Professional Development: Final Project Report Writing - Structure and Content
Professional Development: Final Project Report Writing - Structure and Content
Professional Development: Final Project Report Writing - Structure and Content
What is a report?
Formal documentation of project work or research Written in a concise style, giving specific details Many report types, but usually a similar structure:
Normally involves tables, charts, graphs, diagrams and appendices Often includes recommendation(s) for action
Tailoring to an Audience
The style and content of a report should be appropriate to readers for whom it is written
Who will read the report? What is their level of expertise? How much do they already know about the topic? What do they need to know?
e.g. if written for a client, the report should be tailored to the clients requirements, not generic
The exact structure will depend on the particular nature of your project The following is a generic framework:
Title page Acknowledgements Abstract Table of Contents List of figures & tables Glossary & Abbreviations
Main body
Introduction Literature review Methodology Analysis Design Implementation and testing Critical evaluation & conclusion Further work (for the future) References
Title Page
Should be short and descriptive indicating what your work is about Please avoid cute titles and private acronyms
full name and student id of the author degree title e.g. B.Sc. (Hons) in Computer Science name of the University name of the Faculty month and year in which the project was submitted
You may wish to thank particular people who supported and helped you You may wish to indicate how they helped e.g. proofreading, giving feedback/comments
It should:
Consist of an outline of the project, aimed at someone unfamiliar with your work Summarise:
the problem tackled the methods used high level summary of outcomes your main conclusions
Normally written in the past tense as it describes what has been achieved Not exceed one page Although the first item to be read, it is often the last one to be written
Table of Contents
Numbered chapters Numbered sections and sub-sections List of numbered figures and numbered tables List of appendices References
Specify first page number of each chapter, section and sub-section, not a range
Provides the context of the work (including information on your client, if appropriate) Purpose, scope, main aims and objectives of your project Description of the problem Justification for undertaking this project Project organisation Summary of the content of the remaining sections of your report
Literature Review
Overview of the most important writing on the subject, discussing other researchers main findings Specify where you have used references Identifying the position of your project in the subject area Comparing related work to what you intend to develop
Research Ethics
London Metropolitan University Code of Good Research Practice
London Metropolitan University has to ensure that the research that is carried out conforms with the law and best current practice. The guidelines in the code cover issues on proper conduct of research and on the standards expected.
The University expects those engaged in research to act with the highest standards of integrity whether they are employees of the University, research students or researchers, and irrespective of the source from which their posts or research is funded. Researchers should be honest in respect of their own actions in research and in their responses to the actions of other researchers. This applies to the whole range of research work, including experimental design, generating and analysing data, applying for funding, publishing results, and acknowledging the direct and indirect contribution of colleagues, collaborators and others. Plagiarism, deception or the fabrication or falsification of results will be regarded as a serious disciplinary offence.
These must be relevant to your project and not addressed in general terms Identify reasons for your choice
Requirements Analysis
Main design goals based on your analysis Design techniques used to model your application e.g. ERD, Sequence diagrams UML, DFD, etc.
User manual and full source code should normally be presented in an appendix
An account of error testing and debugging An account of usability testing performed A description of any changes implemented as a consequence of test results Description and justification of particular testing techniques employed Summary of your main results
Critical appraisal of your work is very important You might consider such questions as:
How much of the initial plan has been fulfilled? To what extent have the original aims and objectives been met? If you were to start this task again what would you do differently, and why? What do you see as possible future developments? Was the outcome as expected? What has been learned from your project?
Offer a conclusion
Personal Reflection
As part of the Personal Development Plan (PDP), there should be a self-evaluation chapter/section You might consider such questions as:
Covered separately
May include any supporting material which is not essential for the main body of the report These could be:
Questionnaire designed for use Completed questionnaires received Details of interviews with end-users User evaluation of the system you developed Software listings User manual/guide Test plans and results Project plans Tables of raw data Glossaries
Report Guidelines
Plan your report structure Employ a professional writing style Draft report chapters Review drafts and act on feedback from supervisor Apply report formatting Use plain English: do not overuse jargon or acronyms Give a table of abbreviations if many are used Avoid use of humour or slang not appropriate Label every figure and table (number and title) Use a consistent system of referencing