Politeness & Solidarity PPT Baru

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Brown and Levinson (1987, as cited in Suryanis, 2013) offer a

theory of linguistics politeness based on Goffmans basic
concept of face. According to Goffman (1987, as cited in
Suryanis, 2013), face is the positive social value that a person
shows in effective way to build a good image in interaction.
Based on that concept of face, Brown and Levinson (1987, as
cited in Suryanis, 2013) formulated that people have two faces
showed in communication. Those are positive face, and negative

There are four strategies of politeness proposed by Brown and

Levinson (1987 as cited in Suryanis, 2013) namely: Bald-on
Record, Positive Politeness, Negative Politeness, and Off-Record.


Bald-on Record Strategy

You are pretending as a father or

mother. It is raining outside,
meanwhile your son wants to go
out. What will you say to him?

1. Bald-on Record Strategy

In bald-on record strategy is most likely used to shock

the H by the S, embarrass them, or make them feel a
bit uncomfortable.

This type of strategy is commonly found with people

who know each other very well.

This strategy consists of some meaningful utterances

such as a). An emergency Help!, b). Task oriented
Give me those!, c). Request Put your jacket away.
d). Alerting Turn your lights on! while driving a car in
the night

1. Bald-on Record Strategy

Suryanis (2013) done a research by investigated the politeness

strategies used by Balinese mixes marriages families in Gitgit village.


husband as primary subject and wife as secondary

subject. The conversation was done in their home. The
primary subject was picking up a bag of rice while passing his
wife and then said awas alu awas, mih baat gati! which
means watch out for awhile watch out! Its so heavy.


as the primary subject and the son as secondary

subject were talking about the result of the national
examination in their home. At the end of the conversation,
the primary subject said mi kenken ne adi nduk gati
lengeh buah hahaha which mean how could be as
that small? Stupid hahaha.

1. Bald-on Record Strategy


interlocutors were family in the same age.

The conversation was done in the Hs home. In
this situation, S underestimates Hs ability by
freely said miiii 6? Lengeh tii cai (what?
Six? How stupid you are!). H express his
disagreement freely by asking back to the
speaker by saying Cing (damn it).

2. Positive Politeness
If you dont have money, but
you have to buy a book, what
will you say to your mother or
father to make them happy and
give you money?

2. Positive Politeness

Positive politeness is more emphasized on an

approach of intimacy in maintaining solidarity.

In the positive politeness, people tend to minimize the

distance between them by expressing friendliness and
solid interest in the hearers need to be respected.
Positive politeness is used to make the addresses feel
good about himself, his interests, his possessions, and
are most usully used in situations where the audience
knows each other fairly well. It is also used to avoid
conflict and to do something desired by the speaker.

2. Positive Politeness

Wirya (2012) done a research on the use of positive

politeness strategy by Brahmana people in Banjar

Durusang malinggih, ampura Niang ten medue

napi This utterance was stated by the house owner (an
old women, Brahmana person) toward the guest (a
young women, Shudra). That sentence means Please,
sit down. Im sorry I dont have anything (for you)

At the first time meeting the owner and the guest met,
the owner called herself niang or grandma

2. Positive Politeness

The older sister (Brahmana) wanted her

younger brother (Brahmana) to go to school.
But, the younger brother stated Antos I
Pandu which means Im waiting for


speaker was the mother and the hearer

was her young boy. She said Mpun wusan
maem? Pinter.. Nyaan mandi yuk? means
Have you finished eating? Good boy.
After this, lets take a bath.

2. Positive Politeness

the other situation, the secondary

subject was Sudra and the primary
subject was Brahmana. The secondary
subject was telling about her experience.
The utterances O, kan beten tongose
nto toh? or This place is in bottom
isnt it?

3. Negative Politeness

Your friend want to borrow

your money, meanwhile you
dont have any, what will you
say to refuse his/her request?

3. Negative Politeness

politeness strategy is defined by

Brown and Levinson as, redressive action
addressed to the hearers negative face; his
wants to have his freedom of action
unhindered and his attention unimpeded. This
type of politeness strategy are specific and
focus. It performs the function of minimizing
particular imposition where the FTA cannot be


strategy redress with apologies.

3. Negative Politeness

Wirya (2012) was investigate the Brahmana People in Banjar

village also found the negative politeness strategy.

The conversation took place at Gus Bayus house. The

conversation was between Gus Bayus father and Gus bayu. Gus
Bayus father became Primary Subject and Gus Bayu became
Secondary Subject. The topic was training program at school. The
utterance Oh gih, selegang nake mlajah, sampunang
melali doen gaene.. dados melali anggen pengalaman,
tapi gus harus inget masukne masih, pang ajik sing rugi
ngemasukang. Which means Oh yes, you have to study
hard. Dont play around only. Yeah, you can play but, it is
just to give you an experience, however, you have to
remember that school is important.

