Health Hazards of EM Waves

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Health Hazards of EM Waves


Increased demands for the provision and

consumption of electricity, advances in

technology, and changes in social behavior
Growing concern that exposure to EMFs at
even low levels could have detrimental
consequences on human health like
causing cancer, loss of fertility, and

unpleasant physiological symptoms.

Natural sources

Man made Sources

Satellite broadcast
Visual display units
Mobile phones

MRI scanners
Diathermy equipment

Ionising Fields

Non- ionising Fields

ELF (Power lines, Electric engines in

Intermediate (Monitors, Anti- theft devices,
Card readers, Metal detectors)
RF & Microwave (Broadcasting and TV,
Mobile telephony, Microwave oven, Radar)

Thermal effects

Period, T = 1 / f


The above diagram depicts the electric field alternations, at a

frequency f, of the electromagnetic wave that is incident on

biological tissue.

Remember: For RF and microwave fields, this frequency is

generally between 30 kHz and 300 GHz

Heat generation
No field

Field applied

Electron Orbit
No induced moment


Phenomenon of induction of dipole moments by an

applied electric field (electronic polarization)

Dipole moments are internally induced electric fields
that oppose the externally applied field
They try to follow the alterations of electric field at RF
but instead lag behind the transmitted wave, thus
energy is gained

Heat is generated within the body,

neuroendocrine thermoregulatory control

mechanisms take effect.
If T exceeds a certain threshold value (usually
determined based on the BMR), the
thermoregulation feedback system will break
down and the tissue temperature will rise
beyond control
Biological damage and, possibly, tissue death
Sense and to be
will result if the RF field continues
applied especially if the tissue
is of a control
RF Field


Thermoregulatory breakdown
Localized tissue damage can occur, resulting

from insufficient heat diffusion by the active

Other possible results include hyperthermia, or
heat exhaustion, accompanied by irreversible
damage once the human tissue exceeds
temperatures of approximately 43 degrees
Health and safety standards are developed
given these potentially hazardous effects and
specific absorption rate (SAR in W/kg) limits are
set for various frequencies of radiation
In general, these levels are set such that the
bulk body temperature does not rise more than
1 degree Celsius

Direct interaction theory

Many current studies present possible direct EM

interaction mechanisms with DNA to explain changes in

biosynthesis of the cell exposed to EMF
Magnetic fields interact with moving charges via the
classical electromagnetics


F q(v B)

In the case of intracellular flowing charges, such as

enzymes, this force will result in a change in velocity and

a resulting alteration in intended biological function
(demonstrated in Na, K-ATPase and cytochrome oxidase
In addition, moving electrons in DNA helices will begin to
experience forces which may repel them from each other
and bend, or even break, the chain, resulting in increased
DNA multiplication

DNA chain bending




A direct result of the previous equation is the relationship

between flowing charge (current), magnetic field, and induced

force shown in equation below

F I dl B

When two wires have currents flowing in opposite directions, an

applied magnetic field will cause repulsion

Expanding this idea by thinking about the DNA helix simply as
two wires which may carry charge through electron transport in
opposing directions, we expect chain bending in some instances,

Weak EMF release Ca from cell

Surprisingly, weak EMFs often more

effective than stronger ones

Also, low frequencies and pulses work
Ca ions help hold together the phospholipid
Without Ca ions, cell membranes are
weakened and more likely to tear under
stress imposed by moving cell contents

EMF releases Ca from

cell membranes

Leaks around lysosomes release DNAase (enzyme that

destroys DNA)
DNA Fragmentation
DNA damage may cause gene

Affected cells go through several stages of

ever increasing genetic and molecular
anarchy before finally reaching the point of
unstoppable growth and division

Affects meiosis

Malformed pairs of chromosomes are

torn apart unequally in the later stages
of meiosis
Incomplete , unbalanced set of ge

Thus causing cancer

Reduced fertility

Non- Thermal effects

RF fields induce torque on molecular

dipoles which can result in ion

displacement, vibrations in bound charges,
and precession
With an applied magnetic field, the nuclear
spins will precess
No observable biological hazards have
been noted as a result of these
mechanisms because they are outweighed
by random thermal agitation in low-level

Health effects from living near power

lines and using electrical appliances
Sources of ELF
IARC concluded ELF magnetic fields are possibly

human carcinogen
Magnetic field exposures last only for as long as
the appliances remain switched on
Consistent epidemiological evidence suggesting
that chronic low intensity ELF magnetic field
exposure is associated with an increased risk
for childhood leukaemia
Laboratory studies do not provide convincing
evidence for a causal relationship so the impact
on public health is uncertain

Health effects of mobile phone base

No adverse short or long

term health effects

However studies have mainly
involved looking at cancer and
cancer-related topics
The levels of RF exposure from
base stations are so low that the
bodys temperature rise is insignificant.

Health effects of mobile phones

Cooking the brain

Some EHS people feel sick

when mobile phones are

turned on
Extensive mobile phone

use results in changes in

brain activity, reaction times,
and sleep patterns.

