sports Injuries:

management principles for treatment of sports medicine injuries in the ED/Office:
Ice is a sports medicine druguse liberally
When in doubt, immobilize, consult Best to have athlete rest until reevaluated


Refer child and adolescent athletes to sports

medicine specialists

Pediatric Sports Injury Sources

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