Crude Oil Benchmarks & Their Pricing
Crude Oil Benchmarks & Their Pricing
Crude Oil Benchmarks & Their Pricing
Benchmark oils are used as references while pricing oils.
There are approximately 161 different benchmark oils, of
which the main three West Texas Intermediate, Brent
Crude, and Dubai Crude.
Other well-known blends include the Opec basket used
by OPEC, Tapis Crude which is traded in
Singapore, Bonny Light used in Nigeria,etc.
Crude oil is the most actively traded commodity and is
bought and sold in contracts.
A contract trades in units of 1,000 barrels of oil and
benchmarks help to determine the price of a barrel of oil
in a contract.
Brent Crude, named after a goose, comes from the North
It is a light, sweet crude with an API gravity of 38.06
and a specific gravity of 0.835, making it slightly
heavier than West Texas Intermediate.
The sulfur content is 0.37%.
The price of Brent Crude is used to set prices for roughly
2/3 of the worlds oil.
It is mostly refined in Northwest Europe and is also
called Brent Blend, London Brent, and Brent petroleum.
The Brent field is located in the East Shetland Basin,
halfway between Scotland and Norway.
Dubai Crude is light and sour, with an API gravity of
31 degrees and a specific gravity of 0.871.
Its sulfur content is 2%, making it 6 times more sour
than Brent Crude and 8 times more sour than West
Texas Intermediate.
It is generally used for pricing oil that comes from the
Persian Gulf.
Dubai Crude is also known as Fateh. Its importance
comes not only from its quality, but also from the fact
that it was the only freely traded oil from the Middle
East until recently.
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Prices of crude oil markers and petroleum
product markers are affected by a myriad of
factors including:
overall supply/demand for crude
supply/demand for petroleum products
freight rates
competition in the crude markets
competition in the regional and domestic
markets for petroleum products.