Baldrige Award

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 It is managed by National Institute of

Standards and Technology (NIST) a

non- regulatory federal agency & is
based on comparative studies of
company stocks made by NIST
 Baldrige award recipients as a group
have out performed the standard and
poor's 500 stock index about 2.5 to 1.0.
 This award is presented annually in US
 A max of 3 organizations in each of 5 categories (
manufacturing, service, small business, education
and health care) may be selected each year
 An exhaustive evaluation is based on submitted
written materials followed by site visits to
qualifying organization.
 The emphasis of the criteria has changed from
quality to overall company performance
 The Baldrige award recognizes organization that
have achieved the highest levels of quality
Baldrige Quality Award
1. Leadership (120)
1. Senior Leadership (70)
2. Governance & social responsibility (50)
2. Strategic planning (85)
1. Strategic Development (40)
2. Strategic deployment (45)
3. Customer & market focus (85)
1. Customer & market knowledge (40)
2. Customer relationship & satisfaction (45)
1. Measurement analysis & knowledge
mgmt (90)
1. Measurement analysis & review of
organizational performance (45).
2. Information and knowledge
2. human resource focus(85)
1. Work systems (35)
2. Employee learning and motivation (25)
3. Epm wellbeing & satisfaction (25)
1. Process mgmt (85)
1. Value creation process (45)
2. Support process & operational planning (40)
2. Business results (450)
1. Product & service outcome (100)
2. Customer focused results (70)
3. Financial & market results (70)
4. Human resource results (70)
5. Organizational effectiveness results(70)
6. Leadership & social responsibility results (70)
Total Points =1000
 Categories 1,2,3 represents a
leadership triad
 4 provides the foundation of fact
based information
 5,6,7 represents results triad
 Baldrige criteria is used by most
organizations for self assessments
 Understanding the Baldrige criteria
requires knowledge of the concept of
alignment and linkages
 Alignments is the translation of goals into
sub goals and standards at all levels
 Linkage are inter relationships btw
specific quality related mgmt activities so
that the activities are mutually
reinforcing to produce the desired results
 11 core values and concepts are embodied in the award
 Visionary leadership, customer driven, organizational &
personal learning, valuing employees & partners, agility,
focus on the future, managing for innovation, mgmt by
fact, public responsibility & citizenship, focus on results
and creating values, systems perspective
 In US most state sponsor an award and many of these
awards are based on Baldrige criteria
Thank you

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