Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
TECH III YR II SEMESTER(TERM 08-09) UNIT 2 PPT SLIDES TEXT BOOKS: The essential guide to user interface design, Wilbert O Galitz, Wiley DreamaTech. Designing the user interface. 3rd Edition Ben Shneidermann , Pearson Education Asia.
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popularity of graphics the concept of direct manipulation graphical system Characteristics Web user Interface popularity Web user characteristics Principles of user interface Principles of user interface
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Increased computer power . User's actions to be reacted to quickly, dynamically, and meaningfully. WIMP interface: windows, icons, menus, and pointers.
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The system is portrayed as an extension of the real world: It is assumed that a person is already familiar with the objects and actions in his or her environment of interest.
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Symbols recognized faster than text Faster learning Faster use and problem solving Easier remembering
More natural
Exploits visual Fewer errors Increased feeling of control
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Immediate feedback Predictable system responses Easily reversible actions Less anxiety concerning use
More attractive
May consume less space Easily augmented with text displays Smooth transition from command language system
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Greater design complexity: Controls and basic alternatives must be chosen from pile of choices numbering in excess of 50. There is no guarantee that the design produced will be better. Learning still necessary For the first time one encounters many graphical systems,what to do is not immediately obvious.the meaning of words and icons may not be known.
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Inconsistencies in technique and terminology Many differences in technique ,terminology and look and feel exist among various graphical systems. Lack of experimentally-derived design guidelines use a pointing device may also have to be learned Working domain is the present While direct manipulation systems provide context,they also require the user to work in the present.
Production limitations
Inefficient for touch typists Inefficient for expert users
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click interaction, a restricted set of interface options, visualization, object orientation, extensive use of a person's recognition memory, and concurrent performance of functions
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people to understand
Information that is difficult to perceive, because it is either too voluminous or too abstract Presenting specialized graphic
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A container is an object in which other objects exist. Examples include text in a document or documents in a folder.
Another important object characteristic is persistence. Persistence is the maintenance of a state once it is established.
An object's state (for example, window size, cursor location, scroll position, and so on) should always be automatically preserved when the user changes it. Use of Recognition Memory : Continuous visibility of objects and actions encourages use of a person's more
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People perform operations, called actions, on objects. The operations include accessing and modifying
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between pages of information, not an application environment. It is also a graphically rich environment.
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for people.
Next, browser navigation retreated to the pre-GUI era. This era was characterized by a "command" field whose contents had to be learned, and a navigational organization and structure that lay hidden beneath a mostly dark and blank screen.
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GUI User limited User hardware characteristics well defined. Screens appear exactly as specified. Data and applications Typically created and used by known and trusted sources. Properties generally known. Typically placed into system by users or known people and organizations. Typically organized in a hardware variations User
Full of unknown content. Source not always trusted. Often not placed onto the Web by users or known people and
User Tasks
Install, configure, personalize, Link to a site, browse or read start, use, and upgrade pages, fill out forms, register for services, participate in transactions, Movement between pages and
Open, use, and close data download and save things. files. Fairly long times spent within sites very rapid. Familiarity with an application. Familiarity with many sites not established. applications often achieved. User's Conceptual Space
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Presentatio n Elements
text, images, audio, video, and animation. May not be presented as specified by the designer monitor, dependent and on user
specifications. Little standardization Navigation Through menus, lists, trees, dialogs, and wizards. Not a strong and visible concept. Constrained by design. Generally toolkits and style guides. standardized by Through links: bookmarks, and typed URLs. Significant and highly visible concept. Few constraints ,frequently causing a lost sense of place Few standards. Typically part of page design, fostering an lack of consistency lecture 10 slide 4
Enables maintenance of a Poorer maintenance of a sense of better sense of context. context. Single-page entities. Restricted navigation paths. Multiple viewable windows. Unlimited navigation paths. Contextual clues become limited or are difficult to find.
Interactions such as clicking Basic interaction is a single click. menu choices, pressing buttons, This can cause extreme changes in selecting list choices, and context, which may not be noticed. cut/copy/paste occur within context of active program.
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Response Time
Nearly instantaneous.
Quite variable, depending on transmission speeds, page content, and so on. Long times can upset the user.
Visual Style
Typically prescribed and constrained by toolkit. Visual creativity allowed but difficult. Little significant personalization.
Fosters a more artistic, individual, and unrestricted presentation style. Complicated by differing browser and display capabilities, and bandwidth limitations. Limited personalization available.
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System Capability
Limited by constraints imposed by the hardware, browser, software, client support, and user willingness to allow features because of response time, security, and privacy concerns
Task Efficiency
Targeted to a specific audience with specific tasks. Only limited by ctual user audience usually not well the amount of programming undertaken to support it understood. Often intended for anyone and everyone.
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Consisten cy
Major objective exists within and across applications. Aided by platform toolkit and design guidelines. Universal consistency in GUI products generally created through toolkits and design guidelines. ites tend to establish their own identity. Frequently standards set within a site. Frequent ignoring of GUI guidelines for identical components, especially controls.
User Assistance
Integral part of most systems and applications. Accessed through standard mechanisms. Documentation, both online and offline, Usually provided. Personal support desk also usually provided
No similar help systems. The little available help is built into the page. Customer service support, if provided, oriented to product or service offered.
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Seamless integration of all applications into the platform environment a major objective. Toolkits and components are key elements in accomplishing this objective
Apparent for some basic functions within most Web sites printing,
willingness to invest resources and providers, Internet service providers, effort hosting servers, and remotely accessed sites.
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It should be useful, accomplishing some business objectives faster and more efficiently than the previously used method or tool did. It must also be easy to learn, for people want to do, not learn to do. Finally, the system must be easy and fun to use, evoking a sense of pleasure and accomplishment not tedium and
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The interface itself should serve as both a connector and a separator: a connector in that it ties the user to the power of the computer, and a separator in that it minimizes the possibility of the participants damaging one another. While the damage the user inflicts on the computer tends to be physical (a frustrated pounding of the keyboard), the damage caused by the computer is more psychological. Throughout the history of the human-computer interface, various researchers and writers have attempted to define a set of general principles of interface design.
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When they are selected should also be obvious, because it should be clear that the selected object will be the focus of the next action. Standalone icons easily fulfilled this requirement. The handles for windows were placed in the borders.
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changing shapes).
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General Principles
The design goals in creating a user interface are described
below. They are fundamental to the design and implementation of all effective interfaces, including GUI and Web ones. These principles are general characteristics of the interface, and they apply to all aspects. The compilation is presented alphabetically, and the
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Aesthetically Pleasing
Provide visual appeal by following these presentation and graphic design principles: Provide meaningful contrast between screen elements. Create groupings. Align screen elements and groups. Provide three-dimensional representation. Use color and graphics effectively and simply.
The interface should be visually, conceptually, and linguistically clear, including Visual elements Functions Metaphors Words and Text
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>> Provide compatibility with the following:
- The user - The task and job - The Product >> Adopt the Users Perspective
>> Permit easy personalization, configuration, and reconfiguration of settings.
>> The same action should always yield the same result
>> The function of elements should not change. >> The position of standard elements should not change.
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>> A system must be sensitive to the differing needs of its users,
>>Employ familiar concepts and use a language that is familiar to the user.
>> Keep the interface natural, mimicking the user's behavior
>> Use real-world metaphors.
>>Tolerate and forgive common and unavoidable human errors. >>Prevent errors from occurring whenever possible. >> Protect against possible catastrophic errors. >> When an error does occur, provide constructive messages.
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>> A system should permit:
- Commands or actions to be abolished or reversed.