The Amish Community of America: Edina Gerzsenyi
The Amish Community of America: Edina Gerzsenyi
The Amish Community of America: Edina Gerzsenyi
Edina Gerzsenyi
Amish Community
Who are they Their history A!!earan"e Chur"h or#anization Ordinan"e $etter Re%i#ious !ra"ti"es Way o& %i&e Fami%y
The Amish are a group of Christian church fellowships that form a subgroup of the Mennonite churches. The Amish are known for simple living, plain dress, and reluctance to adopt many conveniences of modern technology.
Their history
'ire"t des"endants o& the S(iss )rethen *an Ana+a!tist +anned #rou!, In -./0 1a"o+ Amman2 a %eader in Mennonite "hur"h2 +e#an to stru##%e o3er some re%i#ious !ra"ti"es that (ere ta4in# !%a"e in the "hur"h 1a"o+ Amman "aused di3isions (ithin the Mennonite "hur"h5 $ater2 1a"o+ Amman and some o& his %eaders de"ided to try to re6oin the mainstream Mennonite "hur"h
Comin# to Ameri"a
On O"to+er 72 -878 the &irst Amish !eo!%e "ame to Ameri"a on the Ad3enturer and sett%es in 9hi%ade%!hia
Men !%ain2 dar4 "o%oured suit )eards
Women 9%ain "o%oured dress (ith %on# s%ee3es White !rayer i& married )%a"4 !rayer i& sin#%e )%ue or 9ur!%e i& +ride
Chur"h or#anization
Con#re#ationa% or#anization
'o not a%%o( (omen to he%d !o(er Four "hur"h o&&i"es : on%y &or men
;<%%in#er 'iener : Fu%% Ser3ant or )isho! 'iener zum )u"h == Ser3ant o& the )oo4 or minister ;<%%in#er armendiener == Fu%% Ser3ant o& the 9oor or Fu%% 'ea"on Armendiener == Ser3ant o& the 9oor or 'ea"on
$an#ua#e? 9ennsy%3ania 'ut"h *German dia%e"t, : Hi#h German used in (orshi!s Edu"ation? s"hoo%s are one=room +ui%din#s run +y Amish Stay a(ay &rom !o%iti"s? ta4e no !art in 3otin#2 re&use to o(n a So"ia% Se"urity num+er +ut !ay ta@es
'o not use !u+%i" e%e"tri"ity : the %i#ht is &rom #as= !ressured %anterns 'o not ha3e radios2 T;s2 "om!uters or te%e!hones They are &armers +ut do not use tra"tors 'o not ta4e !hotos or a%%o(ed themse%3es to +e !hoto#ra!hed : this (ou%d +e e3iden"e o& !ride and 3anity
Fami%y is the +ase o& the Amish Community Marria#e outside &aith is not a%%o(ed Cou!%es (ho !%an to marry are A!u+%ishedB in %ate O"to+er They are married in one o& their homes durin# No3em+er or ear%y 'e"em+er on Tuesday or Thursday
An Amish Weddin#