California Management Review Rudy Hirschheim and Rajiv Sabherwal
California Management Review Rudy Hirschheim and Rajiv Sabherwal
California Management Review Rudy Hirschheim and Rajiv Sabherwal
Strategic Alignment
Attaining the appropriate structure and capabilities to
IT-Business Alignment is: NOT an event A process of continuous adaptation and change
business objectives
IS Strategy Lens
IS Role
Efficient, Comprehensive, Opportunistic Outsourcing, In-sourcing, Selective Sourcing Centralized, Shared, Decentralized
IS Sourcing
IS Structure
Started in 1976 as an equipment sales company
Became independent equipment leaser in 1983 Net worth: $25 Million (1986) to $100 Million (1996) Low level of Alignment to start with Trajectories:
Prospector Defender (Paradoxical Decision) Defender Prospector (Uncertain Turnaround)
Still groping (at the time of the case); senior managers seriously
Alpha - Analysis
Operated in a decentralized fashion
IS personnel isolated from the business functions Ignored the impact of the Tax Reform Act Failed to recognize the decline in mainframes
Conclusions: Failed due to oscillating IS strategies Partial alignment achieved over years Still Struggling (at the time of the case)
Diversified Australian company
Consequence: Net Earnings Per Share increased by 20% from 1996 to 1997
Beta - Analysis
Recognized the competitive threats and switched the business
(shared structure)
US subsidiary of a multinational corporation
Defender Analyzer (Paradoxical Decision and Excessive Transform.) Realigned IS strategy to Analyzer
Uncertain turnaround in Period 3 towards the IS strategy of Period 1 caused
Gamma - Analysis
Increased competition and dipping financials led to hiring a
Pragmatics of Alignment