Organizational Behavior

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A Perilaku Organisasi (Organizational Behavior)

Def: the study of human aspects of organizations,including individual behavior, group behavior, and their interaction with organizational structure, culture, and processes; with the goal of improving organizational effectiveness (Umstot, 2000)

Scientists interested in understanding human behavior Practitioners interested in enhancing organizational

effectiveness and individual well-being

Fig. Strategic Results: The 4-P Cycle of Continuous Improvement


-Skill development -Motivasi -Teamwork -Personal devel & learning -Readiness to change and adapt -Decreased stress - Greater self management


-Reduced waste -Reduced rework -More efficient use of material, human, financial & inf resource


-Greater customer satisfaction Better quality goods and service


-Technological advancement -Faster product devel & Product cycle time -System flexibility -Organizational learning -Paricipative & ethical decision making -Improved commu & infor flow

OB Focus Analysis
1. 2. 3.

Individuals Groups Organizations

Fig. The Field of Organizational Behavior

Personality Perception Attitudes Values Decision making Leadership Communication Change process Organizational climate Group dynamic Power & politic Communication Conflict Decision making Environment Organizational structure Authority Individual


Group Organization


Organizational Behavior


Organization Individual Group Organization

Comparative values
Anthropology Organizational culture Conflict Power Organizational politic

Political science

Fig. Organizations As Systems

Technical subsystem (Knowledge, techniques, Equipment, facilities Psychosocial Subsystem Goals & Managerial subsystem People Values (Coordinates, plans Interacting Subsystem Manages all & working (purpose & systems together Direction for people Structural system (structuring & Integrating activities

Fig. Overview of Organizational Systems

Culture Past experience Values Education level

Individual behavior 1. Understanding indi behav 2. Perception 3. Motivation 4. Job design People interacting together 1. Communiation 2. Group dynamic 3. Conflict 4. Leadership 5. Decision making 6. Power & politic

Total organization 1. Organizational design & behav 2. Organizational change & development 3. Organizational culture
Economy Technology



Foreign competition

Political science

Fig. An Industrial Organization as an Open

Input: Materials Labor Capital Outputs: Finished product

Production, maintenance, Adaptation, management


Government Repayment of loan Financial Institu Labor force Suppliers Receipt of revenue

Payment to creditors

1.Boundary spanning: subsistem ini menghandel transaksi input dan output (input: supplies dan material; output: menciptakan demand dan market output)

2.Production: menghasilkan ouptput produk dan servis organisasi. Misal: departemen produksi di perusahaan manufaktur, guru dan kelas2 di universitas atau sekolah.
3. Maintenance: bertanggung jawab untuk jalannya operasi yg lancar. Misal: perawatan gedung, perbaikan mesin dll. 4. Adaptation: bertanggung jawab pada perubahan organisasi. Misal: menciptakan inovasi dan membantu organisasi berubah. 5. Management: bertanggung jawab mengarahkan subsistem lain dalam organisasi. Misal: direction, strategi, kebijakan untuk sluruh organisasi

Bagaimana Organisasi Menciptakan Nilai(values)

Organizations Inputs -Raw material -Money and capital - Human resources - Information and knowledge - Customers of service organ

Organizations Conversion Process -Machinery - Computers - Human skills and abilities

Organizations Environment -Customers - Shareholders - Suppliers - Distributors - Government - Competitors

Organizations Output -Finished goods - Services - Dividends -Salaries - Value for stakeholders

Contoh McDonald Menciptakan Nilai

Input McDonald -Raw`materials (ground beef, potatoes, milk shake mix dsb) -SDM (memasak, cleaning serv, order takers, managers) -Money and capital (shareholder investments) - Customers

Proses konversi McDonald -Machinery (grills, toaster etc) - Computers (computerized cash register, ordering systems) -Human skills and abilities (personel trained in sandwich preparation, ordering, potato frying, Overseeing the whole operation)

Lingkungan McDonald -Satidsfied customers - Potential customers - Suppliers of meat, potatoes etc - Population from which to choose employees -Government health regulation - Competitors (KFC, Burger King Texas etc)

