Common uses – Turbochargers are usually found in diesel manufactured cars such as the Mercedes-Benz, Pontiac, and Subaru.
A lot of race cars and street racers install turbochargers to gain an edge over their opponent.
What a Turbocharger Is
Why it is effective - Through the use of forced induction,
turbochargers compress the air entering the engine causing it
to be extremely dense; with more air in a small area, more
gasoline can be coupled with the air creating larger explosions
in the cylinder which help the car to progress forward.
Internal Combustion Engine
To further understand the true potential of a turbocharger,
one must understand what causes the car to accelerate.
Detailing Specific Parts
The Turbine:
The turbine wheel begins the whole process of sending
compressed air to the engine cylinder.
Turbine wheels can be made of steel or ceramic blades, but
ceramic is preferred because it is lightweight meaning it will spin
faster and prevent turbo lag.
Turbo lag is the delay that comes from the engine not
responding to the boost acquired from the turbocharger (Nice).
Turbine wheels can rotate anywhere between 80,000 and
150,000 revolutions per minute (RPM) (Nice).
The turbine wheel is connected to the turbine shaft, and the two
are connected by ball bearings or fluid bearings.
Detailing Specific Parts
The Turbine:
Proper mounting and connection between the turbine and turbine shaft
is necessary because it operates at such high speeds.
The wastegate releases excess exhaust waste from the turbine.
Detailing Specific Parts
When the compressor wheel spins, it draws in air from the ambient air
inlet located on the opposite side of the turbine exhaust gas inlet to
retrieve cool air.
The compressor increases the density of incoming air by six to eight
pounds per square inch (psi).
At sea level, the density of air is 14.7 psi, so the compressor yields
about a fifty percent increase (Nice).
The highly compressed air leaves the compressor section through the
compressor air discharge as it travels towards the intercooler.
Detailing Specific Parts
Detailing Specific Parts
Also known as a charge air cooler, intercoolers decrease the
temperature of the incoming compressed air.
The intercooler is comprised of bars, louvres, passageways, and fins
that the compressed air travels through (Intercoolers: A Must Read,
The engine fan keeps the intercooler cool as the hot compressed air
passes through.
Intercoolers are vital because hot air expands and if the intercooler
keeps the compressed air cool, the air becomes more compact
(providing more air to fuel ratio in the cylinder which yields more
Detailing Specific Parts
Detailing Specific Parts
Tachometer and Boost Gauge:
Allows the driver to monitor and measure how quickly the engine is
working in revolutions per minute.
By being able to monitor the speeds of the engine, the driver can stop the
vehicle when the engine begins to work harder (faster rpm) than usual.
Helps make sure the turbocharger and engine are in sync (Turbocharges:
pickup for a price).
Boost Gauge
Displays the amount of pressure on the turbocharger in psi.
Since the turbocharger and engine work together, the amount of air
pressure going into the engine cylinder needs to stay consistent and at a
tolerable amount.
Detailing Specific Parts
Tachometer and Boost Gauge:
Waste gate assists in preventing knocking by monitoring how much pressure
is in the turbine.
When too much pressure is in the turbine section, the waste gate releases
extra exhaust to slow down the speed of the turbine wheel.
Intercoolers prevent knocking as well by keeping the temperature of the
compressed air low.
Works Cited
(1985). Turbocharges: pickup for a price. Changing times, 39, 63.
(2001). Fundamentals of the Four Stroke Internal Combustion Engine Retrieved February 27, 2006, from
(2005). ARE Cooling: Intercoolers: A must Read. Retrieved February 25, 2006, from
http://www.are.com.au/techtalk/intecoolersMR.htm#EN GINE%20DESTRUCTION%20%20!%20!%20!%20!
Brain, M. (2006). HowStuffWorks: How Car Engines Work. Retrieved February 24, 2006, from
Nice, K. (2006). HowStuffWorks: How Turbochargers Work. Retrieved February 24, 2006, from