EEP101/econ 125 Adoption and The Environment: David Zilberman
EEP101/econ 125 Adoption and The Environment: David Zilberman
EEP101/econ 125 Adoption and The Environment: David Zilberman
David Zilberman
Need to choose
Quantify each of the technologies- in terms of productivity, externality and costs Assess the best use of each technology and the net reward it generates Select the best technology Conduct Sensitivity analysis
Identify the conditions under which you select each technology
Quantifying a technology
Y=Fi(X1,X2,X3,Q1,Q2) production function i= technology 0= traditional,technologies 1,. I new Y output Xn quantity of input n Qm quality indicator m Z=Gi(X1,X2,X3,Q1,Q2) Pollution function relating output to inputs P output price Wn=rice of input n V pollution tax Ki = fixed cost of technology i
Sensitivity analysis
How changes in parameters affect the optimal input uses and technology choices For example if Q1 is an indicator of land quality and d(VP1-VP0)/dQ1 <0 namely the difference between the variable profits of the new technology (i=1) and the old one is declining The new technology is more likely be adopted at low land quality
Output/acre is a function of effective input ( water) Y=f(E) E effective water actually used by crop Effective water is applied water (X) times input use efficiency h(q,i) which increases with land quality q and
technology i
Conservation technology
h(q,1) >q input use efficiency of modern technology is greater than q. On average land input use efficiently with traditional technology q=.6 with sprinkler.8 and drip .9
Assessing adoption
The decision making process that leads to adoption includes several stages First assessing the optimal input use with each technology For example if there are two technologiestraditional and modern - you first find optimal input use and profit under each technology
The second stage is choosing the technology with most profit Incentives change adoption choices
Example: Irrigation(Hypothetical/California)
Increased yield, reduced water, and reduced drainage costs more. Low-cost version (bucket drip, bamboo drip) exists.
Impact greater/adoption higher on lower quality landssandy soils
and steep hills.
More adoption with high-value crop, high prices of water drainage, and
Traditional Sprinkler
Irrigation efficiency
Water/ drainage
Yield (cotton)
Fixed cost/yr
500 580
.6 .8
4.0/1.6 3.2/.64
1200 1325
VMP of applied water=price of applied water+value of marginal residue VMP=value of marginal product
Optimal choices traditional technology (i=0) Given: Q = 10 E - 2 E 2 P = 2; W = 4; V = 2 K 0 = 2 Given: q = 0.6, I = 0 h(0.6, 0) = 0.6 for tech 0 Q( E ) The first order condition becomes: = 10 - 4 E E Q( E ) P g - W - V [1 - g(q, I )] = 0 E Q( E ) P g = W + V [1 - g(q, I )] (rearranged) E 2(10 - 4 E )0.6 = 4 + 2[1 - 0.6] Etech0 = 1.5 X tech0 Etech0 1.5 = = = 2.5 g(q, I ) 0.6
Optimal choices modern technology i=1 Given: Q = 10 E - 2 E 2 P = 2; W = 4; V = 2 K1 = 5 Given: q = 0.6, I = 1 h(0.6,1) = 1 for tech1 Q( E ) The first order condition becomes: = 10 - 4 E E Q( E ) P g - W - V [1 - h(q, I )] = 0 E Q( E ) P g = W + V [1 - h(q, I )] (rearranged) E 2(10 - 4 E )(1) = 4 + 2[1 - 1] Etech1 = 2 Etech1 2 X tech1 = = =2 h(q, I ) 1 Qtech1 = 10(2) - 2(2)2 = 12 p = PQ - WX - V [1 - h(q,1)]X - K
Optimal Techno log y choice Compare p tech0 = 2(10.5) - 4(2.5) - 2(0.4)(2.5) - 2 = 7 With p tech1 = 2(12) - 4(2) - 2(0)(2) - 5 = 11 Techno log y 1 preferable and will be adopted IF K 0 = 1 and K1 = 9
p tech0 = 2(10.5) - 4(2.5) - 2(0.4)(2.5) - 1 = 9 p tech1 = 2(12) - 4(2) - 2(0)(2) - 9 = 7 Techno log y 1is not adopted Higher fixed cos t reduce the likelihood of adoption
VMP Traditional
Xold After tax
VMP modern
Before the externality is regulated more input is used with the dirtier technology. The modern technology is saving input and increasing yield gain may not justify extra cost.
VMP Traditional
Xnew Before tax
VMP modern
Externality tax reduce input sue and out put of Polluting technology.It sued more input before May use less after tax
VMP Traditional
Xold After tax Xnew Xnew After Before tax tax
0 1 Q-quality
qm and qc
1 Q-quality
The yield increasing input saving and pollution reducing effects of the modern technology are higher at a range of lower technologies Adoption occurs at lower qualities
Other Examples
High precision chemical applicators
Input-use efficiency
Extra cost
Input-High pollution--
.60 vs .20
Wood -Health++
.7 vs ,2
The end