Greece Architecture
Greece Architecture
Greece Architecture
Beauty Architecture
• Athenians enjoyed beauty, both written • Athenians wanted their city to be
and visual most beautiful in Greece
• Loved and appreciate the natural beauty • Built magnificent temples,
of man (did not feel threatened by
theatres, public buildings
• Expressed love of written beauty
through literature; visual beauty through
architecture, art
Enhancements Parthenon
• To enhance appearance of • Most magnificent on acropolis
buildings, added fine works of art,
• Massive temple to Athena
painted and sculpted
• Begun by Pericles, 447 BC
• Grandest buildings built on
acropolis, at city’s center • Took 14 years to build
Egyptians used post and lintel architecture in their
Egyptian Influence
• The Greeks adopted post and lintel from the
Egyptians modifying and developing their
own style of column or order decoration
• These columns were used to support the
roofs and tops of buildings. They were strong
and could hold the weight of the structures.
• There are three types of Greek columns--
which are still used today.
Columns are the post part in construction; the
Greeks also modified the Lintel part
1. Doric
The first of the Greek order (the oldest)
Very plain capital, with no base, fluted
2. Ionic
The second Greek order (the middle)
Scroll capital, now has its own base, fluted
3. Corinthian
The third type of the Greek order
Flowery/detailed capital, larger base,
sometimes fluted length, though sometimes
Pediment (Lintel): triangular structure above columns,
normally decorated with a frieze.
Frieze: artwork, sometimes statues, othertimes
paintings; usually of the Gods that adorn the
pediment. See below (that frieze is on the
Philadelphia Art Museum)
US Supreme Court: Notice the lintel
Many Greek buildings remain in partial standing