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CS32310 Presentation

Aliasing Artifacts and Anti-Aliasing Techniques

(slightly modified H Holstein)

Rick Grundy

Aliasing Artefacts and Anti-Aliasing Techniques

What is Aliasing?
Effects of Aliasing

Avoiding Aliasing
Anti-Aliasing Techniques
Unweighted Filtering Weighted Filtering Supersampling

What is Aliasing?
False frequencies created by poor sampling of an input signal.

Sampled signal
Input signal

Sampling Rate

Effects of Aliasing
Artefacts are created by this poor sampling. Manifested as an audible, unmusical buzz in aliased sound data.

Also creates problems for computer graphics when vectorial data is sampled and rasterised.

Effects of Aliasing in Graphics

Jagged effect in rasterised graphics:

Vector representation of a circle

Jagged edges due to aliasing during the rasterisation process

Effects of Aliasing in Graphics

Poor representation of fine detail:

Image representing a chessboard in 3D

Closeup of most distant squares

Aliasing in Graphics
A graphics example:

Avoiding Aliasing?
The aliasing problem can be avoided when sampling audio by applying Nyquists Theorem. Sampling should be done at TWICE the rate of the maximum frequency present in the original signal. Applied to the signal seen earlier

Avoiding Aliasing?
Use of Nyquists theorem produces a mathematically identical output signal.
Sampled signal
Input signal

Sampling Rate (2x input frequency)

Avoiding Aliasing?
In computer graphics, the resolution of the rasterised image replaces the sampling rate seen in the audio example.

To apply Nyquist would require the output device to have a resolution double that which is discernable to the human visual system.
Technology is not currently at this level, so alternatives must be sought.

Anti-Aliasing Techniques
Consider a diagonal line represented as a raster graphic

Anti-Aliasing Techniques
The simplest way to rasterise would be to fill only those pixels with >50% coverage.

Anti-Aliasing Techniques
This is not a particularly good representation of the original line. Aliasing artefacts create a jagged, stepped appearance. The aliasing also makes lines appear to have different intensities depending on their angle.

Anti-Aliasing Techniques
A better method would be to determine the strength of the colour used to fill each individual pixel according to the percentage covered by the line.
90% 15% 65% 50%

Anti-Aliasing Techniques
This technique (known as pre-filtering) creates a much smoother appearance.

Circle with aliasing

Pre-filtering applied

Anti-Aliasing Techniques
In the method seen on the previous slides, the amount of coverage given to each pixel is determined irrespective of the distance from the center of the line. It is therefore known as Un-weighted filtering. The filter used to calculate the % coverage of each pixel in this method can be thought of as a cube covering an area of 1x1 pixels, as explained in the following slides

Unweighted Filtering
Consider the line on a plane surface in a 3D space

Unweighted Filtering
A cube is extrapolated up from the plane for each pixel that the line intersects

Unweighted Filtering
The line is then extrapolated to fill a portion of this cube

Unweighted Filtering
The percentage of the cube filled by the line can now be calculated and used to shade this pixel.

Unweighted filtering is computationally simple, but better results can be achieved by using a weighted filter.

Weighted Filtering
In weighted filtering, a cone is used in place of the cube.

Weighted Filtering
The line is extrapolated into the cone and the percentage of the cone filled is calculated.

Aliasing in Graphics
A graphics example:

Weighted Filtering
This weighted filtering gives a more accurate result by taking into account the pixels around the one currently being investigated. The use of a cone means that priority is given to line coverage closest to the center of the pixel in question.

It is possible to give different priorities to the outlying pixels by adjusting the height therefore of the cone - a steeper slope will give more priority to the pixel at the center.

The Results

These filtering methods have so far been applied just once per pixel in the rasterised image.

This is referred to as 1x anti-aliasing.

Greater accuracy and more graphically impressive results can be obtained by a technique known as supersampling.

Supersampling performs calculations on a virtual image n times the resolution of the desired output. This produces several pixels for each pixel in the final output. Filtering is applied to each of these virtual pixels and the resultant average value is used to shade the corresponding pixel in the output image.

Supersampling anti-aliasing is usually referred to in terms of the n value used:

n=8 1 2 4
(1x anti-aliasing) (2x (4x (8x

Supersampling is expensive computationally, but many high-end video cards provide onboard functionality to speed the process up. Modern video games strive for smooth, realistic edges and make extensive use of anti-aliasing techniques.

Many games provide the user with options to select the level of supersampling used (2x, 4x, 8x) to balance the desired graphics level with the computing power available.

Review of Material Covered

What is Aliasing?
Effects of Aliasing Avoiding Aliasing Anti-Aliasing Techniques
Unweighted Filtering Weighted Filtering Supersampling

Anti-Aliasing. Wikipedia, 2005.

Nyquist-Shannon Sampling Theorem. Wikipedia, 2005.

Antialiasing Techniques. Kaushik, S. 2005.

Anti-aliasing and Fractals. Jones, D. 2004.

Aliasing problems and Anti-Aliasing Techniques. Owen, S. 1999.

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