Output McDonald -Fast and cheap food -Satisfied customers -Satisfied shareholders

Fig. Evolution of the 21st-Cenntury Manager

Past manager
Primary role Learning and knowledge Compensation criteria Culture orientation Primary source of influence View people Primary commu pattern Decision making style Nature of of interp relation Handling of power & key inf Approach to change Order giver, privileged elite, manipulator, controller. Periodic learning, narrow specialist Time, effort, rank Monocultural, monolingual Formal authority Potential problem

Future Manager
Facilitator, team member, teacher, advocate, sponsor, coach. Continuous life long learning, generalist with multiple specialist. Skill, results Multicultural, multilingual Knowledge (technical & interpersonal) Primary resource

Vertical Limited input for ind decision

Competitive (win-lose) Hoard and restrict access Resist

Multidirectional Broad-based input for joint decision

Cooperative (win-win) Share and broaden access Facilitate

Three Landmark Evolution in Understanding & Managing People

1. The Human Relation Movement ( Elton Mayo & Douglas McGregor) 2. The Total Quality of Management (budaya organisasi yg berdedikasi pada training, continuous improvement, and customer satisfaction) Tiga prinsip: a. Hilangkan pengulangan kerja yg boros, b. Mendengarkan dan belajar dari pelanggan dan karyawan, c. Lakukan perbaikan terus menerus setiap saat utk apapun, d. Bangun teamwork, trust, dan saling menghargai. 3. Contingency Approach (using management tools and techniques in a situationally appropriate manner; avoiding the onebest way mentally)-----Carefully read the situation and then be flexible enough to adapt

Managing Diversity A Competitive Advantage

Diversity in workforce: a. Usia b. Pendidikan c. Jenis kelamin d. Values e. Budaya f. Disability

Nilai-nilai (values) Organisasi yg Sukses

(Peter dan Waterman, 1982)
1. 2.


4. 5. 6. 7.

Menjadi perusahaan terbaik Nilai kerja yg mementingkan pelaksanaan pek scr rinci, dan pemahaman dan pelaksanaan aspek pek yang mengarah pd hal terbaik. Nilai kerja yg menganggap setiap orang sbg individu yg hrs dipahami dan dihormati Nilai kerja yg mengarah pada kualitas dan kualitas terbaik. Nilai kerja inovatif dan toleransi thd kegagalan Nilai penting dr informalitas utk meningkatkan komunikasi Nilai kerja yg mengakui pentingnya peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan peningkatan keuntungan.

Competitive Advantage Principles

Prinsip 1: Customer values (price, quality,

convenience purchase, after sales service & dependability)

Prinsip 2: Maintaining uniqueness: - financial capital - physical capital - human capital - organizational capital

B Basic Psychology in Organizations:

1. 2. 3.

Social perception Learning Personality

Social Perception: Understand & Judging Others

Social perception: the process of integrating and

interpreting information about others as to accurately understand them (Greenberg, 96)

Fig. The Peceptual Process



Situation Attitudes

Environmental information

Reception & filtering

Interpretation & organization


Behaviors Feelings

Some informa tion missed or rejected

Fig. Object factors in perception

Object Factors

Organizational examples
An executive consistently wears a bow tie


A single female executive applicant among fifteen males for the job


A large office to create perceptions of power A textile company sends 2000 people to a conference in Italy An assistant located next to the CEO is perceived to be powerful



Fig. Person factors in perception

Person factors Self-concept Organizational example An executive sees the potential of a subordinates and recommendations rapid promotion A person who values freedom feels confined by an office job A private office is highly valued by a status-seeking employee A manager who attempts to change from autocratic to democratic decision making finds subordinates skeptical A manager who expects low performance from a subordinate finds actual perf is marginal

Values & attitudes Salience Past experience & habits


Fig. Situation Factors in Perception

Situational factors

Organizational factors
At a contract negotiation, labor wants control over job assignments. Management feels this is its prerogative


Blue-collar workers are perceived to be incapable of making their own quality control decision.

