From Script To Screen Ogr 2: Emma Morley 4 February 2015

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Emma Morley
4 t h February 2015


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Creative Partnerships
To Anderson:
Emma MorleyFebruary 3, 2015 at 6:07 PM (Character Designs)
Love number 1 for the Crimson Picket - he has a slight Jim Carrey look
about it! And I prefer number 2 for the Golden Baton. Great drawings! :)
Emma MorleyFebruary 2, 2015 at 9:29 AM (Final Story)
Love the twist at the end, Andi! Does the janitor's mop transform into the
pole or does he get the pole when he goes into his secret base?
Emma MorleyJanuary 26, 2015 at 9:51 AM (Like for Like Storyboard)
Love this, Andi. You've really captured the emotion.
Emma MorleyJanuary 15, 2015 at 10:24 AM (Life Drawing)
I agree, that last one is amazing!

To Frame:
Emma Morley4 February 2015 at 13:21 (Concept Ideas The City)
These are great Frame. Really good views and it they all look like they are about to come to
life. Love 3 & 4 the most.
Emma Morley3 February 2015 at 10:12 (Bedroom Concept Thumbnails)
Love 2 and 4. Could you make it rain outside or something to add to the gloomy atmosphere?
Emma Morley19 January 2015 at 05:18 (2D Blob Animation)
Brilliant! I can really imagine the sound effects that would go with this too! XD
Emma Morley12 January 2015 at 12:11 (Like for Like)
This is great Frame! I really love this film and I think you've caught the emotion really well. :)
To Lewis:
Emma Morley4 February 2015 at 21:16 (Character Design Older Sister)
How old are your children, Lewis? I had the impression from your story that they were quite
young, but the sister looks a bit more 'developed' than that!! Are they teens then? They look
good btw :)

Emma Morley28 January 2015 at 19:28 (More Story Ideas)

Blimey, not sure I'd want to watch this one! It is very dark! What kind of style are
you going for? Are you looking at making it quite realistic looking or maybe more
cartoony (it reminds me a bit of Coraline). Think you need to really push the idea
that he is a taxidermist. Can the bouncy castle be stuffed with bits poking out of it?
Could there be some stuffed toys and then maybe flickering lights could hint at
stuffed people? Maybe we see close-ups of their mouths sewn up or something?
Emma Morley16 January 2015 at 16:47 (Week 2: Life Drawing)
I loooove that blue one! :)
To Ridge:
Emma Morley2 February 2015 at 01:17 (Script Draft)
Hi Ridge. We have to write our scripts using Adobe Story. Simon went through it a
couple of weeks ago so if you missed the lesson it might be worth grabbing him for
a quick chat today if you can. He'll be able to explain in more detail but the
software puts everything in the correct format for you. Have you got any speech in
your story? It sounds good though, you just need to make sure it's in the right

Emma Morley31 January 2015 at 11:06 (Prop ideas)

Hi Ridge, I really like the bottom right one and the fact that it has to be held shut
with the straps. Gives it a sense of history, that it had been used before. I also like
to extra feeling of restriction it adds to your story. Goes well with having a
contortionist. :)
Ridge Yeboah-Mensah4 February 2015 at 12:41
The chef character you described is nice. You can also consider a slight twist in the
chefs persona, like the chef being an arrogant lazy slouch who stands around
dishing out order/demands. Number 7 seems to fit that, and the crony you've
chosen(6) would be a good combination...For your original chef idea (2), the crony
that would also go well with him is number (5). reason being is, I think he would
be associated with people who somehow reflects his own self, they seem like a
good fit.
Anderson Moshi25 January 2015 at 11:15
These character designs are heading in a good direction, keep a strong contrast
between the two. The clown should ideally be plump and round, while the haughty
chief more slender and slightly 'pointy'.

Julien V.W.18 January 2015 at 11:04

Using the brush to paint bloody smileys on the faces of a clown killer's victims was
actually my first idea when reading your words! I wasn't sure if suggesting it was
relevant or not since you were heading in another direction, but I'm glad to find
out you've been considering it :)
Julien V.W.25 January 2015 at 17:06
The abundance of colours in the second one works superbly. :) I also really like her
grumpy expression haha!
Kavia Bala11 January 2015 at 14:09
A cute story Emma !

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