Tendering Process CVC Guidelines
Tendering Process CVC Guidelines
Tendering Process CVC Guidelines
of goods in Public
Interest i. Efficiency, ii. Economy, iii. Transparency (B) Fair & Equitable treatment of suppliers (C)Promotion of Competition
in terms of quality Need based procurement (avoid excess) Fair, Reasonable & Transparent procedure Procurement Vs Requirement Reasonableness of Rate Each stage of procurement should be recorded
Purchase of goods without quotation Value upto 15000/occasion to be recorded by the competent
Authority I,------ am personally satisfied that these goods purchased are of the requisite quality and specification and have been purchased from a reliable supplier at a reasonable price.
Purchase Committee
>15000/- and upto 1Lac on each occasion Three members Committee as decided by the HoD Committees responsibilities a) Market Survey b) Reasonableness of Rates c) Quality & Specifications d) Identify appropriate supplier Joint Certificate by the Committee
Types of Tender
In broader terms there are three types of tender : A. Open Tender
B. C.
Method of obtaining bid : Advertised Tender Enquiry (open ) Tender value >= 25 Lac
Ad in Indian Trade Journal(ITJ) At least one National Daily having wide circulation Publish at own website & NIC website NIT to Indian Embassies abroad as well as foreign embassies in India Three Weeks time from date of publication of bid
Single Tender
If only a particular firm is the manufacturer Emergent need to procure from a particular source Technical reason to be recorded (standardization of machinery HP, SONY etc. ) N.B. - Single response to an open bid cant be termed as Single Tender
Standard Bid Document : Instruction to Bidder Conditions of Contract Schedule of Requirement Specifications & allied Tech. details Price Schedule Contract Form Other Standard Forms
Performance Security
From the successful bidders Amount 5% to 10% DD/FDR Should be valid for 60 days beyond the date of completion of all the contractual obligations of the supplier including warranty Bid Security should be refunded on receipt of Performance Security
Process at a glance
Estimate (Qty. and Amount) EOI Expression of Interest RFP/RFQ Request for Proposal / Quotation PBC Pre Bid Conference NIT Notice Inviting Tender APPROVAL WEB PUBLICITY EMD Earnest Money Deposit BIDDING TOC Tender Opening Committee (Tech) APPROVAL
Process at a glance
TOC Tender Opening Committee(Fin. Bid) APPROVAL TEC Tender Evaluation Committee APPROVAL PO - Purchase Order AWARD OF CONTRACT SD - Security Deposit AGREEMENT REFUND OF EMD
Technical Financial
Satisfaction of Conditions specific to the contract Sample Testing Capacity Evaluation. Turnover Statutory documentation Arrival at Outcome Price of the bid Determination of L-1, L-2, L-3 Determining Reasonableness of the L-1 Rates Recommendation for Negotiation (if
Financial and Technical sanction of competent authority is available. Adequate and wide publicity is given. Advertisement is posted on website and tender documents are available for downloading. Convenient tender receiving/opening time and address of the tender receiving officials/tender box are properly notified. In the case of limited tender, panel is prepared in a transparent manner clearly publishing the eligibility criteria. The panel is updated regularly. Pre-qualification criteria are properly defined/ notified.
Short listed firms/consultants are fulfilling the eligibility criteria. There is no deviation from notified criteria during evaluation. Experience certificates submitted have been duly verified. Tenders/bids are opened in the presence of bidders/their authorised representative. Corrections/omissions/additions etc., in price bid are properly numbered and attested and accounted page wise. Tender summary note/ Tender opening register is scrupulously maintained. Conditions having financial implications are not altered after opening of the price bids.
Circular No. 4/3/07, 3rd March, 2007 As post tender negotiations could often be a source of corruption, it is directed that there should be no posttender negotiations with L-1, except in certain exceptional situations. Such exceptional situations would include, procurement of proprietary items, items with limited sources of supply and items where there is suspicion of a cartel formation. The justification and details of such negotiations should be duly recorded and documented without any