Eton System

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Eton System

What is it
How it operates
What are the benefits
Different steps of production
A Safer, More Effective Workplace

Eton material handling system

Davidson designed an ingenious hanging
conveyor system system which allowed all the
material needed for a specific garment to be
transported as a unit directly to the sewing
machine of any workstation.
When an operation is completed at one
workstation, the system is automatically sent
from one unit on to the next.
Eton Systems was found at Eton shirt factory
Its versatile and technologically advanced Unit
Production System, or UPS

Computerized Overhead Conveyer

The Eton system is a computerized
overhead conveyer with individually
addressable workstations. The system
eliminates manual transportation between
workplaces as well as non-productive
operator time. It is built from modules,
which makes it very easy to adjust for
every customers specific needs.

The system provides solutions to big

problems such as need for:
Increased productivity.
Improved lead times - less Work In
Improved production and quality
Improved ergonomics.
Every activity of the process can be
transferred to the companies Management
Information System

Other The prime and noticeable

advantages of this system are:

requires no major modification to existing machines.

Improved space utilization
Simple yet effective
factorys efficiency increased immediately
Workstation operators could now concentrate on
wasting no time handling bundles of unfinished
Hence not only does the productivity improve, but also
production can be planned and controlled down to
the finest detail.

Principle behind working of Eton

The Eton system transports all the pieces
of one complete product through the
manufacturing process. An addressable
product carrier takes all the pieces of
one entire unit (i.e. for trousers backs,
fronts, pockets etc.) through the different
steps of production. Operations are
performed at individual workstations.

Different steps of production

1. Load all the pieces in a product carrier.
2. The product carrier with the pieces will be
routed through the different operation steps.
3. At every machine/operation the patented Eton
chain will position the product ideally.
4. Up on completion the product arrives to an
unloading station. The empty product carrier
returns to the loading station.

From bundle to unit

From bundle to unit

Eton Chain: how it works..

The loading station

All the pieces to one product are
loaded into the product carrier.

The product carriers with all the
pieces to one complete unit are
waiting to be processed.

The headline will transport the
product carrier with the pieces to
the next operation.

Computer controlled process

The computer controls the entire manufacturing process.
Production data is collected in real-time and gives the
manager ability to monitor performance and quality.
In the unlikely event of computer failure, the unique
back-up features ensures that production can continue.
The workstations are individually addressable.
The system can handle several different products at the
same time as displayed in the layout.
Every model/product has a predestined route
constraining it to only visit the stations and operations it
is supposed to. .

Computer controlled process

The finished products
can be unloaded
straight away, stored
in buffer areas or put
in sequence before
reaching the
unloading station.
The product can also
be rerouted for repair
should a problem be

A Safer, More Effective

keeps the factory floor clear and the workstations
themselves free of everything but the material
specifically needed to carry out a particular operation.
And since component pieces are brought directly to the
machine and are then sent on automatically, the work
process is ergonomically optimized.
A smooth and consistent rhythm is achieved, providing
improvements in both quality and efficiency.
Experience shows that repetitive-motion injuries caused
by bending, stretching, and reaching - so common in the
industry - have been practically eliminated in
workplaces where Eton UPS's have been installed.

A Safer, More Effective


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