Prepared By:-Jaykant Singh & Nabhonil Basu Choudhury Guided By:-Prof. Pragyan Pushpanjali

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Prepared By:Jaykant Singh & Nabhonil Basu Choudhury Guided By:-Prof.

Pragyan Pushpanjali

1. An Overview Of Vedic Literature and thoughts 2. Vedic Management 3. Bhagwad Gita & Management 4. Relevance Of Vedic thoughts In Indian Management 5. Vedic Model Of Excellence 6. Bibliography

The Vedas refer to ancient knowledge of supreme authority. The Vedic literature is meant for the emancipation of the entire humanity. The term Veda is derived from the root vid which refers to universal knowledge propagated by inspired and enlightened rishis for the social and spiritual benefit of the entire humanity cutting across race, religion, caste, creed or colour.

The Vedas are known as akshara brahman, meaning eternal reality which hold relevance at any point of time . The scope of Vedas encompasses the three-fold aspects of karma (action), upAsanA (meditation) and jAna (Knowledge). Physical activities, mental endeavors and spiritual pursuits are covered in the Vedic thoughts. The Vedic Literature is Oriented towardsachieving universal development, peace and welfare and inspire one to scale heights of excellence in his chosen field of activity.

Vedic thought is holistic in nature which consists of the four objects of life ,Dharma,Artha,kama,Moksha. In social context Dharma implies social dharma i.e. social dharma of the corporates is their social responsibility. Concept of Artha & Kama capture the capitalistic thought that emphasizes the wealth creation for pleasure of one and all. Moksha leads to spiritualism.

The Vedas cover the four-fold values of great relevance to human beings in terms of physiological, material, intellectual and spiritual values. They deal with physiological values for maintaining bodily health, strength and vigour They discuss material values through ways and means of attaining riches, wealth and enjoyments. The Vedas focus on intellectual values like unambiguous knowledge, skills and efficiency.

They highlight spiritual values in the form of truthfulness, righteousness and Self-realization. All of the above things inspire the individual to realize the existence of subtle aspects in a conscious manner rather than looking at only the gross aspects of existence.

Vedic Management from a holistic perspective can be viewed as a hierarchy starting from the individual standpoint represented by self management and proceeding forwards stage by stage to the management at the peak.

The Bhagwad Gita enlightens us on all managerial techniques leading us towards a harmonious and blissful state of affairs in place of the conflict, tensions, poor productivity, absence of motivation and so on, common in most of Indian enterprises today. The concept of vision, leadership, motivation, excellence in work, achieving goals, planning & decision making are all discussed in it.

The Bhagwad Gita way of management incorporates the way to tackle the issue from grass root level of human thinking which can itself lead to the solution.

It gives stress on some most basic ideas required to blissfully run management and economy like Utilization Of Available Resources, Work Commitment, Self & Self transcendental motivation, Work culture & results.

The first lesson of management science is to choose wisely and utilize scarce resources optimally. During the curtain raiser before the Mahabharata War, Duryodhana chose Sri Krishna's large army for his help while Arjuna selected Sri Krishna's wisdom for his support. This episode gives us a clue as to the nature of the effective manager the former chose numbers, the latter, wisdom. It advises one to be involved in dedicated work i.e. one should have a greater work commitment.

The vedic thoughts emphasize on self transcendence that involves renouncing egoism, putting others before oneself, teamwork, dignity, harmony, cooperation & trust and indeed potentially sacrificing lower needs for higher goals those are truly relevant in present scenario. Vedic work culture involves fearlessness, purity, ,straightforwardness, self denial, calmness, absence of greed, gentle, modesty which build an ethical work environment.

The Vedic model of excellence highlights that excellence(utkrishtatA), when pursued in a holistic manner, leads in the ultimate analysis to the three-fold dimensions of Universal wellbeing encompassing viSva vikAsah (Universal Development), viSva SAntih(Universal Peace) and viSva kauSalam (Universal Welfare).This model aims at maximising productivity, efficiency & effectiveness at all levels both horizontally & vertically which enroutes to the success of an organisation. Bhagwad Gita & Management by M.P. Bhattathiri

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