Ma Rgy Ne E Ms MS) S Te Sy (E

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gem en t

y M a na
En er g
s t e ms
Sy (EM S )

Mr. wasan
Mr. Bancha sreewirote
 The EMS is a software system. Most
utility companies purchase their EMS
from one or more EMS vendors.
These EMS vendors are companies
specializing in design, development,
installation, and maintenance of EMS
within ECCs. There are a number of
EMS vendors in the U.S., and they
hire many power system engineers
with good software development
 During the time period of the 1970s
through about 2000, almost all EMS
software applications were developed
for installation on the control centers
computers. An attractive alternative
today is, however, the application
service provider, where the software
resides on the vendor’s computer and
control center personnel access it
from the Internet. Benefits from this
arrangement [10] include application
flexibility and reliability in the
software system and reduced
installation cost.
 One can observe from Figure 3
that the EMS consists of 4 major
functions: network model building
(including topology processing
and state estimation), security
assessment, automatic
generation control, and dispatch.
These functions are described in
more detail in the following
M S s
E tion
u n c
1. Network Model Builder
2. Power Flow Calculations
3. Optimal Power Flow (OPF)
4. State Estimator (SE)
5. Real-time Network Analysis
6. Study Network Analysis
7. Voltage Reactive Power Control (VQC)
8. Automatic Generation Control (AGC)
9. Economic Load Dispatch
10. Generation Planning
11. Water System Management
12. Hydro-thermal Optimal Scheduling
13. Unit Commitment
14. Load Forecast
15. Security Analysis
16. Voltage Stability
17. Transient Stability Control
Network Model Builder
 A network model is necessary in order to
determine whether operating conditions are safe
under the existing topology and also under the
event that one or more components fail and are
outaged. The network model must reflect the
correct topology and the correct operating
conditions relative to the actual network
conditions. The information available to construct
the network model includes the status indicators
and the analog measurements available from the
SCADA. The result of the network model builder is
a power flow model. Network model building
takes place in two steps, topology processing and
state estimation.
Power Flow Calculations
Optimal Power Flow (OPF)
 The OPF is a general-purpose tool using optimization
techniques for performing steady-state network
analysis. The OPF will be used for operator load flow,
security analysis, and for optimization functions such as
the SCOD, security enhancement, and VVS . The OPF
shall be capable of finding solutions for various
objective functions and for handling different types of
network and operating constraints. Although the OPF
has been a part of the standard EMS software package
in control centers for many years, it has had a dismal
record of actual use by operators. It took the advent of
open access and the competitive market to give OPF a
new lease on life and a dubious respectability as the
indispensable tool for nodal pricing and its variants,
zonal and locational pricing.
State Estimator (SE)
 This calculation is based on the telemetered
analog quantities (MW, MVAr, and KV) and the
most current topology of the power system.
 State Estimation processes telemetered system
power measurements to obtain an estimate of
‘State’ - the magnitudes and phase angles of bus
voltages in the actual power systems.
 Knowing the state of the power system, it
calculates the MW, MVAr, and MVA flows through
all the transmission lines and transformers and
the MW and MVAr injections for all the loads and
generation sources.
 These calculated voltage and power values
provide useful operational information in cases
when no telemetry is available. When valid
telemetry does exist, the calculated quantities
can be used to identify measurement errors.
Real-time Network
Study Network Analysis
Voltage Reactive Power
Control (VQC)
Automatic Generation
Control (AGC)
 As we have seen already in this
course, the purpose of AGC is to
regulate the system frequency
and power interchange between
control areas.
 There are two SCADA measurement used
by AGC: total net tie line flow and
frequency. There also exist scheduled
values for these two parameters. The
scheduled net tie line flow depends on
the total sales less purchases to other
control areas. The scheduled frequency is
always 60 Hz. The differences between
actual and scheduled tie line flow and
frequency can be denoted as ∆ Ptie and
∆ f, respectively.
 These two values are combined in a
weighted sum ∆ Ptie+β ∆ f and provided
as the AGC control actuation signal. If this
signal is positive, it means that either our
control area is selling too much power or
the frequency is too high. In either case,
the solution is to reduce generation within
our control area, and “lower” command
pulses are consequently sent to all
generators. If the control actuation signal
is negative, it means that either our
control area is buying too much power or
the frequency is too low.
 In either case, the solution is to
increase generation within our
control area, and “raise” command
pulses are consequently sent to all
generators. AGC typically sends
the appropriate command pulses
to the generators every 1-5
 It is important to recognize that
the command pulses sent to each
generator represent incremental
changes only. This leaves the
question: What should be the set
point power levels at the
 These tools provide online cost and usage
comparison against on-site generation, power
exchange allocation, and spinning reserves
while providing a power consumption and
pricing profiles for reporting purposes.