Perceptual organization

A manager ignores important information because it does not fit the organizational plan

Fig. Impression Management (Umstot, 2000)

Office Physical appearance

Dress Impression Management Voice

Automobile Ingratiation Nonverbal cues

Attribution: Judging what people are like and

why they do what they do



Making correspondent inference: Using acts to judge dispositions (ciri sifat dan karakteristiknya) Causal attribution of responsibility: Answering the question why? (Kellys Attribution theory)

ATRIBUTION THEORY Internal causes: explanation based on actions for which the individual is responsible External causes: explanation based on situations over which the individual has no control.
Three types of information: Consensus the extent to which other people behave in the same manner as the person we are judging. Consistency the extent to which the person we are judging acts the same way at other times. Distinctiveness the extent to which this person behaves in the same manner in other contexts

Fig. Attribution Theory

Attribution Information cues High consistency Low distinctiveness High consensus Blends of high or Low consistency, Distinctiveness, & consensus

Internal attribution Attribution to the person

Perception of Behavior

Attributions either Internal or external Subject to fundamental Attribution error

Low consistency High distinctiveness Low consensus

External attribution Attribute to the environment

Fig. Contoh Teori Kelley ttg Atribusi

Anda sedang mengobservasi komplin seseorang ttg Makanan, pelayanan, & dekorasi di sebuah restoran. Untuk menjawab why anda mencatat bhw

Anda menyimpulkan Bahwa..

Orang lain Tidak komplin (Konsesnsus rendah)

Orang ini selalu komPlin di restoran ini (Konsistensi tinggi)

Orang ini juga komPlin ttg hal lain (Distinctive rendah)

Ia komplin karena Ia sulit senang (Internal atribusi)

Beberapa org yg lain Ikut komplin (Konsensus tinggi)

Orang ini selalu Komplin direstoran ini (Konsistensi tinggi)

Orang ini tidak Komplin utk hal lain (Distinctive tinggi)

Ia komplin karena Resoran ini kacau (External atribusi)

The biased nature of social perception

1. 2. 3.

The fundamental attribution error Stereotype Halo effect

Overcoming bias in social perception: some guidelines


2. 3. 4.

Do not overlook external causes of others behavior Identify and confront your stereotypes Evaluate people on objective factors Avoid making rash judgments

Learning: Adapting to the World of Work

1. Operant conditioning (Skinner): learning through rewards and punishment
Antecedents Manager shows employees how to do a job Behavior Employee performs job properly Consequences Manager praises employee

Fig. Operant conditioning process

a. b. c. d.

Positive reinforcement Punishment Extinction Negative reinforcement

2. Observational learning: learning by imitating others

Beberapa fenomena penting dalam Classical conditioning

a. Stimulus generalization (merek barang) b. Stimulus discrimination (warna, bentuk) c. secondary reinforcement (uang, grades, hadiah, senyum dll)

2. Operant conditioning (B.F. Skinner)

Classical Con Stimulus (S) -Stuck by a pain -Tapped below the kneecap -Shocked by electric current -Surprised by a loud sound Respon (R) -Works -Talks to other -Enters a restaurant -Enters a library -Works hard Respon ( R) -Flinches -Lower leg flexes -Jumps/scream -Jump/scream

Operant Con

Stimulus (S) -Paid

-meet more people -Obtain food -Finds a book -Receives praise and promotion

Learning Principles in Training

1. 2. 3. 4.

Participation Repetition Transfer of training Feedback

Discipline: eliminating undesirable organizational behavior Effective discipline: 1. Deliver punishment immediately after the undesirable response occurs 2. Give moderate level of punishment all the time, for all employees. 3. Clearly communicate the reasons for the punishment given

Personality: What Makes Us Unique

(a stable set of characteristics and tendencies that determine our thoughts, feelings, and actions in combination with the social and biological pressure of the moment

1. 2.

3. 4.


