Skeletal and Muscular System by Architha Sudhakar 7 Grade

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muscular system


Architha Sudhakar
7th Grade
Skeletal System
M ross
ross--section of the Bone
ÉThere are concentric units called
› › that run parallel to the long
axis of the bone, each one having a
 . This canal
contains blood vessels and nerves.
É oncentric rings are called as
É Epiphysis, diaphysis, metaphysis
É Bone marrow- Red and Yellow
Bone lassifications
É Long Bones (ex. Femur)
É Short Bones (ex. arpal)
É Irregular Bones (ex. Hip Bones)
É Flat Bones (ex. Skull)
É Sesamoid Bones (ex. Patella)
Axial % 
É Skull (22 bones)
É Hyoid Bone (1 bone)
É Vertebral olumn (26 bones)
É Ribs (24 bones)
É Sternum (1 bone)
É Auditory Bones (6 bones)
Appendicular Skeleton
É Arms (62 bones)
É Legs- (60 bones)
É Pectoral Girdle ± clavicle and scapula (4 bones)
É Pelvic Girdle ± hip bones (3 bones)
É Grand Total(Axial + Appendicular) = 206 Bones
É ervical is located at the neck
area of the spinal cord. There
are 12 sections.
É Thorax is located in the chest
area of the spinal cord. There
are 7 sections
É Lumbar is located at the lower
back area of the spinal cord.
There are 5 sections.
É Sacrum is located at the end
of the spinal cord. There are 5
÷oint Types
É Ball-and-socket joint (ex. Shoulder joint)
The ball-and-socket joint allows a full range of movement
É Hinge ÷oint (ex. thumb joint)
The hinge joint allows flexion/extension movement
É Pivot ÷oint (ex. Neck joint)
The pivot joint allows rotational movement
÷oint Types
É Saddle ÷oint (ex. Thumb joint)
The saddle joint allows two-directional movement
between the thumb and the carpal
É Ellipsoidal ÷oint (ex. Wrist joint)
The ellipsoidal joint allows back-forth movement
É Gliding ÷oint (ex. Between arpals)
The Gliding joint allows side-side/back-forth movement
Types Of Fractures
É losed (simple)- bone has not broken through skin
É Open (compound)- bone has broken through skin
É Partial- break is incomplete
É omplete- break is complete
Types Of Fractures
É omminuted- bone has splintered (small fragments
are scattered near breakage point)
É Greenstick- a type of partial fracture where one
side of the bone is broken and the other is bent
É Spiral- bone is twisted apart
Effects Of Exercise On The
É Mild exercise such as walking can
increase a person¶s-
É Bone mass
É Bone strength
Bone Diseases And Disorders
É Osteoarthritis (bone cartilage wears out and the
bones rub against each other-mostly seen in
É Scoliosis (vertebral column looses its curve)
É Osteoporosis (bone mass decreases, therefore
resulting in porous bones)
É Herniated Discs (pinches spinal column causing
serious pain)
É Fractures (a break in the bone)
Muscular System
Different Types Of Muscles
É % ››    -no striations, one nucleus, lines
any hollow or tubular structure (ex. blood vessels,
intestines, etc.)
É %     -connected to the bones through
tendons (ex. Arms, legs, etc.)
    muscles of the heart
Effects of Exercise on the
Muscular System
É Strengthens the muscles
É Helps build muscle mass
É Helps with blood circulation
Strains and Sprains
É A sprain is the tearing of ligaments-
common locations are ankles and
É A strain is the stretching or tearing of a
muscle or tendon- ex. Hamstring and
back injuries
Diseases of the Muscle
É É› ›   à virus, attacks central nervous
É     ›  à weakens the
muscle, loss of muscle tissue (genetic)
É     Ã a neuromuscular
disorder, weakens voluntary muscles, chronic
autoimmune disease, usually affects men
over 60 and women below 40, death caused
by respiratory failure
É Books-
Gray¶s Anatomy
Principles Of Anatomy by Tortora and
É Websites-
Mayo linic
É Google Images

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