Distributed Systems - System Models

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Distributed Systems

System Models

Purpose of Models
Models help us
 understand
 predict
 control / construct / explore

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Good Models
A model consists of attributes and
 rules can be expressed as
mathematical and logical formulas
A model yields insight
 helps recognize unsolvable problems
 helps avoid slow or expensive

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Distributed System Models
Architectural Models
 placement of parts
 relationship of parts
Fundamental Models
 formal description of system
properties common in all architectural

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Architectural Model
Service Layers
 Platform
 operating system, hardware
 supplies system programming interface
 Middleware
 masks heterogeneity
 supplies application programming
 provides services (e.g., naming, security,
transactions, event notification, etc.)

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Service Layers

Applications, services


Operating system


Computer and network hardware

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Architectural Model
System Architectures
 Client/Server Model
 Multiple Servers
 Proxy Servers and Caches
 Peer Processes

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Client/Server Model

Client invocation invocation Server

result result

Process: Computer:

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Client/Server Model
Remains the most widely used
Services may be provided by
multiple servers
Partitioned or replicated service-
related objects

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Client/Server Model
Partition provides
 increased performance
 increased availability
 increased fault-tolerance
But requires replica coordination /
consistency preservation

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Multiple Servers




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Proxy Servers and Caches
 a close store of recently used data
 considerably increase performance in
many applications
 but requires cache coherence protocols
Proxy Server
 a shared cache of resources
 most commonly used for web access

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Proxy Server

Client Web

Client Web

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Peer Processes
Peer Processes
 processes that play similar roles
 no absolute distinction between
 may still assume client/server roles
from time to time
 Whiteboard Architecture
 Group Communication / Multicast

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Peer Processes

Application Application

Coordination Coordination
code code



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Client-Server Model
Mobile Code
Mobile Agents
Network Computers
Thin Clients
Mobile Devices and Spontaneous

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Mobile Codes
Code will be executed on the client
machine instead of the server
Applets are well-known and widely
used example of mobile code

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Web Applets
a) client request results in the downloading of applet code

Client Web
Applet code server

b) client interacts with the applet

Client Applet server

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Server Push Model
Server initiates dialogue
“pushes” information to the client
Client needs application that
listens for server pushes

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Mobile Agents
A running program that travels
between computers in a network
Carries out tasks on someone’s
 local access everywhere
 reduction in communication cost
Potential security threat
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Network Computers
All files are stored remotely in file
Minimum software installed locally;
most are downloaded from servers
Any local disk used mainly as

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Thin Clients
Refers to software layer that
supports window-based user
interface on a computer that is
local to user while executing
applications on remote computer
Does not run own code
Programs are run by a powerful
compute server

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Thin Client

Compute server
Network computer or PC

Thin network Application

Client Process

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Spontaneous Networking
Describes the form of distribution
that integrates mobile devices and
other devices into a given network
Term used to encompass
applications that involve the
connection of both mobile and
non-mobile devices to networks in
an informal manner
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Spontaneous Networking
Key Features
 easy connection to a local network
 easy integration with local services
Security Problems
 limited connectivity
 security and privacy

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Spontaneous Networking
Discovery Services – accepts and
store details of services that are
available on the network and
respond to queries from clients
 Registration Service
 Lookup Service

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Spontaneous Networking

service Alarm
gateway service

Hotel wireless

TV/PC Guests
Laptop PDA

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Interfaces and Objects
Server processes and objects
export interfaces
 define services
Several objects may be
encapsulated by server process
 pass reference to clients
 clients can use remote invocation

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Design Requirements
Performance Issues
Quality of Service
Use of Caching and Replication
Dependability Issues

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Performance Issues
Responsiveness (Availability)
 server load / performance
 communication / middleware / OS
 implies
 few software layers
 small quantities transferred between

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Performance Issues
 rate at which computational work is done
Balancing Computational Load
 may reduce stress on heavily loaded servers
 task / process migration
 complex operation and incurs huge overhead
 feasible only for long-running task

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Quality of Service
Non-Functional Requirements
 Reliability
 Security
 Adaptability
 Performance

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Quality of Service
QoS often refers to timeliness
 Predictability and sufficient efficiency
 Deadlines
 Hard Real-Time
 e.g., reacting to sensor in nuclear plants
 Soft Real-Time
 e.g., multimedia streams

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Use of Caching &
Cache Coherence / Consistency

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Dependability Issues
 Replication in space / time

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Fundamental Models
Communicating Processes
(message passing)
 fundamental property of distributed

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Fundamental Models
Interaction Model
 limitation of delays, differing notions
of time
Failure Model
 fault classification and tolerance
 possible attacks, attack-resistant

