Mechanical Ventilation in Neonates
Mechanical Ventilation in Neonates
Mechanical Ventilation in Neonates
The introduction of mechanical ventilation in neonatal medicine begin in 1960s. It is a lifesaving therapy. 1904 Negative pressure ventilation. 1905 CPAP. 1907 positive pressure mechanical ventilation. 1960-1970 Birth neonatology. 1963 First baby successfully ventilated.
In the NICU: Respiratory failure and deterioration of blood gases (Po260 in Fio2 70 or Pco2 60).
Hat for baby to secure tube, ETT fixing device, forceps and scissors. Laryngoscopes x 2, stethoscope, oropharyngeal airway.
Ensure cannula in place and working. Ensure all drugs drawn up, checked, labelled and ready to give. Check no contraindications to drugs. Ensure monitoring equipment attached and working reliably. If nasogastric tube (NGT) in place, aspirate stomach (particularly important if baby has been given enteral feeds).
Give 100% oxygen for 2 min before drug administration. Continue to give 100% oxygen until laryngoscopy and between attempts if more than one attempt necessary.
Drugs : Choice of drugs depends on local practice Analgesia and muscle relaxation can improve likelihood of successful intubation
Muscle relaxants Administer muscle relaxants only if you are confident that the team can intubate baby quickly. Do not use a muscle relaxant unless adequate analgesia has been given
Lift laryngoscope: do not tilt. Avoid trauma to gums. Cricoid pressure: by person intubating or an assistant. Suction secretions only if they are blocking the view as this can stimulate the vagal nerve and cause a bradycardia and vocal cord spasm.
Insert ET tube (ETT). Advance ETT to desired length at the lips. General recommendation is to advance ETT no further than end of black mark at end of tube (2.5 cm beyond cords), but this length is far too long for extremely preterm babies.
Table: Length of ETT
Gestation of baby 23-24 25-26 27-29 30-32 33-34 35-37 38-40 41-43
Actual weight of baby/kg 0.5-0.6 0.7-0.8 0.9-1.0 1.1-1.4 1.5-1.8 1.9-2.4 2.5-3.1 3.2-4.2
Length of ETT (cm) at lips 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0
Remove stylet if used and check to ensure it is intact before proceeding. If stylet not intact, remove ETT immediately and prepare to reintubate. Auscultate chest to check for bilateral equal air entry. If air entry unequal and louder on right side, withdraw ET by 0.5 cm and listen again.
stabilise tube using ETT fixation method in accordance with unit practice. request chest X-ray: adjust ETT length so that tip is at level of T12 vertebrae and document on nursing chart and in babys hospital notes. Repeat until air entry equal bilaterally.
Definition: Unable to intubate within 30 seconds If intubation unsuccessful, seek help from someone more experienced. If there is a risk of aspiration, maintain cricoid pressure. Continue bag and mask ventilation with 100% oxygen until successful intubation achieved.
Depth of E.T.T Insertion = weigh + 6 . Size of E.T.T 1/10 G.A in wks . Example : G.A 35 wks , so size of E.T.T 35/10=3.5
How many Midazolam in mg added to 50ml D5% = 50wtdose in microgram = I.V Rate (ml/hr)
Used when the infant breaths out of phase with the ventilation in spite of sedation . Pancuronium (0.1mg/kg/dose)repeated as needed . N.B Also limiting environmental light and noise help to make infant more relax.
The algorithm for term babies needing oxygen therapy has been mentioned bellow. The preterm babies with respiratory distress from a separate group, as they may need early CPAP and surfactant therapy.
O2 Uptake : Depends on Mean Airway pressure (MAP) MAP - Area under airway pressure curve divided by duration of the cycle MAP = K (PIP PEEP) [Ti/(Ti Te)] + PEEP
MAP : MAP can be augmented by: Inspiratory flow rate (increases K) Increasing PIP Increasing I:E ratio Increasing PEEP
The key settings are: FIO2 PIP PEEP RR I:E ratio Flow rate MAP net outcome of all parameters except Fio2 and RR; true measure of average pressure; should be maintained between 8-12 cm H20 .
= FIO2
6 + 0.84 = 10
Inspired oxygen concentration Fraction of O2 in inspired air-oxygen mixture Regulated by blenders Fio2 kept at a minimum level to maintain PaO2 of 50-80 mm Hg. Initial Fio2 0.5 0.7
Peak Inspiratory Pressure (PIP) Neonate with normal lung requires PIP of about 12 cm H2O for ventilation. Appropriate to start with PIP of 18-20 cm H2O for mechanical ventilation. Primary variable determining tidal volume. High PIP Barotrauma.