3. Negative Politeness

The older sister (Brahmana) wanted her younger brother

(Brahmana) to go to school immediately. She used negative
politeness strategy, Adi sing masuk? Enggalin nake
masuk. which means Why not go to school? Hurry up!

Ade-ade gen cerike ene.. masuk masuk malu or What a

childish! Come on! Go to school.

From the utterances given by primary subject, the secondary

subject was spontantly used Basa alus to replied Gih, ten
kenapi nike which means yes. There is no need.

3. Negative Politeness

There was also a beggar came to the primary

subjects home, he asked for some rice. The
primary subject refused to give him rice by
using Basa Alus or polite languange such as
Ten wenten napi driki pak. Tyang ten
ngelah napi which mean There is
nothing here, Sir. I do not have

4. Off-Record Strategy

your friend addressee you with

the word stupid but actually you
know that he/she has a same
attitude, what will you say them?

4. Off-Record Strategy

to Holtgrave (2002, as cited in

Wirya, 2012), off-record politeness is the
prototype of indirect communication.
Regarding this type of politeness, this strategy
is defined as the avoidance of unequivocal
impositions (Brown and Levinson, 1987 as
cited in Wirya, 2012)

4. Off-Record Strategy

conversation was between siblings, the

oldest brother and the youngest brother. The
statement stated by the oldest brother to
show that his younger brother also had similar
attitude. The utterance ah cai bise doen
be. Care cai tusing doen mean ah you
are just kidding me. Like it doesnt sound
like you, right?

4. Off-Record Strategy

was a guess (sudra caste) visited

Grandmas house (Brahmana caste), he asked
to meet Grandfather (Brahmana caste). He
stated his intention clearly by saying niki
niang, ngidih tulung ngae bubungan. The
sentence means I need his help to make
bubungan. Grandma replied it by using offrecord strategy nyaan sore nake tu or
this afternoon tu.

4. Off-Record Strategy
utterances Dayu be ngae PR spoof? Kan
sabtu ngumpul Dayu or Dayu have you finished
with your spoof homework? Isnt this Saturday
that we have to submit it? the conversation was
done at school between dayu and her friend in the same



the interlocutor asked Men kao kenken? which

mean how about you? suddenly, she replied by
using off-record strategy again be, kule sing tawang
beneh ken sing which mean I have, but I dont
know if it is correct or not.


Solidarity, according to Longman Dictionary, 5th

edition 2009, is loyalty and general agreement
between all the people in a group, or between
different groups, because they all have a shared aim.
It can be viewed as unity based on community of
interests, objectives, and stands.

Generalizations concerning
address systems

Aspects of social relationships, such as distance, solidarity or

intimacy are given linguistic expression by address systems
consisting of a T/V distinction and address terms. This way,
speakers are given the chance to either be more formal or less
formal with their interlocutor on certain occasions (Hickey 2007:

























Address Terms
Address Terms are words, phrases, names, titles (or some
combinations of these) used in addressing someone. A term of
address may be friendly, unfriendly, or neutral; respectful,
disrespectful, or comradely.

Factors that govern the choice

of terms
Wardhaugh (1998) claims that if we look at what is involved in
addressing another, it seems that a variety of social factors usually
governs our choice of terms: the particular occasion; the social
status or rank of the other; sex; age; family relationship;
occupational hierarchy; transactional status( i.e., a service
encounter, or a doctor-patient relationship, or one of priest-patient);
race; or degree of intimacy.

Kinds of Addressing Terms

A construction in which a speaker or writer directly addresses
another individual; also the name of the individual who is
addressed, conventionally, that individuals name is off by a
e.g. Nyoman, my brother, is living in Tabanan

Honorific Address
It is used to show respect or social difference. Among the honorifics
in everyday use in England and the United States one finds many
notable divergences between the two languages

Vocative Address
It is used to address a reader or listener directly, usually in the form
of a personal name, title, or term of endearment.
e.g. Our father, who are in the heaven, hallowed be thy name...
(The Lords Prayer)

By solidarity People can discriminate others

through language
With solidarity One can distinguish others
through language
with the ability to use language, language
can be used to distinguish the others
whether he comes from with a different


conversation in Balinese which uses the
expressions indicating politeness and
solidarity and analyze the utterances
use based on Brown and Levinson theory
and Hickey theory.

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