Rate at which RF energy is absorbed by the

E is effective value of the electric field intensity

dT/dt is the time derivative of the temperature
is the electrical conductivity (S/m)
is the mass density (kg/m3),
c is the specific heat (J/kg K)
Its unit is Watts per kilogram (W/kg)
Two types of SAR

SAR (contd..)

Interaction of LF EMF with Human

Induction of electric fields and currents in

biological tissues
A number of biophysical
interaction mechanisms
have been proposed, but d
do not cause significant
biological effects

Physiological and behavioral effects

Subtle effects on brain and

central nervous system

Short term changes in
learning and memory
in rodents exposed to
magnetic fields
However, these effects were
transitory and exposed
animals finally performed as
well as unexposed ones.

Reproduction and development

Possible adverse effects of occupational

exposure to LF EMF, on the development of the

embryo and foetus, particularly by operators of
visual display units (VDUs) and by staff operating
clinical magnetic resonance diagnostic systems
Little epidemiological evidence for any adverse
effect on pregnancy outcome from VDU use.
Chronic prenatal exposure to intense fields, well
above the levels that would be normally
encountered, may cause transient retardation in
development and possibly induce subtle
behavioural deficits in adults, although there are
too few data to make explicit conclusions
Together, these animal studies offer no support
to the possibility that spontaneous abortion,
congenital malformation or other developmental

Cancer-related studies

involve three stages:

(genetic mutation of cells)
accumulation of damaged cells)
(accumulation of further genetic
Proposed that magnetic fields
could affect tumour progression by inhibition of
the night-time synthesis of melatonin(a natural
inhibitor of certain tumours)

Interaction of RF EMF with Human


Sealing, drying and curing dielectric

Security and surveillance equipment
Microwave Ovens

Amplitude modulated field effects

Changes in calcium ion mobility in brain

Alterations in the electrical activity in the

brain due to exposure to low-level

microwaves modulated at specific
frequencies .
Studies have reported intracellular changes

in regulatory enzymes.

Pulsed- field effects

Can be perceived by humans

usually as a buzzing, clicking,

hissing or popping noise
Repeated or prolonged
exposure to these auditory
effects is considered stressful.
High peak- power microwave
Very intense pulses results in
induction of involuntary body

Cancer related studies

Public concern about possible

carcinogenicity of RF radiation is growing

Large experimental evidence confirming
RF radiation is not an initiator of
RF radiation may affect tumor progression
However, the ability of RF radiation to

affect tumour progression is equivocal,

and no clearly
defined effects can be seen.

Static Fields
Natural sources

Centre of earth
Man- made sources
DC electricity
Industrial processes (like aluminium
manufacture and gas welding)
Transportation systems(Dublins
DART etc)

Health effects of Static Fields

Only adverse acute effects are associated with

the direct perception of the electric field

Chronic or delayed effects of static electric fields
have not been intensively investigated, but such
effects seem very unlikely
Person moving within a field above 2 T can
experience sensations of nausea, vertigo,
occasional metallic taste in the mouth,
perceptions of light flashes
Such effects(although temporary),have safety
implications for workers executing delicate
procedures (eg. surgeons performing operations
within MRI units)
Can affect implanted metallic devices (eg.
Pacemakers, ferromagnetic implants) and this
could have direct adverse health consequences

EHS (Electromagnetic

Redness ,Tingling
Burning sensation
Neurasthhenic and vegetative symptoms
Heart Palpitation
Digestive Disturbances
Has no clear diagnostic criteria and there is no
scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to EMF

Children and EMF

More susceptible than adults

Sunburns in childhood seem to be

particularly potent in increasing the risk

of skin cancer later in life
IARC has classified ELF magnetic fields as

possibly carcinogenic to humans (IARC,

Epidemiological studies suggest that ELF
magnetic fields above 0.3 to 0.4 T are
associated with an increased incidence of
childhood leukaemia

Environmental effects
Species like bats ,migratory birds that are

strongly dependent on magnetic fields for

orientation/migration are sensitive to EMF.
Animals with poor thermoregulation may
be more vulnerable to the effects of high
frequency EMF.
Plants growing under the high tension lines
at higher voltages had some decrease in
pollen fertility.

Mobile phones

Try to keep conversations short.

Speak as little as possible inside a car.
Use a plug-in earpiece.
Reconsider the current safety standards.
Promote technologies that minimize equipment

Products must not exceed the maximum
permissible limits.
Prevent undesired emissions from various

The evidence to prove the harmfulness of

EMF are not sufficient.

Impossible to imagine a world without EMF.
Society must not pay heed to unnecessary
While manufacturing and using EM devices
precautionary measures must be taken

Zenon Sienkiewicz, Biological effects of

electromagnetic fields Engineering Science and

Educational Journal, Volume 7, issue: 3, 1998,
page no: 127-134
COMAR: IEEE Committee on Man and
Radiation,2000, Possible Health Hazards from
exposure to Power-frequency Electric and
Magnetic Fields, IEEE Engineering in Medicine
and Biology, page no: 131-137
Habash, R.W.Y. Biological effects of
Electromagnetic Fields, Handbook of
Press, 2004,Chapter- 16, page no : 579 - 603


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