16-Genital Prolapse
16-Genital Prolapse
16-Genital Prolapse
AGE - 56 years
PARITY: 6+2+4+7
- “Something” protruding through the vagina - 8 months
- Back ache
- Cough troublesome
- “Water” control
Prolapse is defined as:-
Herniation or protrusion or descent of one or more of
the pelvic viscera through the vagina as a result of a
defect in the pelvic floor due to damage or weakness.
Simply put-one of the pelvic viscera “falls through” or
“protrudes” through the vagina as a “mass”
Which pelvic viscera / organs are involved?
Urethra, Bladder
Bowels, Rectum.
Urethrocele (Urethrocoele)
Sagging of urethra and the associated anterior vaginal
wall into the vaginal lumen
Cystocele (Cystocoele)
Herniation or protrusion of the bladder into the vaginal
Usually involves anterior vaginal wall ,
May be mild, moderate or severe (or small, average,
May co-exist with prolapse of the urethra when the
terminology should be Cysto-urethrocele.
Uterovaginal prolapse
Descent of the cervix and uterus along the axis of the
vaginal canal.
Second Degree
Descent of the cervix to the introitus
Cervix may descend beyond introitus with straining but
return to introitus later
Enterocele (Enterocoele)
Hernation / out pouching / protrusion of peritoneum
over pouch of Douglas (through posterior vaginal
fornix) Sca usually contains loops of bowl.
Rectocele (Rectocoele)
Sagging or protrusion of rectum into the vagina. May
be mild, moderate or severe (small, Average, Large).
Utero-vaginal prolapse which technically applies to
prolapse of the uterus is frequently (almost
always) associated with
1. Prolapse of organs through the anterior vaginal wall
- Urethrocele / Cystocele
2. Prolapse of organs through the pouch of Douglas
and posterior vaginal wall
- Enterocele / Rectocele
Various combinations of above entities occur in
different patients
Laxity of the Introitus
Occurs World wide.
Variation with age / Parity
Increase with age
Increase with parity
More common amongst whites
Less common amongst Asians, Arabs, Afro Americans.
About 50% of patients are parous
Women have some degree of prolapse.
About 2% Nulliparous women may have symptomatic
Muscles of the pelvic floor
* Levator Ani Muscles
The Endopelvic fascia
* Pubocervical fascia
* Transverse cervical Ligaments
* (Cardinal Ligaments)
* Utero-sacral Ligaments
* Recto-vaginal fascia
Round Ligaments of the uterus
E. Precipitation Factors:
* Chronic cough
* Ascites
* Abdominal / Pelvic Tumours
General Examination.
Blood pressure
Heart sounds
Respiratory system
Abdomen – Masses / Ascites
Vaginal Examination
A. Inspection
Stress Incontinence (If bladder empty, repeat
examination after 1 hour and encourage patient to
B. Speculum Examination
Sim’s position / Lateral position
Sim’s speculum
Anterior vaginal wall
Posterior vaginal wall
C. Digital Examination
Symptoms Frequency
Protrusion >90%
Pressure >90%
Impaired Coitus 37%
Difficulty voiding 33%
Urinary Incontinence 33%
Difficulty walking 25%
Difficulty Defaecating 25%
Pelvic pain 17%
Urinary frequency / urgency 14%
Nausea 10%
Low back pain 10%
Mucosal Irritation / Discharge 10%
Addision et al 1988
Sickling / Hb Electrophoresis
Liver Function Tests
Renal Function Test
Fasting Blood sugar
Mid stream Urine-Protein / Sugar
Microscopy, Culture and Sensitivity
ECG (in elderly patients) Chest X ray (chronic cough)
Stress Incontinence – Urodynamic studies
IVU – (Severe prolapse) Abdominal mass
CT Scan – (Abdominal Masses / Tumour / Ascites / )
A. General
Health of patient-Respiratory
Disorders / Heavy smoking
Estrogen Therapy in menopausal patients
Pelvic floor exercises
Treat U.T.I if detected
Non - Surgical
(a) Temporary treatment
i In pregnancy
ii While awaiting surgery
(b) Long term treatment
i Frail / Elderly patient
ii Patient unfit for Anaesthesia
iii Unfit for surgery
iv Unwilling for surgery
Silicone Ring Pessary – Different sizes
- Main stay
Appropriate size of pessary
Change every 306 months
Regular check – up
Probable side Effects –vaginal discharge
Coital Problems
(with Rubber Pessaries) Ulceration / Cancer
Vaginal bleeding.
C. Surgical
Depends on
a. Type of prolapse
b. Age of patient
c. Desire for future reproduction
d. Coital activity
Complications: Haemorrhage
Vesico-Vaginal fistula
Retention of urine / UTI
Post operation
* Dyspareunia
* Recurrence
2. Rectocele *Posterior Colporrhapy
*Posterior Colpo-perineorrhapy
( Where perineum is deficient)
*Complications – Haemorrhage
Recto-vaginal fistula
* Dyspareunia
Uterovaginal Prolapse
Young patient / Sexually Active / Wants more
Manchester Type operation
* Dilation and Curettage
* Amputation of cervix
* Shortening of cardinal ligaments and
Approximation in front of cervix.
Forthergill and Stumdorf stitches
Combine with
Anterior Colporrhaphy
Posterior colpo-perineorrhaphy
Repair of Enterocele
Complications of Manchester Operation:
- Dyspareunia
- 2° Infertility-cervical factor
- Recurrence of prolapse
Mainly Obstetric
- Recurrent abortion-Mid trimester
- Premature labour
- Cervical dystocia
- Obstructed labour
Cervical laceration
Delivery after Manchester Operation
Some authors advocate Tubal Ligation with
Manchester operation
Delivery by Elective C/S
Vaginal delivery
Shorten second stage
(Easy Forceps/Ventouse)
3.2.1. Utero-vaginal prolapse [1° -2° Degree Prolapse]
Sexually active / Family size complete
Manchester Type operation
With anterior colporrhaphy and as indicated
Posterior colpoperineorrhaphy
Repair of enterocele
Vaginal Hysterectomy
Pelvic repair (as indicated)
[Anterior colporrhaphy/posterior colpo perineorrhaphy]
3.2.2 Utero-vaginal Prolapse
Elderly patients (post Menopause)
All others-especially when procidentia present
Vaginal hysterectomy and
Pelvic floor repair
4. LE FORT’S Operation
Rarely performed Nowadays
Closure of vagina
In frail elderly patients
Complications of vaginal Hysterectomy
Ureteric Injury
Bowel Injury
Pelvic Haematoma
Pelvic Absess
Dyspareunia Delayed
Vault Prolapse