The Post Method Era
The Post Method Era
The Post Method Era
The need for curriculum development processes Lack of research basis Similarity of classroom practices
(Hlya ZGER)
Recent explorations in L2 pedagogy signal a shift away from the conventiional and traditional concept of method toward a post method condition so that the teachers are empowered to devise for themselves a systematic, coherent and relevant alternative to method. The post-methods era
It also signifies a search for an alternative to method rather than an alternative method. It also signifies teacher autonomy.
It is different from eclecticism which has long been advocated to overcome the limitations of any given method.
The Grammar Translation Method (19th century) Direct Method (end of 19th century) The Audiolingual Method (in the 1950s) Silent Way TPR Suggestopedia Communicative Language Teaching (in the 1980s)
Communivative Language Teaching Competency-Based Language Teaching Content-Based Instruction Cooperative Learning Lexical Approaches Multiple Intelligences The Naturalistic Approach Neurolinguistic Programming Task-Based Language Teaching Whole Language
A method refers to a specific instructional design or system based on a particular theory of language and of language learning. It contains detailed specifications of content, roles of teachers and learners, and teaching procedures and techniques. It is relatively fixed in time and there is generally little scope for individual interpretation. Methods are learned through training. The teachers role is to follow the method and apply it precisely according to rules. The following are examples of methods in this sense: Audiolingualism Counseling-Learning Situational Language Teaching The Silent Way Suggestopedia Total Physical Response
To sum up
There is often no clear right or wrong way of teaching according to an approach and no prescribed body of practice. Methods solve many of problems beginning teachers have to struggle with because many of the basis decisions about what to teach and how to teach it have already been made for them.
Approaches tend to allow for varying interpretations in practice, methods typically prescribe for teachers what and how to teach.
Teacher have to
accept the claims or theory underlying the method and appy them to their own practice.
In other words,
Learners bring different learning styles and preferences to the learning process, that they should be consulted in the process of developing a teaching program, and that teaching methods must be flexible and adaptive to learners need and interest.
Both approach and methods are often promoted as all-purpose solutions to teaching problems In trying to apply approaches or methods, teachers sometimes ignore what is the starting point in language program design, namely, a careful consideration of the context.
Teaching and learning occurs
CLT and cultural imperialism nearly is same thing according to their educational traditions.
In this respect, CLT is used in Britain and United States, other speaking countries. And so, this situation is related to target culture and the assumptions of CLT. Similarly, Counseling-learning and cooperative learning and their assumption about the roles of teachers and learners are not necessarily culturally universal.
The assessment of the extend to which the development work has in fact achieved its objectives. The final element is therefore the feedback of all the experience gained, to provide a starting point for further study.
Looking Forward
Responses to technology; The potential of the internet , the World Wide Web, and other computer interfaces and technological innovations is likely to capture the imagination of the teaching profession in the future as it has in the past and will influence both the content and the form of instructional delivery in the language teaching.
Learner-based innovations; Learner-based focuses recur in laguage teaching and other fields in approximately 10-year cycles, as we have seen with individualized instruction, the learner-centred curriculum, learner training, learner strategies, and Multiple Intelligences. We can anticipate continuation of this trend.