Type A & B personality Self-esteem (the extent to which people hold positive or negative views about themselves) Self-efficacy Machiavellianism: using others on the way to success (Niccolo Machiavelli, 1513) Achievement motivation

The Essence of Machiavelli Approach:

1.Never show humility;arrogance is more far more effective. 2. Morality and ethics are for the weak; powerful people do whatever it takes to suit their purpose 3. It is better to be feared than loved

Organizational Communication

The Basic Nature of Communication

For an organization to function, individuals and group must carefully coordinate their efforts and activities. Without it, people would not know what to do, and organizations would not able to operate effectively if at. It should not be surprising, therefore, that communication has been referred to as the social glue.that continues to keep the organization tied together, and the essence of organization.


The Communication Process and Its Role in Organizations. Definition:as the process by which a person, group, or organization (the sender) transmit some type of information (the message) to another person, group, or organization (the receiver).

The Communication Process


Encoding: translating the idea into a form, such as written or spoken Decoding: converting the message back into the senders original ideas. Feedback: knowledge about the impact of messages on receivers. Noise: the name given to factors that distort the clarity of a message.

Transmission of encoded message through media channels

Ide utk dikirim Encoded

Decoded Ide diterima


b. Oral and Written Communication: the power of words Verbal communication

- Oral (e.g.: face to face, telephone) - Written (memo, letter, e-mail)

two types of verbal communication: - Rich ----- highly interactive (face to face) - Lean ---- static or one way (newsletter, employee handbook)



Regularly published Describing information of interest to employees regarding an array of business and non business issues

A document describing to employees basic information about the company. Purposes: (1) To explain key aspects of the companys policies (2)to clarify the expectations of the company and employees toward each other, (3) to express the companys philosophy

C .Formal communication ---- Organizational Structure 1. Downward communication---- instructions, directions, orders 2. Upward communication ---- information ---MUM effect 3. Horizontal--- coordination



Instruction & Direction

vice President

vice President





Efforts of coordination

E. Informal communicationbeyond the organizational chart it occurs between individuals at different organizational levels (like jokes or funny stories) - Grapevine - Rumors (speculation, overactive imagination, wishful thinking rather on facts)

Strategies for Improving Organizational Communication


Encourage open feedback

- 360 degree feedback - Suggestion system - Corporate hotlines

2. Use simple language - Jargon - KISS (keep it short and simple)

3. Avoid overload - gatekeeper - queuing 4. Match words and deed 5. Be a good listener

Tabel. Tips for Improving Your Listening Skills

Dont talk while being spoken to Make the speaker feel at ease Eliminate distractions Show empathy with the speaker Be as patient as possible Hold your arguments Ask questions

It is difficult, if not impossible, to listen to another while you are speaking to that person Help the speaker feel that he or she is free to talk as desired Pay attention only to the speaker Try to put yourself in the speakers position

Tke the time needed to hear everything the speaker has to say If youre busy forming your own arguments, you cannot focus on others points By asking questions, you demonstrate that you are listening, and make it possible to clarify areas of uncertainty

Non Verbal Communication

2. 3. 4.


Penampilan (appearance) Bahasa tubuh (body language) Tingkah laku sentuhan (touch behavior) Ekspresi muka & kontak mata (face expression & eye contact) Vocal cues (paralanguage)

Non verbal cues can communicate: power concern dominance disinterest uneasiness friendliness liking status and so on

Dinamika Kelompok (Group dynamic)

Kelompok (group): as a collection of two or more interacting individuals with a stable pattern of relationship between them who share common goals and who perceive themselves as being group (sekumpulan dua atau lebih orang yg berinteraksi dg pola hubungan yg tetap diantara mereka dan saling berbagi tujuan dan yg merasakan diri mereka sbg bagian dari group)
1. 2. 3. 4.

Two or more people in social interaction Stable structure Members share common interest or goals Must perceive themselves as a group

Formal and Informal Group


Formal group: - Command group - Task group


2. Informal group - Interest group - Friensdhip group

Formal group

Informal group

Command group

Task group

Interest group

Friendship group

Group Dynamics: People Working With Others

Bagaimana terbentuknya?

