Homework Due at The End of Class: Nada Classwork Due at The End of Class: PG 41, PG 43
Homework Due at The End of Class: Nada Classwork Due at The End of Class: PG 41, PG 43
Homework Due at The End of Class: Nada Classwork Due at The End of Class: PG 41, PG 43
Objetivos de hoy
• Read in Spanish the paragraph from your "Dos
horarios" project.
• Identify the objectives of the test that you
mastered and did not master by filling out and
graphing the "Mastery of Objectives"
• Explain why the wrong answers you chose
were incorrect on the Unit 1B exam
"Conjugating -AR verbs" section
Anuncios/ Announcements
1. You can re-take any section of the unit 2ª test
during office hours
2. You have office hours until you finish
everything on your ZAP report
3. Page 36 Agenda Españolas and class binders
must be turned in Friday to get full credit
Pronunciation Práctica
Saque la página 38 “Dos Horarios” Project y
página 41 “Pronunciation Cheat Sheet”
Pronunciation Práctica
Repitan the sound the letter makes in Spanish
after Profesora Mehl reads it
How to pronounce words in Spanish
Pasos/ Steps:
1) Write the sound each letter makes below
each letter
2) Sound out the word letter by letter
3) Say the word again all together
Instrucciones: For each word below, write the
sounds for each letter below the letters, sound
out the word letter by letter, then pronounce
the word all together. Do this as a class with
Ms. Mehl
1. a b u r r i d o 2. m a t e m á t i c a s
3. T ú 4. s é p t i m a
5. f á c i l
Práctica con compañero/ Practice with a
1. Chose one práctica partner and sit together
2. Take your page 38 and page 41 with you
3. Wait silently for instructions
Práctica con compañero/ Practice with a
Instrucciones for you:
1. Chose 5 of the hardest words from what you will say in
your presentation (look at your rough draft on page 38).
2. Write those five words below.
3. For each word below, write the sounds for each letter
below the letters.
4. Sound out the word letter by letter, then pronounce the
word all together.
Instrucciones for your partner:
1.Listen to how your partner reads the 5 words on his/her
paper. Star the words that he/she says correctly using
your notes to check him/her.
Mastery of Objectives
Saque la página 43 “Mastery of Objectives” y
página 44 “Errores que he cometido” y test
“trabajo independiente”
“independent work”
Mastery of Objectives
1. Fill out página 43 “Mastery of objectives” according
to your correct answers on página 44 “Student
Exam Report”
Persent tense of regular -AR verbs
Example with –AR verb
Los estudiantes (estudiar) mucho para
la clase de ciencias.
1. subject =
2. pronoun =
3. infinitive =
4. conjugation =
Español Inglés Español inglés
tú Vosotros/
Él/ella/us Ellos/ellas
ted /ustedes
Persent tense of regular -AR verbs
Example with –AR verb
Los estudiantes (estudiar) mucho para
la clase de ciencias.
1. subject =
2. pronoun =
3. infinitive =
4. conjugation =
Errores que he cometido
Mistakes I have Made
Your letter and Correct letter and Reason why your
answer answer answer was wrong