Digital Signatures: Homework 6
Digital Signatures: Homework 6
Digital Signatures: Homework 6
Homework 6
Data integrity
Message consistency
Identity confirmation
Specifying access rights to resources
Digital Signature
Detached Signature
Digital signatures can either be attached to the
message or detached
A detached signature is stored and transmitted
separately from the message it signs
Commonly used to validate software distributed
in compressed tar files
You can't sign such a file internally without
altering its contents, so the signature is created in
a separate file
Homework 6
Answer 2 questions in the file hw.txt
Generate a key pair with the GNU Privacy Guards commands
$ gpg --gen-key (choose default options)
Make a tarball of the above files + log.txt and zip it with gzip to
produce hw.tar.gz
$ tar cf hw.tar <files>
$ gzip hw.tar -> creates hw.tar.gz
Use the private key you created to make a detached clear signature
hw.tar.gz.sig for hw.tar.gz
$ gpg --armor --output hw.tar.gz.sig --detach-sign