Positive End Expiratory Pressure (PEEP) Most effective parameter that increases MAP. Has opposite effects on CO2 elimination. PEEP range of 4-8 cm H2O is safe and effective. Excess PEEP decreases compliance, increase pulmonary vascular resistance.
Respiratory Rate (RR) Main determinant of minute ventilation. Rate to be kept within normal range or higher than normal rate, especially at the start of mechanical ventilation. Hyperventilation used in treatment of PPHN.
I:E Ratio (Inspiratory-Expiratory ratio) Primarily effects MAP and oxygenation Physiological ratio : 1:1 or 1:1.5 Reversed ratio (2:1 or 3:1) FiO2 and PEEP can be reduced. Prolonged expiratory rates (1:2 or 1:3) MAS and during weaning. 60 sec Total breath Time = Breath Rate
Example Rate = 30 , Total time 60/30 = 2 sec. If Ti = 0.4 so TE = 1.6 sec .
Flow Rate Usually flow rate of 4-8 L/min is sufficient Minimum flow of at least two times minute ventilation volume is required High-flow rate increased risk of alveolar rupture
Neonates have greater chest wall compliance. (premature more than FT) Premature infants with RDS have stiffer lungs (poorly compliant lungs). Normal infant 0.003 to 0.006 L/cmH2O. In RDS 0.0005 to 0.001 L/cmH2O.
Resistance in infants with normal lungs ranges from 25 to 50 cm H2O/L/sec. It is increased in intubated babies and ranges from 50 to 100 cm H2O/L/sec. Total respiratory system resistance = chest wall R (25%)+ airway R (55%)+ lung tissue R (20%).
Time Constant Inspiratory time must be 3-5 X time constant One time constant = time for alveoli to discharge 63% of its volume through the airway. Two time constant = 84% of the volume leaves. Three time constant = 95% of volume leaves.
In RDS : require a longer Inspiratory time because the lung will empty rapidly but require more time to fill. In CLD : decrease vent rate, which allows lengthening the I time and E time.
Total lung capacity. Tidal volume. Functional residual capacity. Inspiratory & expiratory reserve volumes residual volume.
Volume targeted ventilation (VTV) This is a relatively new form of ventilating newborns. The delay of use due to technical limitation in measuring the small tidal volumes used.
Pressure limited time cycled Intermittent mandatory ventilation(IMV) This is a non-synchronised mode of ventilation . The majority of transport ventilation usethis mode due to technical limitation.
Patient Trigger Ventilation (PTV) Ventilator senses infant inspiratory effort and delivers appositive pressure breath. Infant inspiratory effort & trigger positive pressure breath can detected by airway flow or pressure or abdominal movement Trigger threshold must be reached in order for each positive pressure breath to be delivered A back-up ventilation rate is set so that positive pressure breath continue in apneic infant or insufficient inspiratory effort.
Patient Trigger Ventilation (PTV) Ventilator senses infant inspiratory effort and delivers appositive pressure breath. Infant inspiratory effort & trigger positive pressure breath can detected by airway flow or pressure or abdominal movement Trigger threshold must be reached in order for each positive pressure breath to be delivered A back-up ventilation rate is set so that positive pressure breath continue in apneic infant or insufficient inspiratory effort.
Types of PTV Assist control (A/C) also called synchronized intermittent positive pressure ventilation(SIPPV). A positive pressure breath is delivered each time the infant inspiratory effort exceeds the trigger level. Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation(SIMV). The number of positive pressure breath are preset any spontaneous breaths above the set rate with not be ventilate will not be ventilator assistant .
Advantages of PTV Bettersynchrony help to patient discomfort . Oxygenation may improve. Possible of air leak . Work of breathing. Duration of ventilation. If low pco2 on A/C PIP or if already on low PIP consider switching to low rate SIMV (not <20 min) or extubation.
The Breeze operates in six basic modes : Volume control A/C + SIGH A/C SIMV Spontaneous
Pressure Control Spontaneous. SIMV A/C In neonates we use the pressure control mode.
FIO2 0.21-1.0 3%
Insp. Time Rate Tidal volume PIP PEEP/CPAP Spont. Flow Trigger Level
3 -120 L/min
0.1 3.0 sec 1 150 bpm. 10 2000 ml. 0 60 cm H2O 0 60 cm H2O. 0 50 L/mint. -10 +60 cmH2O
Problem If the ventilator does not respond to infant inspiratory effort Possible causes: Infant effort too weak. Incorrect trigger level Leak in circuit. So we cap off reservoir bag outlet in the first cause, with Flow and readjust trigger level in the second cause and correct leak in circuit in the third cause.
The respiratory insufficiency remains one of the major causes of neonatal mortality. Intensification of conventional ventilation with higher rates and airway pressures leads to an increased incidence of barotrauma.
