Morpot 13092014

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1. Boy.

(14 YO)

Chief Complaint:
Nausea and vomits

Additional Complaints:
Abdominal pain, limp, fever, loss of appetite
History of illness
Patient came to the ER with the complaints of nausea and
vomit since early morning. The complaint felt continuosly
more than 10 times and vomiting greenish yellow. Initially,
in early morning patient drank some drinks at outside seller.
Moreless a month ago on 15th august, patient had surgery,
appendectomy laparotomy at RS Polri, hospitalized for a
week. Three days before admission, patient checked the
operation wound and aff hecting. The patient also complains
pain on upper abdomen and around operation wounds. The
pain felt like stabbed and intermittent in whole day. He
didnt take any medication. And because there is no change,
patient was taken to UKI. Last defecation was yesterday
morning, diarrhea (-). Loss of appetite (+), limp (+), history
of trauma on abdomen is denied, fever (+), problem in
urinating (-).

Vital Sign
General : looks moderate sick
Conciousness : E4V5M6
BP: 120/90 mmHg
RR : 20 bpm
HR : 128 bpm
Temp : 37,6 C

Weight : 41kg
Ideal body weight 49kg


Head : bruise (-)
Eyes : Pupil circular, isochoric 3mm/3mm,
centered, Direct Light Reflex +/+, Indirect Light
Reflex +/+, CA +/+
Ear : normal, LCS (-), blood (-)
Neck : Bruise (-), hematoma (-)

Thorax :
- Inspection : bruise (-), movement of chest wall
- Palpation : vocal fremitus symmetrically
- Percussion : sonor right = left
- Auscultation: Basic breath sound Vesicular
right=left, wheezing-/-, rhonki-/-.

- Inspection : looks flat, bruise (-), dry
wounds (+) below umbilical
- Auscultation : bowel sound (+) 2 tpm
- Palpation : tenderness(+), defense
muscular (-), bulging (-)
- Percussion : percussion pain (+),
hypertympani (+) on all abdomens sides

+ + +
: Tenderness, Percussion pain
Clinical picture

palms look pale, warm acral, capillary refill
time <2 seconds, oedem (-)
Working Diagnosis
Partial ileus obstruction e.c susp abscess
intraabdomen post laparotomy
appendectomy a.i. appendicitis perforation
Laboratorium 1
Result Normal value
Natrium 141 136 145 mmol/L
Kalium 4.3 3.5-5.1 mmol/L
Clorida 98 99-111 mmol/L
LED 94 < 10 mm/jam
Hemoglobin 11.4 14-16 g/dl
Leukosit 18.5 5-10 rb/uL
Eritrosit 4.31 4.5-5.5 juta/ml
Hematokrit 34.4 40-48 %
Trombosit 485 150-400 rb/uL
MCV 79.9 82-92 /fL
MCH/HER 26.4 27-31 pg
MCHC 33.1 32-36 %
Laboratorium 2
Result Normal value
Retikulosit 1.6 0.5-1.5 %
Basofil 0 0-1 %
Eosinofil 0 0-3 %
Batang 1 2-5 %
Segmen 94 50-70 %
Limfosit 5 20-40 %
Monosit 0 2-8 %
GDS 121 < 200 mg/dl
Abdominal X-Ray 3 Positions
Partial ileus obstruction e.c abscess
intraabdomen post laparotomy
appendectomy a.i. Appendicitis
Surgical site infection superficial
Non Medicamentosa :
- Hospitalized
-Vital sign observation
- NGT (patient refused)
-Dower Catheter (patient refused)
-Pro USG abdomen
-Fluid balance

Diet : fasting
IVFD : 1 RL & 1 Dextrose 5% / 24
MM :
Meropenem 2x1 gr IV
Ranitidine 2x 50mg IV
Metronidazol 3x500 mg PO

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