Effect of Marine Water On Concrete Made From

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Khalid Manzoor

Enrol no. 17/2011

Nowadays concrete is increasingly being used in more

hostile environmental conditions

In marine structure the concrete has to withstand the

physical, chemical , mechanical action of sea water

and alternate wetting and drying condition with salted

Important factor is permeability.

The deterioration is mainly because of

sulphate and chloride content of sea water

Sea water constitutes

Soluble salt 3.5%by weight
Sodium and chloride 11 to 20 gm/ltr
Magnesium and sulphate 1.3 to 2.8 gm/ltr

And ph of sea water = 7. 5 to 8.4

This all are sufficient to deterioration of concrete

Constituents of sea water

Effect of sea water on concrete

Wetting and drying
Temp. variation
Corrosion of reinforcement.

Battering by waves and tides

Sulphate attack
Freezing and thawing

Exposure zones

Type of deterioration in various

Marine atm. Zone

1. corrosion of reinforcement by chloride.

2.frost action.
Splash zone
1. corrosion of reinforcement by chloride.
2.abrasion due to wave action.
3.frost action.


Tidal zone

1.corrosion of reinforcement by chloride

2.abrasion due to wave action
3.chemical attack
Submerged zone and sea bed
1.chemical attack
2. biological fouling

Reinforcement corrosion

The corrosion products forming on the steel

have a larger volume than the original steel,
and the expansion of these products exerts a
pressure that increase gradually and becomes
strong enough to crack the concrete cover.

Effects due to humidity

Changes in relative humidity can

lead to dimensional changes in

material with deformation &
Prolonged high humidity promote
fungal growth and subsequent
decay of organic materials.

And corrosion rate increases due

to destruction of protective

Effects due to temperature

The corrosion velocity is doubled for

every 10 degree C increase in

sea salt dissolve more easily at the higher
The temperature changes causes alternate
expansion & contraction of material. It
leads to high stresses and gradual
deterioration & rupture.
When surface temperature fall
sufficiently, moisture may condense on
surface, which become thoroughly
wetted. This may cause corrosion of

Chemical reactions on marine structure

Acid attack
Portland cement is not very resistance to acid attack.
In case of sulfuric acid attack it deteriorate concrete and

acid is able to reach to reinforcement.

Thus loss of cement paste and aggregate from the
matrix and cracking , rust staining, spanning occurrs.

Alkali silica reaction

some aggregate containing silica that soluble in highly

alkaline solution.expand , disrupting the concrete.

Sulfate attack
there are two chemical reaction involved in sulfate
attack on concrete.
first the sulfate react with free calcium hydroxide to
from calcium sulfate.

Next sulfate combines with tricalcium aluminates to form

calcium sulphoaluminate.
Both this reaction result in an increase in volume of


Cracking- corrosion- cracking cycle

Concrete contains micro cracks
1. Humidity and temperature.
2. Impact of floating objects.
3. Chemical attack, leaching of
cement paste.
4. Freeze attack, overload and other
factor increase permeability of

Highly permeable

Crack growth

Corrosion of
embedded steel

Sea water
and air

Effects on concrete
Colour of concrete change from deep grey to lime grey

expose to sea water.

There is continuous increase in permeability in concrete due
to sea water and its attribute to sulphate attack on concrete.
Compressive strength over a year is decrease about 15 to
30% with respect to 28 day compressive strength expose to
sea water.

Various Codal Provisions

for Marine environment
As per IS 456:2000
Min.grade of concrete for RCC is M30.
Min.cement content is 320 Kg/m3.
Max.W/C ratio is 0.45.
Max.chloride content is 0.60 Kg/m3.
Total sulphate content should not exceed 4% .
Use Pozzolana cement or slag as far as possible.
No construction joints within 600mm of the
upper & lower planes of wave action .
Nominal cover is 45mm 75 mm.

As per BS CP 110
Min.grade of concrete for RCC is M40.
As per Australian code
Min.grade of concrete for RCC is M30.
As per IS 456:2000
Min.grade of concrete for RCC is M30.
w/c kept as low as possible.
Minimum cover should be increased where abrasion may occur.
Proper curing.

Thank you

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