Group norms: unspoken rules of group behavior

a. Prescriptive dan proscriptive b. Bgm norma kelompok berkembang: - precedents set overtime - carry over from other situation - response to an explicit statement by a superior or co worker - critical events in the groups history

Social Facilitation: Performing in the present of other

Penampilan didepan orang lain bisa berdampak lebih baik bisa lebih buruk
Correct responses If well learned Improved performance

Presence of others


Enhanced tendency To perform Dominant response

If not well learned

Incorrect responses

Impaired performance

Social Loafing: free riding when working with others

Semakin banyak individu2 yg terlibat utk sebuah tambahan tugas, semakin kurang kontribusi dari masing2 indivdu


Satu orang

Kel kecil

Kel besar

Jumlah orang yg bekerja

Tips how to overcome (menghilangkan) social loafing

to make each performer identifiable to make work task more important and interest reward individuals for contributing to their any groups performance to punishment threat

Team: Memberdayakan kelompok kerja

Def: sebuah kelompok yg anggotanya memilki ketrampilan yg saling melengkapi dan komited thd tujuan tertentu dan sekelompok tujuan yg dipegangnya dan saling bertanggung jawab.
Struktur Tradisonal -Fungsi -Tidak ada perasaan memiliki -Pekerja memiliki satu skill -Diperintah peminpin dari luar -Support staff dan skills didapat dari luar -Keputusan organisasi dibuat oleh manager Team -Proses -Rasa memiliki thd produk, pelayanan dan proses -Pekerja memiliki banyak skill -Anggota tim memimpin mereka sendiri -support staff dan ahli2 sebagai satu kesatuan -Tim terlibat dalam membuat keputusan utk mereka sendiri

Team Types (Umstot, 90):

1. 2. 3. 4.

Advice team : committees, advisory councils, quality circles Production team: assembly team, manufacturing crew Project team :research group, planning team, task forces Action team : sport team, expeditions, negotiating team

Effective Team Characteristics


3. 4. 5. 6.

8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Clear purpose Informality Participation Listening Civilized agreement Consensus decisions Open communication Clear role and work assignment Shared leadership External relations Style diversity Self-assessment

Bariers of Team Effectivities : 1. 3. 4. 5. Insufficient training Lack of managerial support Lack of employees support Between team cooperation

Interpersonal Skill Required

Skill Advocating Description Cara mempengaruhi org lain utk menerima pendapat seseorang Mendengarkan scr efektif dan menarik suatu manfaat Mengelola ketegangan pada saat konflik Belajar memahami dan menyesuaikan tujuan2 personal dan tim Memahami peran seseorang dalam mengarahkan tim utk sukses Menerima dan mengambil manfaat atas perbedaan diantara anggota Berkeinginan utk mengkritik dan menerima kritik scr konstruktif dari orang lain

Inquiring Tension manag Sharing responsibility Leadership Valuing diversity


Memanage Team yang Efektif


Teamwork. Contoh jelas dalam olahraga (kerjasama,

kepercayaan, dan kohesif)


Menggunakan Teambuilding. Mengembangkan tim shg

mereka bekerja lebih efektif. Mereka melakukan review past action, identify problem, dan mengembangkan strategi dan ketrampilan utk mengatasi masalah.

Self-Managing team. Kebebasan mendesain pekerjaannya,

tujuannya, kontrol dan reward, juga menyeleksi sendiri anggotanya

Roles in Group

Task Initiator Information seeker Information giver Evaluator Summarizer

Maintenance Harmonizer Encourager Gatekeeper Compromiser

Blocking Dominator Aggressor Blocker Disruptor

Aplikasi Manajemen
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Upayakan jumlah anggota kel relatif kecil Ingat bhw orang milik banyak kelompok yg lain Gunakan taskforce utk mengatasi permasalahan yg kompleks Arahkan kelompok yg sifatnya lebih ke organisasi Pastikan bhw kelompok dilatih utk menggunakan baik tugas maupun peran2 pemeliharaan Hati2 dalam mengarahkan norma yg positif Coba utk mengubah norma yg negatif Perlu disadari pentingnya status Pergaulan sosial utk mengurangi kebosanan Kenali bhw kel mempunyai siklus hidup Gunakan realistic job preview Hati2 mensosialisasikan pegawai baru Gunakan self-managing work team secara tepat

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