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Interaction Model
Distributed Algorithm
 describes behavior and state of processes
in a distributed system
 definition of steps to be taken by the
involved processes, including transmission
of messages
Execution speed is hard to predict
State is hard to define due to failures

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Interaction Model
Performance of Communication
 Latency
 Receipt Time – Send Time
 Bandwidth
 possibly shared
 Jitter
 variations in delivery time

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Interaction Model
Computer Clocks and Timing
 Clock synchronization
 local clocks differ due to clock drift rate
 Logical clocks
 Outside reference source (e.g., GPS)
Clock Drift Rate – refers to the relative amount
that a computer clock differs from a perfect
reference clock

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Interaction Model
Two Variants
 Synchronous Distributed Systems
 Asynchronous Distributed Systems

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Interaction Model
Synchronous Systems
 time to execute each step of process has
lower and upper bounds
 each message transmitted is received
within a bounded time
 each process has a local clock whose drift
rate from real time has bound
 Problem: assumptions often not precise

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Interaction Model
Asynchronous Systems
 No bounds on execution speed,
message delays, clock drift rates
 Example: Internet

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Interaction Model
Event Ordering
 System execution can be described
as a series of events
 Issues:
 time stamping events
 perfect synchronization impossible in a
loosely-coupled system
 logical time – ordering without clock

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Real-Time Ordering of
send receive receive
1 m1 4
2 3 Physical
receive time

receive receive

m3 m1 m2
receive receive receive
t1 t2 t3

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Failure Model
Processes and communication
links may fail
Different ways of failing
 Omission failures
 Arbitrary failures
 Timing failures

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Processes and Channels

process p process q

send m receive

Communication channel
Outgoing message buffer Incoming message buffer

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Omission Failures
Process Omission Failure
 crash (fail-silent) – requires timeout
 fail-stop
Communication Omission Failure
 failure to deliver a message
 network transmission error or lack of
buffer space
 send-omission / receive-omission /

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Arbitrary Failures
also called Byzantine failures
worst possible failure
exhibit malicious behavior
in process: omits intended processing
steps; takes unintended steps
on communication medium: message
corruption; spawning / multiple delivery

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Timing Failures
applicable in synchronous
distributed systems
 limits on execution time, delivery
time, clock drift rates
missed deadline
 most critical in real-time systems

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Omission & Arbitrary
Class of failure Affects Description
Fail-stop Process Process halts and remains halted. Other processes may
detect this state.
Crash Process Process halts and remains halted. Other processes may
not be able to detect this state.
Omission Channel A message inserted in an outgoing message buffer never
arrives at the other end’s incoming message buffer.
Send-omission Process A process completes a send, but the message is not put
in its outgoing message buffer.
Receive-omission Process A message is put in a process’s incoming message
buffer, but that process does not receive it.
Arbitrary Process or Process/channel exhibits arbitrary behaviour: it may
(Byzantine) channel send/transmit arbitrary messages at arbitrary times,
commit omissions; a process may stop or take an
incorrect step.
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Timing Failures
Class of Failure Affects Description
Clock Process Process’s local clock exceeds the bounds on its
rate of drift from real time.
Performance Process Process exceeds the bounds on the interval
between two steps.
Performance Channel A message’s transmission takes longer than the
stated bound.

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Reliable Communication
 any message in outgoing message
buffer is eventually delivered to
incoming message buffer
 message received is identical to one
sent; no messages are delivered

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Security Model
There is a need to secure
 Processes
 Channels
 Encapsulated Objects (resources,

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Protecting Objects
Access rights Object

result Server

Principal (user) Network Principal (server)

verify identity of client, check access rights

verify identity of server for response

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Securing Processes
 open network
 exposed interfaces

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The Enemy
is able to
 send any message to any process
 read or copy any message between a
pair of processes
Copy of m

The enemy
Process p m Process q
Communication channel

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Threats to Processes
False Identities
 not difficult to forge source address of
a message
 server must know identities of clients
to decide whether to reject requests
 clients need to validate server

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Threats to Comm.
Message Altering
Message Injection
Copy and Replay of Messages
Solution: Secure Channels

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Defeating Threats
 hiding a message’s contents
 proof of identity
 usually involves encryption as well
Secure Channels
 based on both cryptography and

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Secure Channels

Principal A Principal B

Process p Secure channel Process q

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Other Possible Threats
Denial of Service
 enemy interferes with activities of
authorized users by making excessive
and pointless invocations that result
to resource overload
Mobile Code
 process receives and executes
program code from elsewhere

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Architectural Fundamental
Model Model
 Middleware  Interaction Model
 Client/Server  Failure Model
Model  Security Model
 Design
 Quality of Service

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