Accident Analysis

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ACADs (08-006) Covered



Supporting Material

Accident Analysis
Emergency Classification

Level of risk to the public.
4 emergency classifications:
1. Notification of Unusual Event
2. Alert
3. Site Area Emergency
4. General Emergency
Accident Analysis
Assessment :
systematic process aimed at ensuring that all relevant safety
requirements are met, including:

principal requirements
plant equipment requirements
plant systems design requirements
Accident Analysis
According to the probability of its occurrence and potential
consequences, an event may be classified as:

1. Anticipated Operational Occurrence (transient)
2. Design Basis Accident (DBA).
Accident Analysis
Design-basis accident (DBA):
A postulated accident that a nuclear facility must be designed
and built to withstand without loss to the systems, structures,
and components necessary to ensure public health and safety.*

Beyond design-basis accidents (BDBA):
Accident sequences that are possible but were not fully
considered in the design process because they were judged to be
too unlikely.

Accident Analysis
Complementary methods of safety analysis are used jointly in
evaluating the safety of an NPP:

1. Deterministic
2. Probabilistic

Accident Analysis
Deterministic safety analysis:

predicts the response of an NPP in specific predetermined
operational states to postulated initiating events.

applies a specific set of rules and specific acceptance criteria.

focused on neutronic, thermohydraulic, radiological and
structural aspects,
Accident Analysis
Probabilistic safety analysis (PSA) combines
the likelihood of an initiating event
potential scenarios in the development of the event
its consequences into an estimation of core damage
source term
overall risk arising from operation of the NPP.
number of event sequences can be very large.

Accident Analysis
Two classes of radiation exposure effects:
1. Deterministic effects
certain to occur under given conditions
2. Stochastic effects
where the effect may or may not occur
Federal Oversight
In the U.S.
104 commercial nuclear power reactors are licensed to operate
65 sites
31 States.
Onsite and offsite emergency plans
Shared by the NRC and Federal Emergency Management
Agency (FEMA).
facilitated through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
The MOU is responsive to the President's decision of December
7, 1979:
FEMA-- lead in overseeing offsite planning and response,
NRC assist FEMA.
Federal Oversight
Reactor Oversight Process:
NRC reviews emergency planning procedures and training.
Regular drills
Each plant owner is required to exercise its emergency
plan once every two years
Regular self-testing of emergency plans
Final Safety Analysis Report

FSAR is provided by applicant
Supports the NRC's approval and certification of the standard U.S.
EPR design,
Divided into two parts (called "tiers"):
The Tier 1 material :
high-level information on the plant design.

The Tier 2 document :
more-detailed information on the plant design.

Accident management
1. set of actions during the evolution of a beyond design basis
(a) To prevent the escalation of the event into a severe accident;
(b) To mitigate the consequences of a severe accident;
(c) To achieve a long term safe stable state.

2. severe accident management:
mitigate the consequences of a severe accident

Accident management is essential to ensure effective defense in
Emergency Planning Zones
NRC defines two EPZ around each nuclear power plant.

The plume exposure pathway EPZ extends about 10 miles
in radius around a plant.
Exposure and inhalation of the public to airborne radioactive

The ingestion pathway EPZ extends about 50 miles in
radius around a plant.
ingestion of food and liquid that is contaminated by radioactivity.

Protective Actions

The NRC's regulations are designed:
to mitigate accident consequences
to minimize radiation exposure

When a radiological emergency occurs, nuclear power plant:
evaluate plant conditions
make protective action recommendations.
the state or local government agencies are responsible for making
decisions on the actions
Protective Actions
Factors that affect protective action decisions include:

1. plant conditions,
2. competing events,
3. weather,
4. evacuation times,
5. shelter factors,
6. how quickly an incident develops,
7. how short-lived a release of radiation may be,
8. other

Evacuation, Sheltering

Protective measures :
3.the prophylactic use of potassium iodide (KI), as
Under most conditions, evacuation may be preferred
Under some conditions, people may be instructed to
take shelter
sheltering can significantly reduce a persons dose
Evacuations should be mapped to anticipate the path
of the release.

Evacuation, Sheltering

General Emergency:
a two-mile ring around the plant,
the 5-mile zone directly downwind
slightly to either side of the projected path of the
Evacuation beyond 5 miles is assessed as the accident
people living in the remainder of the 10-mile zone
Keyhole covering 2-mile radius and
downwind sectors

Original and revised keyhole following wind

Original Revised
Use of Potassium Iodide
Another protective action in the 10-mile EPZ:
potassium iodide KI:
helps prevent the thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine
blocks the radioactive iodine from being absorbed by the
thyroid gland
reduces the risk of thyroid cancers and other diseases.
does not protect against inhaled radioactive materials,
does not offer protection from external exposure to
risks and potential side effects:
gastrointestinal disturbances, allergic reactions, and iodide goiter
and hypothyroidism.
Use of Potassium Iodide
NRC modified its regulations, January 2001
FDA issued guidance on using the drug.
As of February 28, 2005, 20 states received KI tablets from the
Illinois has its own KI program in place;
21 of the 34 states with populations within the 10-mile EPZ
have KI.

Safety limit

A restriction or range placed upon important process
variables that are necessary to reasonably protect the
integrity of the physical barriers that guard against the
uncontrolled release of radioactivity. *

Limiting safety system settings

Settings for automatic protective devices related to those
variables having significant safety functions. Where a
limiting safety system setting is specified for a variable on
which a safety limit has been placed, the setting will
ensure that automatic protective action will correct the
abnormal situation before a safety limit is exceeded.
Safety Limits
Prevention of unacceptable releases of radioactive materials
from the plant
Limits imposed on:
temperatures of fuel and fuel cladding,
coolant pressure,
pressure boundary integrity
other operational characteristics influencing the release
of radioactive material from the fuel.
Protect the integrity of certain physical barriers
Safety Limits
if any safety limit is exceeded:
1. the reactor should be shut down
2. normal power operation restored only
after appropriate evaluation
in accordance with established plant procedures.

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