The Elements of The Reading and Writing

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The Elements Of The Reading And Writing

PHONEMIC AWARENESS The knowledge and manipulation of sounds in spoken words. Phonemic awareness is closely related to phonics because both involve the connection between sounds and words. While phonics is the connection between sounds and letters, phonemic awareness is the understanding that words are created from phonemes (small units of sound in language). These may seem like the same thing, but there is a subtle difference in the two. Phonics is used only in written language because it involves letters. Phonemes are sounds only. Phonemes are most often learned before a child begins to read because they are centered on the sounds of language rather than written words.

PHONICS The relationship between written and spoken letters and sounds. Phonics is the connection between sounds and letter symbols. It is also the combination of these sound-symbol connections to create words. There are a number of ways that phonics can be taught because there is a variety of ways to apply this aspect when reading. Each approach allows the reader to use phonics to read and learn new words in a different way.

READING FLUENCY, INCLUDING ORAL READING SKILLS The ability to read with accuracy, and with appropriate rate, expression, and phrasing. Fluency is intimately tied to comprehension. A reader must be able to move quickly enough through a text to develop meaning. If he is bogged down reading each individual word, he is not able to create an overall picture in his mind of what the text is saying. Even if the reader is able to move rapidly through a text, if he cannot master the expression associated with the words, the meaning of it will be lost.

VOCABULARY DEVELOPMENT The knowledge of words, their definitions, and context. There are two primary ways of teaching and learning new vocabulary words. The first is explicit instruction. This involves someone telling you how a word is pronounced and what its meaning is. That someone might be a teacher, a dictionary, a vocabulary guide or any other resource offering definitions and pronunciations. Context clues provide another method for discovering new words. Context clues are the hints contained in a text that help a reader figure out the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Context clues are basically any item in the text that points to the definition of a new word.

READING COMPREHENSION STRATEGIES The understanding of meaning in text. Must be based on scientifically based research. Must include classroom-based screening, and instructional and diagnostic reading assessments. Should provide ongoing, high-quality professional development focused on essential elements of reading. It not only involves all of the other four aspects of reading, it also requires the reader to draw upon general thinking skills. Like vocabulary, reading comprehension skills develop and improve over time through instruction and practice.

4 Stages of Writing
The four stages of teaching good writing is a gradual release from teacher-directed to complete independence. It is tightly controlled to ensure success, yet the lessons can be really fun. The stages are: - Modeled Writing - Shared Writing - Guided Writing - Independent Writing For each stage you will find a specific strategy to use in your lessons. Each strategy can be used as a standalone lesson or at intervals during other stages.

Modeled Writing
What is Modeled Writing? -A think aloud about strategies -Utilizes a problem-solving approach -Can be used to teach a specific element of language Modeled writing is the first step in teaching writing to children. This is when the teacher is in front of the class doing all of the writing.

Shared Writing
During shared writing, a teacher will scribe the words, but the students are now invited to contribute to the piece. This is the type of writing that the teacher tend to do a lot of at the beginning of the year in the level two classroom. Students contribute ideas while the teacher writes. Lots of discussion, questions and answers Think aloud continue to be used.

Guided Writing
Guided writing is the third step in teaching writing to children. In guided writing, teachers continually provide feedback, redirection and expansion of ideas. Any area of writing can be addressed, but it works well to put similar needs together and address them at the same time. The step between teacher directed and independent writing Teacher utilizes prompts and clues to help develop ideas and organization Teacher works with students either small group or independently Oral discussion of sentences before writing

Independent Writing
This is where the students effectively utilize written language for their own purposes or as assigned by the teacher. These writing pieces can be anything, from creative stories and reports to writing journals or letters to friends and family. Students use ideas from shared writing to produce their own independent piece Reference to charts and other materials to revise and edit composition Teacher evaluation for growth

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