 Minimize Area Control Error (ACE)

 Minimize operating costs
 Maintain generation at fixed (baseload) values
 Ramp generation in a linear fashion per
interchange schedule
Economic Load
 Previous to the power industry
restructuring, all ECCs had ECCs used
economic dispatch calculation (EDC)
to determine the set point power
levels of all generators in order to
supply the demand. Such a system
still exists in some parts of the
 But in other parts, a market dispatch
is done based on an auction system
whereby the optimization algorithm is
similar to EDC except generator cost-
rate curves are replaced by generator
owner bids. We have already studied
the EDC problem and solution
 The OPF is also an optimization
problem. It is similar to EDC in that it
typically has the same objective of
minimizing the total cost of generation
in order to supply the demand. Yet it
extends the EDC to account for the
equality constraints governing the real
and reactive power flowing out of
each bus and therefore, its optimal
solutions are more realistic.
 More important, it offers the
capability to determine the effects
of different electrical constraints
on the system economic
operation. The security
constrained OPF (SCOPF) extends
the OPF to account for flow and
voltage constraints imposed by
security considerations identified
through contingency analysis.
Generation Planning
 long term generation planning using
probabilistic simulation and dynamic
programming techniques
 alternative scenario analysis combining
generation with transmission to supply
dispersed load centres
 composite power system reliability
 optimisation of power generation installations
that integrate and supply electricity to existing
power systems, including determination of
power station size, type and operating modes
 study of environmental benefits/costs for power
installations, including pumped storage
 study of alternative generation types
for small scale supply, including:
-small/Mini/Micro hydro

power system operation optimisation.

coconut oil
Water System
Hydro-thermal Optimal
 Scheduling Generation with Limited Energy
Many times, the power to be generated comes from a
fuel source that is limited. These limits can
be in place because of the plants gas, oil or coal
supplies. In the US the gas suppliers write what
are called “take or pay” contracts in which the utility
agrees to pay a fixed amount for a specified
number of cubic feet of gas. The utility then has the
responsibility to burn that gas in an allotted
time - and if it doesn’t use the gas it simply losses it.
Therefore there is a great incentive to burn
the gas within the allotted time schedule.
 A very similar problem exists in the
scheduling of hydro plants where
water must be passed
through hydro turbines to meet a
given schedule. The complicating f
actor with hydro plants is the
constraints that are placed on the
plant by the river system and by
other hydro plants that might bein
series on a river.
 Finally, there is the problem of scheduling
pumped storage plants where the economy is d
from the fact that the plant draws electric
energy from the network when it is inexpensive
stores that energy as water that has been
pumped to a higher elevation. The energy then
can be
returned to the system by generating with the
same water. Usually the generation is done
periods when the cost of power is high. In this
way a pump-generate cycle can actually reduce
overall cost of operating the power system
Unit Commitment
 Scheduling Generating Units ON and OFF

The fact that the load on a power system goes up and

down as people and business raise and lower
their load requires that electric utility operators
schedule units to come on during high load periods
and go off during low load periods. Usually, the
operators require enough generating capacity to
meet the maximum expected load and then add an
additional amount of reserve to be used in the
event of the outage of one or more units
 The on/off cycle of generating units has been a
particularly difficult scheduling problem to solve.
By its nature, it requires the solution of variables that
are either 1 or 0 and is therefore a hard
problem. The problem was solved reasonably well using
dynamic programming for many years
and recently has been solved with much more precision
using a technique known as Lagrange
Load Forecast
 long, medium and short term load
forecasting using
- a range of statistical analyses
-segregation of load forecast by
tariff category and land zone
-advanced spatial techniques
where appropriate zoning exists
 site measured statistics using
appropriate recording
 integration of load forecasts into
generation, transmission,
distribution and financial system
Security Analysis

Before generation schedules are finalized, the
ISO will verify the effect of the proposed
transactions on the transmission network. Two
software tools will be available for this purpose
the OPF and DSA. The OPF will be used to
identify possible steady-state constraint
violations with and without contingencies. If
violations are uncovered, a rescheduling will be
performed using a study version of the SCOD.
The market players will then be advised of the
of the recommended corrective reschedules.
Final schedules will be established after new
schedules are free of constraint violations.
 Depending upon network conditions and
other factors, such as weather, the ISO
operator may invoke the DSA to see if
modifications of trading schedules would
be required for either transient stability
or voltage stability. We expect voltage
stability to be the more common type of
congestion problem in the liberalized
power system.
 In the event that steady-state
problems exist or are suddenly
caused by a network change,
corrective action can be
determined by using the OPF or
its variants, SCOD and VVS
Voltage Stability
Voltage Stability Analysis (VSA) Tool

 VSA Real-Time Mode (VSA/RT)

 VSA Real-Time Look-Ahead Mode


 VSA On-line Study Mode (VSA/OS)

VSA Tool Input and Output
Transient Stability
Questions and Answers


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