Job Analysis The Process and Its Uses
Job Analysis The Process and Its Uses
Job Analysis The Process and Its Uses
Job Analysis The Process and its
An overview of the term Job Analysis .
Purpose and uses of Job Analysis.
Its contents.
Steps in Job Analysis.
Techniques of gathering Job Analysis Data.
Guidelines for conducting job analysis.
What is Job Analysis?
It is a procedure by which pertinent information
obtained about the job.
i.e. It is a detailed and systematic study of
relating to the operations and responsibilities of
a specific
Specially ,What the worker does; how he gets
it done, why he does it ,skill ,education and
training required , relationship to other jobs,
Physical demands, environmental conditions
Purpose and Uses Of Job
Organization and Manpower Planning:- it
defines labour needs in concrete terms , clearly
divides duties and responsibilities.
Recruitment, Selection:- By indicating the
specific reqs. Of each job(i.e.; skills and
knowledge) it provides a realistic basis for hiring,
training, placement, transfer and promotions.
Wage and Salary Administration:- Indicating
qualifications reqd. and risks and hazards
involved, it helps in sal. and wage administration.
Purpose and Uses Of Job
Analysis (Cont....)
J ob Re-Engineering :- Job analysis provides
info. Which enables to change jobs in order to
being better mannered by personnel's with
specific characs and qualifications.
Employee Training and Management
Development :- JA helps in determining the
content and subject matter of training courses.
Performance Appraisal:- JA helps in
establishing clear cut standards which may be
compared with the actual contribution of each
Health and Safety:- helpful in identifying
hazardous conditions and unhealthy
environments so that corrective measures can be
Contents of Job Analysis:
J ob Identification:- Its title including its code
Significant Characteristics of a J ob:- its
location, physical setting, supervision , hazards
and discomforts etc.
What the typical worker does? specific
operations and task that make up an assignment,
their relative timing and importance, simplicity,
routine and complexity, the responsibility or
safety of others for property, funds, confidence
and trust.
Which materials and equipment a worker
uses? Metals, plastics, grains, yarns, milling
machines etc.
Contents of Job
How a job is performed? Nature of operation-
lifting, handling, cleaning, washing, feeding,
removing, drilling, driving, setting up and many
Required Personnel Attributes. :- Experience,
training, apprenticeship, physical strength,
coordination or dexterity, mental capabilities,
aptitudes, social skills etc.
J ob Relationship:- Experience required,
opportunities for advancement, patterns of
promotions, essential cooperation, direction or
leadership from and for a job.
The Steps in Job Analysis:
Collection of
Selection of
Position to be
Collection of
Job Analysis
Developing A
J ob
J ob
Techniques of Gathering Job
Analysis Data:
Personal Observation:-The materials and the
equipments used, the working conditions &
probable health hazards and an understanding of
what work involves. Especially useful in jobs that
consist primarily of observable physical ability,
like the job of draftsmen, mechanic, spinner or
Sending Out Questionnaires:- Properly drafted
questionnaires are sent out to job holders for
completion and are returned to supervisors.
Techniques of Gathering Job
Analysis Data (Cont.)
Maintenance Of Log Records :- the employee
maintains a daily diary of duties he performs,
marking the time at which each task is started
and finished.
Conducting Personal Interviews :- Personal
interviews may be held by the analysts with the
employees, and answers to relevant questions
may be recorded.
In most cases, interviews
coupled with personal observations lead to the
desirable approach.
Produce job descriptions and specifications
Recruitment and Selection
Performance Standards
Training and Development
Used in training
Help in performance appraisal
From Job Analysis, specific details of what is
being done and the skills utilized in the job are
obtained. Job Analysis enables the managers
to understand jobs and job structures to
improve work flow or develop techniques to
improve productivity.