What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?
What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?
What Kind of Media Institution Might Distribute Your Media Product and Why?
By Kyle Whitton
Film4 - Independent
Film 4 productions is a British film production company which is owned by Channel 4 which has been a production company since 1998, where it was called Film Four. In more recent years film 4 has produced films such as 127 hours where it managed to make $60,738,797 in the box office with an $18 Million dollar budget. 172 Hours is a thriller movie that taps into the idea of relating with a characters tragic situation just like in our opening sequence.
Income in 2013: $2.078 billion Founded: 1995 Lionsgate produce a various number of films but some of their most successfully produced films are from the thriller genre. A large film produced by Lionsgate was Hunger Games which had a budget of $78 million, and made $691,247,768 in the box office. The story revolves around a girl who lives in a time of what sees like slavery, so therefore the girl is (just like 127 hours) put in a bad position.
Founded: 1912 Income for 2011: $4.239 Billion Universal is a multinational known production company and operates with making a wide variety of different movies, anything from kids films to horror films. However, more recent films that Universal has made has been thriller movies which have been very successful in the box office. Thriller movies made by Universal: The Purge, Chucky
Universal - Major