Natrolip Brand Plan

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Fats &
What is Lipid ?
 A lipid is a fat soluble substance.
 It is a term describing a solubility characteristic.

T h e m a jo r typ e s o f lip id s a re …

• C h o le ste ro l
• Trig lyce rid e
• P h o sp h o lip id s
Functions of lipids

 Structural components of membranes: Lipids

separate cells from the external environment;
separate internal components (organelles)
 Storage and transport of energy
 Protective functions: Waterproofing
 Regulators: Hormones (steroids)
 Precursors: Vitamins (A,D,E,K)
What is Cholesterol ?

 It is an important constituent of cell membranes.

 It is a key compound for the synthesis of steroid
hormones and bile acids.

•H ig h le ve l o f ch o le ste ro l in th e b lo o d
is ca lle d h yp e rch o le ste ro le m ia
Serum Cholesterol levels

D e sira b le Le ss th a n 2 0 0 m g / d L

B o rd e rlin e - 2 0 0 to 2 3 9 m g / d L
h ig h

H ig h 2 4 0 m g / d L o r h ig h e r

These are based on fasting plasma cholesterol levels.

What are Triglycerides ?

 It is the chemical form in which most fat exists in

food as well as in the body.
 It is also present in the blood plasma. 
 Calories ingested in a meal and not used
immediately by the body are converted to
triglycerides and stored.

Excess Triglyceride in plasma is called Hypertriglyceridemia

Serum Triglyceride levels

N o rm a l Le ss th a n 1 5 0 m g / d L

B o rd e rlin e -
1 5 0 to 1 9 9 m g / d L
h ig h

H ig h 2 0 0 to 4 9 9 m g / d L

V e ry h ig h 5 0 0 m g / d L o r h ig h e r

 These are based on fasting plasma triglyceride

What are Lipoproteins ?

 Complex of Fats and Proteins are called

 The major Lipoproteins are:
 Chylomicrons
 Very Low Density Lipoproteins (VLDL)
 Intermediate Density Lipoproteins (IDL)
 Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL)
 High Density Lipoproteins (HDL)
What are Chylomicrons ?
 Largest and least dense of all lipoproteins.

 Offload their TGs to the peripheral tissues
like muscle and adipose tissues by the
action of LPL.
What is LDL cholesterol ?

 LDL-C transports cholesterol from liver to tissues for

 Excess LDL-C in blood can lead to a condition known as
atherosclerosis which is responsible for CHD and
strokes .
 High levels of LDL-C reflect an increased risk of heart
disease and stroke.
 Thus LDL cholesterol is called "bad" cholesterol.
 Lower levels of LDL-C reflect a lower risk of heart
What is HDL cholesterol?

 It transports cholesterol from body to liver for

 HDL cholesterol is known as "good" cholesterol
because a high HDL level seems to protect
against heart attack.
 The opposite is also true: a low HDL level (less
than 40 mg/dL) indicates a greater risk.
 A low HDL cholesterol level also may raise stroke
Normal lipid profile


Chylomicrons None (after 12 hrs of fasting)
VLDL 1-30 mg/dL

LDL 60 to 160 mg/dL

HDL 35 to 65 mg/dL
LDL to HDL ratio Less than 3.5
Triglycerides 10 to 160 mg/dL

 “Hardening of the Arteries”

 Characterized by raised and rough lesions
(fibrous plaque)

 High cholesterol, particularly LDL-C, is a definite
risk factor for Atherosclerosis
A th e ro scle ro sis

vAtherosclerosis ( deposition of
cholesterol and blood clot ) often
forms where arteries divide , as
there is often more turbulence in
blood flow at these sites .
H y p e rlip id e
m ia

A th e ro scle r
o sis

C A D \IH D \S tr
o ke
Current therapeutic options

 Statins:
 Atorvastatin\Simvastatin\Rosuvastatin
 Fibrates:
 Gemfibrozil
 Niacin – Vit B3
Current therapeutic options

 Statins:
 Prolonged use of statins leads to
muscle weakness
 Fibrates:
 Prolonged use leads to drug resistance

Alternate therapeutic options

 Omega 3 fatty acids:

 Regulates cholesterol absorption
 Reduces cholesterol biosynthesis
 Increases cholesterol catabolism
 Niacin:
 Reduces free fatty acids in blood
 Reduces VLDL in liver

Alternate therapeutic options -

 Phytosterol:
 Esters of omega 3 fatty acids

A n a tu ra l w a y to im p ro v e b lo o d
lip id s p ro file
C u rre n t th e ra p e u tic o p tio n s –
H ig h P e rce p tio n m a p p in g



Lo w Safety H ig h
MOA of Phytosterol

Micelles Free cholesterol

Plant sterols
transporter transporter Bile salts

Intestinal mucosa

Chylomicrons Adipocytes


Phytosterols inhibit cholesterol absorption

For balanced lipid profile
Phytosterols Long Term Benefits

For balanced lipid profile

Reduces incidence of coronary heart disease

2) British Journal of Nutrition (2006), 96, Suppl.1.