Either ECMO or high-frequency oscillatory ventilation mightresolve such desperate situations. Since HFOV was first described by Lunkenheimer in the early seventies this method of ventilation has been further developedand is now applied the world over.
Initial Ventilator Setting Rate 60/min & adjusted by 5 breath/min also the rate depends on mode of ventilation , avoid R.R of less than 30 in SIMV due to the risk of atelectasis & increase work of breathing. This is not a concern of infant on A/C mode. PIP Intial PIP 18- 20 cmH2o&adgusted by 2 my to 26 cmH2o according to the disease & if lelow 14 consider extubation.
PEEP 3-8cmH2o usually adjusted by 1cmH2o , High or low level according to the disease. I:E ratio 1:2 with Ti 0.3-0.5 seconds and related to G.A of neonate. Flow rate 5-6 L/min. Spontaneaus flow 4L/ min. G.A in wks Ti = ------------------------100
Normal range of arterial blood gas values for term and preterm infants at normal body temperature and assuming normal blood Hb content
Po2 Term Preterm 30-36wks Preterm<30 wks 80-95 60-80 45-60 Pco2 35-45 35-4538-50 pH 7.32-7.38 7.30-7.35 7.27-7.32 Hco3 24-26 22-25 19-22 BE 3.0 3.0 4.0
Always do arterial blood gases (venous or capillary blood gases are no value for Po2 and give lower pH & higher pco2 than arterial sample)
Term&Post Term
Increasing FIO2: Advantage: less barotrauma ,easy to administer. Disadvantage: No effect on V/Q ,oxygen toxicity (PaO2 > 0.60). Increasing PIP : Advantage: Critical opening pressure, improve V/Q. Disadvantage: barotrauma, air leak, BPD.
Increasing PEEP : Advantage : maintain FRC ,prevent collapse, splint obstructed airways. Disadvantages: stiff compliance curve, obstruct venous return, increase expiratory work and CO2, increase dead space. Increasing Ti : Advantages: increased MAP without increasing PI Disadvantages: Slow rates needed, higher PI, lower minute ventilation.
Increasing flow: Advantages: Square wave, maximize MAP. Disadvantages: More barotrauma, greater resistance at greater flow. Increasing rate : Advantages: Increase MAP with lower PI Disadvantages: inadvertent PEEP with higher rate or long time constants. N.B: All the above changes (except FIO2) increase MAP.
Increasing rate: Advantage: easy, minimize barotrauma. Disadvantage: The same dead space/ tidal volume, inadvertent PEEP. Increasing PIP : Advantage: Improved deed space/tidal volume. Disadvantage: more barotrauma, stiff compliance curve.
Decreasing PEEP : Advantage: Widen compression pressure, decrease deed space, and decrease expiratory load, steeper compliance curve. Disadvantages: decrease MAP, decrease oxygenation, alveolar collapse, stops splinting obstructed / closed airways. Flow TE
0 1 2 3
Rate 60 breath/min. PIP 10-15. PEEP 4-5 Need to prevent alveolar collapse at end of expiration. Ti 0.25-0.4 = 3-5 time constant . Permissive hypercarbia Pco2 45-60.
2.Meconium Aspiration (MAS). Pathophysiology :Marked airway resistance, the obstructive phase is followed by inflammatory phase 12-24 hrs. Ventilatory strategy : Rate 40-60 Short Ti Long Te to avoid air traping. PIP 16/5 Use sedation
3.Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia (BPD) Pathophysiology : Compliance due to Fibrosis In airway resistance Hyperinflation work of breathing . V/Q mismatching.
Ventilatory strategy : Low rate <40 Longer Ti(0.5 0.8 sec) High pressure are often required (20-30 cmH2O) Very gradual weaning
Pathophysiology :
Ventilatory strategy :
Pathophysiology :
Normal cardio-pulmonary transition fails to occure. Marked elevation of pulmonary vascular resistance.
Ventilatory strategy :
Adjust FIo2 to maintain PO2 80-100 Adjust Rate and PIP to maintain PH (7.35 7.45) normal limit. Low PEEP
Oxygenation of the infant is influenced by the MAP & Fio2. Oxygenation can be improved by: FIO2 PIP to MAP PEEP to MAP Ti The target O2saturation88-92%
The Co2 clearance is affected by alternation in the alveolar minute volume This is the product of Tidal Volume & the rate (VTX Respiratory Rate). Co2 Clearance by the VT PIP the Rate to avoid atelectasis
No sedation & Alert. Stable metabolic status . Resolution of disease acute phase . Fio2 is weaned related to ABG Fio230 . PIP weaned first gradually to (15-10 cmH2o). PEEP 3-4 cmH2o. Respiratory Rate gradually < 10-15.
