Rizal's Grand Tour in Europe With Maximo Viola

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Rizals Grand Tour in

Rizals Grand Tour in

Europe with Maximo Viola
Europe with Maximo Viola

After the publication of the Noli Me

Tangere Rizal had recei!ed
remittance from "aciano worth
"#$$$%$$ which was forwarded b&
'uan (una from "aris%

Rizal immediatel& paid Viola ")$$%$$

that he used to published the no!el%

Near *erlin

+t became famous
because of ,rederic-
the Great . s-illfull&
emplo&ed the
limited "russian
resources to ma-e
his -ingdom the
most powerful
German state during
the se!en /ears 0ar%

Viola and Rizal left

*erlin b& train%

0here the& !isited the Regional ,lower


Rizal 2 interested in *otan& studied the

!ariet& of plants%

1r% Adolph Me&er 2 was !isited b& the

two ph&sicians%

The& !isited the Museum or Art where

Rizal became deepl& impressed b& the
painting "rometheus *ound%

"rometheus 2 a Titan punished b& 3eus

for gi!ing 4re to man-ind%

,eodor 'agor 2 was also !isited b& Rizal

and Viola%

0as informed of the two ph&sicians plan to

!isit *lumentritt

0arned Rizal to inform *lumentritt 4rst

because he might su5er a ner!ous
brea-down because of shoc-%

Teschen 61ecin7 2 found in 8zech


9top o!er
(eitmeritz Austria

Now -nown as
(itomeritce in
8zech Republic%

0here ,erdinand
*lumentritt li!ed%

Rizal and Viola

sta&ed in this place
from Ma& #).

*lumentritt 2
waited for Rizal
and Viola in the
train station
carr&ing with him a
s-etch of Rizal%

=otel >rebs 2
where Rizal and
Viola sta&ed while
the& were in

Rizal en?o&ed the warm hospitalit& of

*lumentritts famil&%

Rosa 2 *lumentritts wife was a good coo-

1olores 61ora 1orita7 8onrad and ,ritz 2

were nice to them%

,erdinand 2 a great tourist guide and a

hospitable host%

@5ered the best beer in *ohemia to his guests

+ntroduced Rizal to the town Ma&or who was

impressed in his communication s-ills%

Tourists 8lub of (eitmeritz 2 a group

where *lumentritt was the secretar&%

Rizal spo-e extemporaneousl& in Auent

German praising Austrias id&llic scenes and
hospitable nature lo!ing and noble people%

=e was willfull& applauded%

1r% 8arlos 8zepala- 2 a renowned scientist

"rofessor Robert >lutscha- 2 a eminent


*oth were introduced b& *lumentritt to Rizal

Rizal painted
*lumentritt as a
sign of his

Viola and Rizal

carried with them a
from *lumentritt
address to 1r%
0el-omm 2 professor
of natural histor& in
the Bni!ersit& of

=e accompanied the
two ph&sicians in
!isiting the historic

Tomb of Nicolaus 8opernicus 2

famous astronomer

Museum of Natural =istor&

*acteriological (aboratories

8a!e where 9an 'uan Nepomuceno

the 8atholic saint was imprisoned as
well as the bridge where he was
hurled into the ri!er%

8apital of Austria.

Rizal and Viola

spent four da&s in
this cit& !isiting the
buildings and
examining hol&
images and

Cueen of 1anube

Norfenfals 2 one of the greatest

no!elists in Europe during Rizals time
was met b& Rizal through *lumentritt%

1iamond stic-pin 2 lost b& Rizal in

=otel >rebs gi!en b& the maid to

The& sta&ed in =otel Metropole

1anubian Vo&age to (inz

Rizal and Viola left

Vienna !ia boat to
see the beautiful
sights of the 1anube

The& noticed that

passengers were
using paper nap-ins
during the meals
instead of a cloth
,rom (inz to Rheinfall

The& left Austria from 9alzburg where

0olfgang Amadeus Mozart was born% The& re.
entered German&%

Munich 2 where the& sta&ed for a short.time

to drin- the Munich *eer 6the best in

Nuremburg 2 one of the oldest cities in


0here the& saw the horrible machines used in the


The two were impressed b& the manufacture of

dolls which was the cit&s biggest industr&%

Blm 2 where the largest and tallest

8athedral in German&%

,rom here the& went to 9tuttgart

*aden and in Rheinfall 2 were the& saw
the most beautiful waterfall in Europe%

,rom Rheinfall to

=ere the& !isited

*asel 6*ale7 *ern
and (ausanne%

@ne of the most beautiful cities in

Europe !isited b& tourists e!er& &ear%

=e spent #E da&s in this place

Rizal spent his F:


Viola returned to *arcelona from


Rizal continued his tour to +tal&%

Exhibition of +gorots in #;;<
Madrid Exposition

+n Gene!a Rizal and Viola recei!ed news

from Madrid about the deplorable
conditions of the primiti!e +gorots who
were exhibited in the exhibition%

9ome of whom died and whose scant&

clothing 6G strings7 and crude weapons
were ob?ects of moc-er& and laughter b&
the 9paniards%

Rizal was outraged b& the degradation of

his fellow countr&men%

+n this place Rizal

!isited Turin
Venice an ,lorence%

'une F< #;;< 2 he

reached Rome
GThe Eternal 8it&
and the 8it& of

'une FI #;;< 2
,east da& of 9aints
"eter and "aul% =e
!isited the Vatican
2 the cit& of the
popes and the
capital of

The grandeur of Rome was

something that Rizal did not fail to
appreciate in his so?ourn in +tal&% After
a wee- of tra!el in Rome he
prepared for his homecoming to the

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