Locke and The New Way of Ideas
Locke and The New Way of Ideas
Locke and The New Way of Ideas
ds = 16(1 + dt)2 – 16
= 16(1 + 2dt + dt2) – 16
= 16 + 32dt + 16dt2 - 16
= 32dt + 16dt2
Instantaneous velocity is then ds/dt, so that
ds/dt = (32dt + 16dt2)/dt
= 32 + 16dt
The answer that Newton wanted was 32
ft/sec and the 16dt term was dropped. And why
not drop it? It represents an infinitesimally small
quantity, since dt represents vanishingly small
increments. Is the method legitimate? Berkeley
said no; he referred to Newton’s fluxions (dt):