Rizal's Grand Tour in Europe With Maximo Viola
Rizal's Grand Tour in Europe With Maximo Viola
Rizal's Grand Tour in Europe With Maximo Viola
Near *erlin
+t became famous
because of ,rederic-
the Great . s-illfull&
emplo&ed the
limited "russian
resources to ma-e
his -ingdom the
most powerful
German state during
the se!en /ears 0ar%
9top o!er
(eitmeritz Austria
Now -nown as
(itomeritce in
8zech Republic%
0here ,erdinand
*lumentritt li!ed%
*lumentritt 2
waited for Rizal
and Viola in the
train station
carr&ing with him a
s-etch of Rizal%
=otel >rebs 2
where Rizal and
Viola sta&ed while
the& were in
Rizal painted
*lumentritt as a
sign of his
=e accompanied the
two ph&sicians in
!isiting the historic
*acteriological (aboratories
8apital of Austria.
Cueen of 1anube
,rom Rheinfall to
'une FI #;;< 2
,east da& of 9aints
"eter and "aul% =e
!isited the Vatican
2 the cit& of the
popes and the
capital of