01 Business Intelligence

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01-Business intelligence

Carlo Vercellis

Example 1.1
Retention in the mobile phone
The marketing manager of a mobile phone company realizes

that a large number of customers are discontinuing their

service, leaving her company in favor of some competing
provider. As can be imagined, low customer loyalty, also
known as customer attrition or churn, is a critical factor for
many companies operating in service industries. Suppose
that the marketing manager can rely on a budget adequate
to pursue a customer retention campaign aimed at 2000
individuals out of a total customer base of 2 million people.
Hence, the question naturally arises of how she should go
about choosing those customers to be contacted so as to
optimize the effectiveness of the campaign. In other words,
how can the probability that each single customer will
discontinue the service be estimated so as to target the
best group of customers and thus reduce churning and
maximize customer retention? By knowing these
probabilities, the target group can be chosen as the 2000
people having the highest churn likelihood among the
customers of high business value.

Example 1.2
Logistics planning
The logistics manager of a manufacturing company
wishes to develop a medium-term logistic-production
plan. This is a decision-making process of high
complexity which includes, among other choices, the
allocation of the demand originating from different
market areas to the production sites, the
procurement of raw materials and purchased parts
from suppliers, the production planning of the plants
and the distribution of end products to market areas.
In a typical manufacturing company this could well
entail tens of facilities, hundreds of suppliers, and
thousands of finished goods and components, over a
time span of one year divided into weeks. The
magnitude and complexity of the problem suggest
that advanced optimization models are required
to devise the best logistic plan.

Business Intelligence
The main purpose of business intelligence
systems is to provide knowledge workers with
tools and methodologies that allow them to
make effective and timely decisions.
Effective decisions. The application of

rigorous analytical methods allows decision

makers to rely on information and knowledge
which are more dependable
Timely decisions. The ability to rapidly react
to the actions of competitors and to new market
conditions is a critical factor in the success or
even the survival of a company.

Benefits of a Business
Intelligence System

Data, information and


For a retailer data refer to primary entities such

as customers, points of sale and items, while
sales receipts represent the commercial
Information is the outcome of extraction and
processing activities carried out on data, and it
appears meaningful for those who receive it in a
specific domain
Information is transformed into knowledge when
it is used to make decisions and develop the
corresponding actions.

The role of mathematical

A business intelligence system provides decision makers with
information and knowledge extracted from data, through the
application of mathematical models and algorithms.
First, the objectives of the analysis are identified and

the performance indicators that will be used to evaluate

alternative options are defined.
Mathematical models are then developed by exploiting

the relationships among system control variables,

parameters and evaluation metrics.
Finally, what-if analyses are carried out to evaluate the

effects on the performance determined by variations in

the control variables and changes in the parameters.

Business Intelligence

Main Components of BI

1. Data sources.
The sources consist for the most part of data
belonging to
1. operational systems,
2. may also include unstructured documents, such as
emails and data received from external providers.

2. Data warehouses and data

Using extraction and transformation tools
known as extract, transform, load (ETL), the
data originating from the different sources are
stored in databases intended to support
business intelligence analyses.

Business intelligence methodologies.

Data are finally extracted and used to feed
mathematical models and analysis methodologies
intended to support decision makers. In a
business intelligence system, several decision
support applications may be implemented:
multidimensional cube analysis
exploratory data analysis
time series analysis
inductive learning models for data mining
optimization models


3. Data exploration.
Passive Business Intelligence Analysis consists
1.Query and Reporting Systems
2.Statistical Methods.
These are referred to as passive methodologies
because decision makers are requested to
generate prior hypotheses or define data
extraction criteria, and then use the analysis tools
to find answers and confirm their original insight.
For instance, consider the sales manager of a company who notices that
revenues in a given geographic area have dropped for a specific group of
customers. Hence, she might want to bear out her hypothesis by using
extraction and visualization tools, and then apply a statistical test to verify
that her conclusions are adequately supported by data.


4. Data Mining
Active Business Intelligence Methodologies,
Extraction of information and knowledge from
data. These include mathematical models for:
1.Pattern Recognition
2.Machine Learning
The models of an active kind do not require
decision makers to formulate any prior
hypothesis to be later verified. Their purpose
is instead to expand the decision makers

5. Optimization
To determine the best solution out of a set of
alternative actions. This technique is usually
fairly extensive and sometimes even infinite.

6. Decision
The choice and the Actual Adoption of a
Specific Decision


Cycle of a business
intelligence analysis


Development of a business
intelligence system


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