Reduces C-reactive protein by

28 .2 % 1
1) JAMA , July 23/30, 2003-Vol 290, No
Consumption of Omega - 3 fatty acids from
fish or fish - oil supplements

Omega-3 supplements* reduce TG in patients

with diabetes and elevated TG
Background: Recommendations:
Fish intake, specifically ADA:
omega-3s in fish oil, 2 or more servings per
associated with decreased week of fish (except
risk of CVD: acid (EPA)
 commercially
AHA: fried)
 Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 1-3 g of EPA/DHA in
capsule form
* Primarily fish oil supplements

American Diabetes Association (2007) Diabetes Care;30(Suppl 1):S48-S65.

Lichtenstein et al. (2006) Circulation;114:82-96.
Wang et al. (2006) Am J Clin Nutr;84:5–17.
Journal of Nutrition . 2008

In Hyperlipidemia,
Phytosterol and Omega 3 fatty acid (Phytomega)
re proven Synergistic & Complimentary for lowering LDL-C & TGs2

Reduces plasma total cholesterol by 13.3%

Reduces LDL-C by 12.5%2 to 24.4%3
Increases HDL levels by 8.6% (than plain omega 3- 7.1%)
Reduces TG levels by 25.9% to 40%4 (than plain omega-3 22.3%)
Balance the lipid profile

For balanced lipid profile
The Product

 Each softgel capsule contains:

 Phytosterol - 300mg
 EP acid - 120mg
 DH acid - 80mg
 Niacin
The packing

 Each pack contains 3 strips of 10

softgel capusules
 Primary packing 10’s
 Secondary packing 10’s X 3
 Tertiary packing 10 X (10’s X
The price

 MRP of each strip containing 10

softgel capsule is Rs.84
Launch rationale

 Increasingthe rate of metabolic

disorders thereby increased
prevalence of IHD\CHD and stroke
 All such life threatening symptoms are
having common cause i.e altered
lipid profile in the blood
 Addressing such issue with a drug
derived naturally will attract both Drs
and patients who are in borderline
The positioning

 Natrolip is the first line natural lipid

lowering agent
 Adj. in patients needing a higher dose
of statins\Fibrates

1) Nutrition Reviews Jun 2006, Vol 64, No. 7.

Differentiation with current

Short term effects Long term effects

üReduce triglyceride levels üLower risk for coronary artery

üLower LDL-c Levels
üLower CVD risk associated with
üDecrease total-cholesterol/HDL- type 2 diabetes
cholesterol ratio üLower CVD risk associated with
üPotential synergy with other
The segmentation

 Cons.Physicians
 Top Gen.practitioners

The indications

 Cons.physicians:
 Hyperlipidemia with co-morbid
 Borderline elevation of triglycerides

Market scenario – lipid
 Statins – 410 crs
 Fibrates – 10crs
 Others – 40crs

 Natrolip will focus on patients with

health conscious want to initiate
therapy with natural medicine
rather than lipid lowering agents.
Promotional theme - proposed

 Prevention is better than cure

 Iron fist in the velvet glove

 Protect it to protect you

Communication strategy

 To highlight the approval of US-FDA for

phytosterolas a dietery supplement in
 Phytosterol is a natural way balancing
lipid profile in the blood
 To highlight long term treatment with
statins leads to muscle weakness

V.A Communication

 Visualaid will communicate the

highlights of initiating treatment
with Natroplip
 For those who are in high risk of
developing hyper\dys lipidemia
 Those who doesn’t tolerate high dose
of statins
 Added benefit of Niacin at optimal
daily dose
LBL Communication

 LBLs will communicate the

highlights of the combination of
 Highlights of phytosterol
 Highlights of omega 3 fatty in reducing
risk of IHD\CHD and stroke
 Regulatory approval of the Natrolip
Inputs strategy

 Inputs will be designed in such a way

it will co-relate the theme nature.
 Hand made paper chit blocks
 Wooden table tops
 Palm leave book marks
 Trail pack to important drs
 Patient education booklets\Posters

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