Plaque Control
Plaque Control
Plaque Control
Dental plaque
A biofilm consists of complex communities of bacterial species that reside on tooth surfaces or soft tissues 400-1000 species
Biofilm concept
matrix-enclosed bacterial populations adherent to each other and/or to surfaces of interfaces
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans Porphyromonas gingivalis Bacteroides forsythus 1996 American Academy of Periodontology Spirochetes Prevotella intermedia Fusobacterium nucleatum Campylobacter rectus Eikenella corrodens Peptostreptococcus micros Eubacterium species Selenomonas species
Plaque control: the removal of dental plaque on a regular basis and the prevention of its accumulation on the teeth and adjacent gingival surfaces. Position: supra- & sub-gingival plaque control Methods: mechanical & chemical
Experimental gingivitis
Dental plaque was allowed to accumulate in the absence of any plaque control procedures, resulting in the development of gingivitis in all subjects within 7-21 days.
1965 Le
Toothbrush Methods of toothbrushing Frequency and effectiveness of toothbrushing Toothbrush wear and replacement Electric toothbrushes
Interdental cleaning
Dental floss and tape Toothpicks Interproximal brushes Single-tufted brush
Adjunctive aids
Dental irrigation devices Tongue scrapers Dentifrices
Effects and sequelae of the incorrect use of mechanical plaque removal devices
Gingival erosion Gingival recession Cervical abrasion Toothbrush stiffness Method of brushing Brushing frequency
American Dental Association (ADA) Brush length: 1-1.25 inches Brush width: 5/16-3/8 inches 2-4 rows 5-12 tufts per row
Toothbrush bristles
Natural: hog Artificial filaments: nylon
Bristle hardness
Proportional to the square of the diameter and inversely proportional to the square of bristle length Soft brush: 0.007 inch(0.2 mm) Medium brush: 0.012 inch(0.3 mm) Hard brush: 0.014 inch(0.4 mm)
For most patients, short-headed brushes with straight-cut, round-ended, soft to medium nylon bristles arranged in three or four rows of tufts are recommended.
Powered toothbrushes
Powered toothbrushes are not generally superior to manual ones Powered toothbrushes have been shown to improve oral health:
Children and adolescents Children with physical or mental disabilities Hospitalized patients Patients with fixed orthodontic appliances
Dentifrices aid in cleaning and polishing tooth surfaces Paste, powder and gel
Abrasive: silica, alumina, dicalcium phosphate, and calcium carbonate Detergent: sodium lauryl sulfate Thickeners: silica and gums Sweeteners: saccharine Humectants: glycerine and sorbitol Flavors: mint, peppermint Actives: fluorides, triclosan and stannous fluoride
Upper arch > lower arch Left side > right side Abrasive: powder > paste, gel (5 times) Cementum > dentin > enamel 35 25 1
Toothbrushing methods
Horizontal brushing (scrub) Leonard method (vertical) Bass method Modified Bass methods Stillman methos (vibratory) Modified Stillman method (roll) Charters method Methods of cleaning with powered toothbrushes
Bass method
The efficacy of brushing with regard to plaque removal is dictated by three main factors: The design of the brush The skill of the individual using the brush The frequency and duration of use
1986 Frandsen
Dental floss
Multifilament vs. monofilament Twisted vs. untwisted Bonded vs. unbonded Waxed vs. unwaxed 12-18 inches for use Stretch: thumb and forefinger Up-and-down stroke
Interdental brush
Gingival massage
Epithelial thickening, increased keratinization, and increased mitotic activity in epithelium and connective tissue Emphasizing the importance of altering or removing plaque rather than stimulating or thickening the keratinized surface in the plaque control program
Subgingival irrigation
ADA has accepted two agents for treatment of gingivitis: Prescription solutions of chlorhexidine digluconate mouthrinse Nonprescription essential oil mouthrinse
Chlorhexidine: plaque reduction 45-61%, gingivitis reduction 27-67% Essential oil mouthrinse: plaque reduction 20-35%, gingivitis reduction 25-35%
In the US: 0.12 % solution
Chlorhexidine-side effects
Brown discoloration Taste perturbation Oral mucosal erosion Parotid swelling Enhanced supragingival calculus formation
1971 Flotra
Disclosing agents
Solutions or wafer capable of staining bacterial deposits on the surfaces of teeth, tongue, and gingiva Erythrosine, fuchsin Fluoresceincontaining dye
Plaque control
Mechanical plaque control is necessary and not replaceable by chemical plaque control Mechanical plaque control >>>>>> chemical plaque control