A Very Toallofu: Goodmorning

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What is Learning?
 Learning is a term frequency used by
people in a wide variety of contexts.
 Learning means “the process of
acquiring the ability to respond
adequately to situation which may or
may not have been previously
“ learning is the process by which
new behaviors are acquired. It
is generally agreed that
learning involves changes in
behaviors, practicing new
behaviors, and establishing
permanency in the change.”
 Learning involves a change in behavior.
 The behavioral change must be
relatively permanent.
 The behavioral change must be based
on some form of practice or experience.
 The practice or experience must be
reinforced in order for learning to occur.
Drive refers to an increased probability
of activity without specifying probability
of the activity.
Drives are basically of two types:
 Primary or physiological drives
 Secondary or physiological drives
The stimulus results into responses . Responses may be in
the physical form or may be in terms of attitudes, familiarity,
perception or other complex phenomena.

Reinforcement may be defined as environmental events
affecting the probability of occurrence of responses with
which they are associated. Reinforcement is a fundamental
condition of learning without reinforcement , no measurable
modification of behavior takes place.

The stability of learned behavior overtime is defined as
retention and the converse is for getting .some of learning is
retained over a period of time , while other may be forgotten.
Learning Theories
Learning is the acquisition of new
behavior .People acquire new behavior
frequently. Learning theories can be
grouped into these categories.

 Conditional Theory
 Cognitive Theory
 Social learning Theory
Conditional Theory
Conditional is the process in which an
ineffective that it makes the hidden
response apparent .In the absence of
this stimulus, hidden response is a
natural or normal response.
Conditional theory is of two types
 Classical conditioning
 Operant conditioning
Classical Conditioning
Conditioning states that repetitive association between a stimulus and a
response learns behavior. Four elements are always present in
classical conditioning.
These are:-
1.Uncondioned stimulus (US)
like food which invariably causes to react in a certain way.
2. Unconditional response (UR)
Takes place whenever the US is presented.
3.Conditional stimulus (CS)
the object that does not initially bring about the desired response

like the sound of a bell.

4.Conditioned response (CR)
a particular behavior that the organization learns to produce to

the cs.
Operant Conditioning
Operant is defined as behavior that produces
effect operant conditioning suggests that
people emit responses
That are rewarded and will not rewarded or
punished. The basic principle of learning new
behavior involves the relationship between
three elements:
 Stimulus situation
 Behavioral response to the situation
 Consequence of the response to the
Difference between classical
and operant conditioning

In classical conditioning behavior is In operand condition many possible behavior can

the result of stimulus result in particular stimulus situation

In this change in the stimulus will In this one particular response out of many possible
elicit a particular response occurs in a given stimulus

In this the stimulus conditioned or In this reward is presented only if organism gives
Unconditioned, serving as a reward the correct response

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