Power Quality Control Using PWM in WEGS

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Group No:15

1.Dhruv Upadhaya 1109120040

2.Deepak Ravi 1109120038
3.Raju Sahu 1109120082
4.Ishwar Dutt 1109120052

Project Synopsis Presentation
PWM-inverter scheme for grid connected
WEGS for power quality measure
Scope of the project:

The project demonstrate the power quality problem due to
installation of wind turbine with the grid

The influence of the wind turbine in the grid system
concerning the power quality measurements are-the active
power, reactive power, variation of voltage, flicker, harmonics,
and electrical behavior of switching operation and these are
measured according to national / international guidelines.

Today the PWM inverter control technology has been
developed and it can technically manage to control the power
level associates with the commercial wind turbines
Scope of the project:

The pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter scheme for
the grid connected wind energy generation system for power
quality improvement is simulated using
MATLAB/SIMULINK in power system block set.

Due to improvement in technologies, the wind turbine is
expected to support the grid and therefore the wind turbine
has to control the reactive power over a wide range, and
also to deliver the reactive power, in case of voltage drop
and can remain connected during short-term voltage drop.

The power quality issues can be viewed with respect to the wind
generation, transmission and distribution network can cause the
variation in voltage to which the wind turbine is connected, such
as voltage sag, swells, etc. However the wind generator introduces
disturbances into the distribution network.


Voltage Variation :
a) Voltage Sag /Voltage Dips
b) Voltage Swells
c) Short Interruptions
d) Long duration voltage variation
Wind turbine Location in power system
Self Excitation of wind turbine generating system

The Project will simulate the scheme in MATLAB/SIMULINK
for maintaining the power quality in such a way that it can
cancel out the reactive and harmonic parts of the load current
and maintain the source voltage and current in-phase at the
point of common coupling in the grid system.

[1] B. R. Gupta, Generation of Electrical Energy, S. Chand, 2009.
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Variable_speed_wind_turbine
[3] Sharad W.Mohod, IEEE Member Dept. of Electronic Engineering, Prof. Ram
Meghe, Dr. Mohan V. Aware. A novel, PWM-inverter scheme for grid connected
WEGS for power quality measure.
[4] P. W. Carlin, A. S. Laxsonand, E. B. Muljadi, The History and State of the Art of
Variable-Speed wind Turbine Technology, National Renewable Energy
Laboratory/National Wind Technology Center, 1617 Cole Boulevard, Golden, CO
80401, USA
[5] Mahmoud M. N. Amin, Student Member, IEEE, O. A. Mohammed, Fellow, IEEE
Energy Systems Research Laboratory, Power Quality Improvement of Grid-
Connected Wind Energy Conversion System for Optimum Utilization of Variable
Speed Wind Turbines, Florida International University Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering Miami, Fl. 33174, USA

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