The smaller the baby the slower the weaning process. Stop sedation & Analgesia from respiratory rate below 20 . VLBW better to extubate from rate 10 / breath /min. To Nasal CPAP as ETT CPAP Exhausts the preterm infant. N.B In A/C mode weaning by FIo2 and PIP. In SIMV by FIo2 and Rate.
Low GA (< 28 wks.). Prolonged ventilation (10-14 days). History of previous Extubationfailure . Used of sedation. Multiple reintubation . Evidence of residual lung injury (PBD), Emphysema. Extubation from High setting Rate,HighFIo2. PDA.
Caffein:IV before Extubation6-12hrs. (Not available so use Aminophyllin) Dexamethasone:Smalldoses (0.2mg/kg/day) Begin 6-8 hrsbeforeextubation for 2 days. Nebulized racemic Epinephrine &Decort may be useful for stridor after Extubation but no enough data Available for its use. NPO 6-12 hrs.(no feeding). CXR follow up. N.B Nasal CPAP used after Extubation of infants <30 wks to avoid reintubation.
Air way injury Tracheal inflammation Subglottic stenosis Granuloma formation Palatal grooving Nasal septal injury .
Air Leaks Pneumothorax Pulmonary Interstitial emphysema. Pnemomediastinum. Cardiovascular Cardiac output. PDA.
Chronic lung injury BPD. Acquired lobar emphysema. Others ROP. Apnea. Infection. Feeding intolerance. IVH. Developmental delay. Hyperinflation.
Surfactant Replacement Therapy Together with antenatal corticosteroid administration, surfactant replacement therapy is the most important therapeutic advance in neonatal care in the last decade Early administration of selective surfactant decreases risk of acute pulmonary injury and neonatal mortality Multiple doses result in greater improvements in oxygenation and ventilator requirements, a decreased risk of pneumothorax, and a trend toward improved survival.
Indication Prophylaxis (administration within 15 min of birth) Babies born 26 weeks gestation Electively intubate and give surfactant as prophylaxis Babies born at 2728+6 weeks gestation If require intubation for respiratory support during resuscitation/stabilisation, give surfactant as prophylaxis
Early rescue treatment Babies born at 2728+6 weeks gestation If require intubation for respiratory distress, give surfactant early (within 2 hr of birth) All other babies requiring intubation and needing FiO2 >0.3 for surfactant deficiency disease i.e. continuing respiratory distress AND evidence of RDS on chest X-ray
Give rescue surfactant Other babies that can be considered for surfactant therapy (after senior discussion) Ventilated babies with meconium aspiration syndrome Term babies with pneumonia and stiff lungs
Discuss use in babies with massive pulmonary haemorrhage with neonatal consultant. Equipment Natural surfactant, Poractantalfa (Curosurf) 100200 mg/kg (80 mg/mL) round to nearest. whole vial; prophylaxis and rescue doses of Curosurf can differ, check dose with local policy. Sterile gloves. Trach Care Mac catheter [do not cut nasogastric (NG) tube]
Preparation Calculate dose of surfactant required and warm to room temperature. Ensure correct endotracheal tube (ETT) position. Check ETT length at lips. Listen for bilateral air entry and look for chest movement. If in doubt, ensure ETT in trachea using laryngoscope and adjust to ensure bilateral equal air entry.
Chest X-ray not necessary before first dose Refer to manufacturers guidelines and Neonatal Formulary Invert surfactant vial gently several times, without shaking, to re-suspend the material. Draw up required dose Surfactant 2011-13. Administer via Trach Care Mac device (note: it is no longer acceptable to administer surfactant via a nasogastric feeding tube as this contravenes European conformity (CEmarking) and NPSA 19)
With baby supine, instil prescribed dose down tracheal tube; give 2 boluses of Poractantalfa. Wait for recovery of air entry/chest movement and oxygenation between boluses.
Do not suction ETT for 8 hr [suction is contraindicated in Surfactant Deficiency Disease (SDD) for 48 hr]. Be ready to adjust ventilator/oxygen settings in response to changes in chest movement, tidal volume and oxygen saturation. Take an arterial/capillary blood gas within 30 min.
If baby remains ventilated at FiO2 >0.3 with a mean airway pressure of >7 cm of water, give further dose of surfactant. Poractantalfa after 612 hr. 3rd dose can be given only at the request of the attending neonatal consultant.
For every dose given, document in case notes: indication for surfactant use. time of administration. dose given.
condition of baby pre-administration, including measurement of blood gas unless on labourward when saturations should be noted. response to surfactant, including measurement of postadministration blood gas and saturations. reasons why second dose not given, if applicable. reason(s) for giving 3rd dose if administered.