Programme: Mba Course: Behavioural Science Name of Faculty: Prof. (Col.) A.K.Rajpal
Programme: Mba Course: Behavioural Science Name of Faculty: Prof. (Col.) A.K.Rajpal
Programme: Mba Course: Behavioural Science Name of Faculty: Prof. (Col.) A.K.Rajpal
Effect Of Attitude On Behaviour
People have natural tendency to maintain consistency between attitude and
If our attitudes are positive, things look brighter than if they are
Attitude and Job Satisfaction
The Players
The Critics
The Spectators
Check Your Attitude
At Home
At Work
In Life
Attitude And Stress
The word stress is derived from the Latin word “Stringer’ which
means ‘to draw tight”.
Success is not merely about managing the life and job if it does
not complement a management of our inner selves to her positive
attitude and remain destressed all the time.
Steps to Building A Positive Attitude
We can build and maintain a positive attitude:-
Become aware of the principles that build a positive
Desire to be positive
those principles.
Let us get away from the past and get back in the main
stream and think positive, be true, honest and good.
•Let us consciously practise the following steps for
building and maintaining a positive attitude:-
Change Focus, Look for the Positive.
Looking for the Gold.
Make a habit of doing it now.
Develop an Attitude of Gratitude.
Get into a continuous Education Programme.
Sharpen Your Axe.
Build Positive Self Esteem.
Action Plan
“Dream are a dime a dozen ……It is their execution that counts”.
List two problem you have with your attitude.
Then write down at least one potential positive outcome.
Though not easy, but can be done if we get used to looking for
opportunities in problems.
Practise this strategy with future problems your may encounter.
Make a list of things you would like to change about yourself.
Then list the benefits to you and others of each change.
Finally, establish a timetable and commit yourself to make the changes.