Spinal Immobilization - Hatem Alsrour

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King Saud University

College of Nursing


Hatem Alsrour
The objectives :

What is spinal immobilization

,mechanisms of spinal injury ?

What is the purpose of spinal

immobilization ?

How can I perform spinal

immobilization(techniques) ,
recognize the materials used?
What is spinal
Spinal Immobilization : It is a set
of techniques that performed for
any person
who may have spinal injury, or have
neurological changes due to the
mechanism of injury.
Mechanisms of spinal
(blunt & penetrating which is obvious )
The types of forces that causes spinal
Hyperextension, Hyperflexion,
Compression, Distraction, Rotation.
*Hyperextension, Hyperflexion:

Hyperextension: injuries appear in

19% to 38% of SCI
and occur when the spine is arched
backwards beyond
This type of injury is seen most
commonly in the upper
cervical section of the spinal cord
thoracic and lumbar hyperextension
injuries are less common.
Causes :motor vehicles without head

Hyperflexion : Hyperflexion injuries

appear when the spine is arched
forwards beyond normal limits.
Causes : motor vehicle crashes ,
*Compression: Compression injuries
occur when the spinal cord is
Compression injuries are often caused by:
• Diving injuries.
• Impacting windscreens in motor vehicle.

*Distraction: Distraction injuries are

an .overstretching of the spinal cord
Distraction injuries are often caused
• Hanging injuries.
• Playground injuries to children.
Rotational injuries occur when head
and body rotate in
opposite directions resulting in
twisting of the muscle,
ligaments, vertebrae and / or spinal
Rotational injuries are often caused by:
• Motor vehicle rollovers.
• Ejections from a motor vehicle.

The purpose of spinal

immobilization is to either
minimize or prevent injury to the
spinal cord, the spinal nerve roots
and/or vertebrae.
Perform spinal
Before stabilizing the patient you
should examine the motor and
sensory function and it takes
between 20 - 30
seconds to complete.
By checking the following:
:*Sensory exam of the 4 limbs
examining upper body sensation
across the back of both hands
against sensation in the forehead.
lower body sensation is checked by
examining sensation under both
knees and comparing
sensation against the forehead.

*Motor exam by grasping both of the

Officer’s hands to confirm motor
nerve function is present, and
compare the .patient’s strength in
both hands
Lower body motor function is checked
ask the pt to push downwards against
the Officer’s hands with both feet to
confirm motor
nerve function is present, and
compare the patient’s
strength in both legs.
Techniques that used in stabilizing
the spine:
1.Manual in line stabilization.
2.Cevical collars.
3.Log roll ( long spine board).
Manual in line stabilization:
The aim of Manual In-Line
stabilization is twofold:
• To provide immediate temporary
stabilization of the cervical spine.
• To join the head to the chest to
stabilize the neck.
Without the use of devices

How to do it?
From behind the patient, the Officer places their
hands over the patient’s ears.
• The Officer then places thumbs of each hand against
the posterior aspect of the patient’s skull and at the
same time the Officer places both of their little fingers
just above the patient’s angle of the mandible.
• The Officer now places their index and ring fingers of
each hand on either side of the appropriate cheek
bone of the patient.
• If the patient’s head is not in the neutral in-line
position, slowly realign it
:Cervical collars
Training Requirements: 2 x Staff
1 x Patient
1 x Cervical Collar

How to do it?
1.performs Manual In-Line Stabilisation
One of the staff should maintain in manual until pt
2.selects the appropriate size Cervical Collar
3.apply the Cervical Collar by sliding the Cervical
In sideways from the right side.
Once the Cervical Collar has been slid in behind
patient, Officer 2 locates & holds the Collar
Long spine board :
(LSB) provides one of the most versatile tools
available for the prehospital environment allowing
for multiple uses including a patient lifting device,
platform, patient protection during vehicle cutting,
spinal immobilisation, leg or pelvic
fracture splint, extrication tool, etc.

The most technique used with LSB is Log Roll

technique. (log roll 4 persons , 2 persons )
The log roll technique is one of the most commonly
used manoeuvres for moving a patient
onto a Long Spine Board (LSB), as there is a current
belief that it maintains adequate spine
alignment, whether the patient is found in the supine,

Training Requirements: 4 x Staff

1 x Patient
1 x Cervical Collar
1 x Long Spine Board (LSB)
1 x Blanket
1 x Towel
1 x Hand / Wrist Airsplint

First :cevical collar

While Manual In-Line Stabilisation is
maintained by Officer 1
at the patient’s head Officer 2 applies
Cervical Collar and places the LSB
alongside the Officer 1.
Officer 2 grasps the far side of the
patient at the
Officer 3 kneels next to Officer 2 and
shoulder and just above the elbow..
grasps the patient’s
pelvic bone. Officer 3’s lower hand
grasps both trouser
cuffs at the ankles.
With Officer 2 at the chest in charge,
the patient is carefully
log rolled until right angles to the
Officer 1 at the head watches the
patient’s torso turn and
maintains manual support of the
head, rotating it exactly
with the torso.
Officer 3 at the patient’s legs assists
with rotation of the
patient’s torso and takes the weight
of the patient’s pelvis,
again watching the torso. The
patient’s lower legs roll onto
Officer 2’s lower foot to prevent
pelvic drooping.
Before rolling the patient down
onto the LSB, and if
appropriate, cut away the clothing
covering the patient’s
back and examine this area for
A folded blanket running the length
of the patient’s posterior
body (head to feet) can be placed
against the patient
to improve comfort after the
patient is laid back on the
LSB.15-18 This will also assist in
the later removal of the
patient off the LSB.
Officer 4 slides the LSB in against the patient’s
back and
elevates the side of the LSB furthest from the
patient at a
45º angle towards the patient’s back. Align the

Lower the patient and elevated side of the LSB

down onto
the ground together, with the LSB assisting to
alignment of the patient, again with Officer 2 at
the patient’s
Keeping the patient in the neutral in-
line position, gently
adjust the patient’s position sideways
so that the patient is
centred on the LSB.

Apply appropriate padding under the

patient’s head and
lumbar spine to maintain proper
alignment of the spinal
column11 and for comfort.12 Immobilise
the patient onto the
LSB for transport

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