Ancient Greece and The Formation of The Western Mind: Who Were The Greeks? What Language Did They Speak?
Ancient Greece and The Formation of The Western Mind: Who Were The Greeks? What Language Did They Speak?
Ancient Greece and The Formation of The Western Mind: Who Were The Greeks? What Language Did They Speak?
Ancient Greece
What is the origin of the peoples who called
themselves Hellenes?
The language they spoke belongs to the IndoEuropean family (which includes Germanic,
Celtic, Italic, and Sanskrit language groups)
The Greeks of historic times were a blend of the
native tribes and the Indo-European invaders,
en route from the European landmass.
Ancient Greece
citadel of Mycenae
Palace of Pylos
Olympian Gods
Greek vs Hebrew
The difference between the Greek and the Hebrew hero (Achilles and
Joseph) is remarkable
The difference between the God of Abraham and of Isaac and the
Olympians who interfere in the lives of the mortals is an unbridgeable
The two conceptions of the powers that govern the universe are
The Greek conception of the nature of gods is so alien to us that it is
difficult for the modern reader to take it seriously
The Hebrew basis of European religious thought has made it almost
impossible for us to imagine a god who can be feared and laughed at,
and still sincerely worshipped
Greek Gods
5th c B.C. these two cities led the combined Greek resistance to the Persian
invasion of Europe
The defeat of the solid Persian power by the divided Greek cities surprised
the world
Athens was the first democracy in Western history a direct, not a
representative democracy
Athenss power lay in its fleet with which she had played her decisive part in
the struggle against Persia
Sparta, on the other hand, was rigidly conservative in government and
The individual citizen was trained by the state
The Spartans controlled the city-states of the Peloponnese
These two cities, allies for the war of liberation against Persia, became
enemies when the danger was eliminated
431 -404 B.C. Peloponnesian War ended with the total defeat of Athens
What is Athenss
contribution to western
Athens signifcance
Athenian democracy provided its citizens with a cultural
and political environment that was without precedent in
the ancient world- maximum development of the
individuals capacities and at the same time maximum
devotion to the interests of the community
However, there were limits on who could participate in the
The individual Athenian was the adult male citizen
Women could not own property, hold office, or vote
metics or resident aliens settled from other cities for
business reasons
Sophocles Oedipus
Euripidess Medea
Medeas cheriot