Cross Cultural Analysis of India - China

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CULTURE– The Way of Living And Thinking of any particular

Culture is not static – It is dynamic


The INDUS valley A leading civilization

civilization, one of as old as Indian ,
the oldest , which is surpassing
flourished during 3 rd
the rest of world in
and 2 century B.C Art and Science
Aryan Dravidian Dynastic Rule
Maurya Gupta
Dynasty Republic of
 Mughal British china(1912-1949)
After 1947 Post civil
 war( 1949- present)
Some facts …
Population-- Population--
1,166,079,217 1,338,612,968 
Population growth rate– Population growth rate –
1.5% 0.6%
BPL – 8%
BPL – 25%
Life expectancy at birth –
Life expectancy at birth –
73.47 years
69.89 years Infant mortality rate –
Infant mortality rate – 20.23/1000 deaths
30.15/1000 deaths Literacy rate – 90.9%
Literacy rate – 61% Area -- 9,596,961 sq km
Area -- 3,287,263 sq km Coastline – 14500 km
Coastline – 7000 km
Cross cultural analysis
 India has a federal form of  Subordinate to the Chinese
government, the central Communist Party (CCP).
government in India has The primary organs of state
greater power in relation to power are the National
its states. People's Congress (NPC),
the President (the head of
 Real national executive power state), and the State
is centered in the Cabinet Council.
,led by the prime minister.  The NPC is the highest organ
 Bicameral Parliament consists of state power in China.
of the Rajya Sabha (Council  There are more than 800,000
of States) and the Lok committees in both rural
Sabha (House of the and urban areas which are
People) responsible to resolve civil
disputes and minor criminal

 Political party groups  ASEAN Member, shanghai
Congress led UPA, BJP cooperation
led NDA, CPI & CPM led organization( Russia,
Left Front china and central Asian
 Active member of SAARC, countries)
Strong presence in UN  Bilateral and regional
 Bilateral and regional relations includes China-
relations includes Japan, China-USA
Indo-Pak, India-China,

 World’s 12th largest and 3rd  World’s 4th largest

in Asia.  GDP -- $ 7.973 trillion(PPP)
 GDP -- $ 3.267 trillion (PPP)
 GDP per capita -- $
 GDP per capita -- $
 GDP - composition by
 GDP - composition by
sector: sector:
 Agriculture: 17.6 %  Agriculture: 11.3 %
Industry: 29 % Industry: 48.6 %
Services: 53.4 % Services: 40.1 %
 GDP Growth rate – 6.6%  GDP Growth rate – 9%
 Unemployment rate – 6.8%  Unemployment rate – 4%
 Exports -- $ 176.4 billion  Exports -- $ 1.43 trillion
 Imports -- $ 305.5 billion
 Imports -- $ 1.07 trillion 
 US $ 1= Rs. 46.51
 US $ 1= 6.83 yuan
 Foreign exchange reserve
 US is the biggest partner of India  Market oriented effort take place
after 80’s which unleashed
in Export and Import. individual initiative and
 Products exported from US are entrepreneurship. The main
diagnostic or lab reagents, focus was on Agriculture and
Rural areas.
aircraft and parts, advanced
 Dismantling commune system
machinery, cotton, fertilizers, and introducing a household
ferrous waste/scrap metal, based system. More than 40%
and computer hardware. labor force engage in agri-
related work.
 Products imported to US are
 China has become a preferred
textiles and ready-made destination for the relocation
garments, Internet-enabled of global manufacturing
services, agricultural and facilities.
related products, gems and  U.S. goods exports to China
jewelry, leather products, and accounted for 5.7% of total
chemicals. U.S. goods exports. The top
five U.S. exports to China were
 The rapidly growing software electrical machinery and
sector is boosting service equipment, power generation
equipment, air and spacecraft,

In the history of INDIA Confucianism, Taoism,

Religion has been an Buddhism and
important part of its Christianity are main
culture. religion in china.
By the constitution,
Ancestor worship is a
INDIA is a secular
country. major religious theme
Hinduism –
shared among all
Chinese religions.
 Islam – 13.4%
Taoist ideas
 Christianity – 2.3%
include Feng-Shui, Art
 Sikhism -- 1.9% of War and
Another religion which has
presence in INDIA are

 INDIAN food is different from rest of
the world not only in taste but  The Chinese food habits
also in cooking has unique
methods.Throughout INDIA, North characteristic.
India to South India, spices are
Because Chinese like
used in their food.
all people sharing the
cooked food, most
 In North India various Chapatis, dining-table of China
Saag is famous and in this region are round.
impact of Mughlai can be seen.  The biggest
 In west India Desert flavored food is characteristic of
famous and they includes various Chinese food habits
types of AACHAR. is: use the chopsticks.
 In the East India The staple food of Besides soup,
Bengalis is the yummy Chinese take the food
combination of rice and using the chopsticks.
Chinese like eating
dishes first, and then
 In the southern India, the states eat soup.
In INDIA it is difficult to  In Chinese business dress,
generalize the conservative suits and
appropriate dress due ties in soft colors are the
to difference widely norm. Bright colors of
across regions. any kind are considered
Business dress for MEN
 Flat shoes or very low
is suit and tie and for heels are the main
WOMEN pant-suits or footwear options for
salwar-suit. women if you are
Jeans with a T-shirt or relatively much taller
short-sleeved shirt are than your hosts.
acceptable as casual  Men wears suits and ties to
wear in informal formal events. 
situations for both men  Jeans are acceptable
and women. casual wear for both men
Indian art and Chinese art has varied
architecture represent throughout its ancient
Indian diversified history, divided into
culture. Mughal and periods by the
South Indian ruling dynasties of
architecture and Taj- China and changing
mahal can be example technology.
of it. Earlier Chinese art were
Indian dance has diverse made from jade and
folk and classical form pottery and bronze but
like Bhangara, Bihu, in SUI and TANG
chhau, Ghoomar etc. dynasty it prospered
due to influence of

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