Reduction in Non Revenue Water in Hyderabad

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Non-Revenue Water Reduction and Performance

Improvement - Hyderabad
Initiated in 2010

Presented by:
K. Sai Kiran

What Is Non-Revenue Water?
Non-revenue water is the difference
between the volume of water put into a water
distribution system and the volume that is
billed to customers.
Comprises three components
Physical losses (55%)
Commercial losses (41%)
How Much
Is Lost?
Every year, more than 32 billion cubic
meters of treated water physically leak from
urban water supply systems around the world,
while 16 billion cubic meters are delivered to
customers for zero revenue. Half of these
losses are in developing countries, where public
utilities are starving for additional revenues to
finance expansion of services and where most
connected customers suffer from intermittent
supply and poor water quality.
The Ministry of Urban development
recommends that NRW should be less than less
than 20 while The World Bank recommends
Source: Urban Population: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring
that NRW should be less than 25% of the total
Programme (JMP) for Water Supply and Sanitation 2006 data.

Project Initiation
Initiated by The Hyderabad
Metropolitan Water Supply and
Sewerage Board
Introduced a new technology for
water meter reading
Upcoming technology is introduced on
a BOOT basis

Contract awarded

Ms. Mantech Constructions has been

awarded the contract through a tender
Mantech brings in the technology of Ms Arad
Technologies Ltd of Israel which has similar

The Automatic Meter Reading (AMR)

Enables reading of water

meter remotely without
having to go to the place
where the meter is situated

How AMR Metering helps?

Normal water meters consists of an impeller which rotates when water
flows in a connected pipe and the rotations of the impellers are
calibrated to a reading on a dial which displays the volume of water
But in the AMR meter, the water meters is fitted with an air tight
chamber consisting of an electronic device which converts the rotations
of the impeller into a pulse output which can be transmitted as a radio
signal or a signal through a GSM SIM card.
Located in Patancheru area where 150 connections account for a
revenue of Rs. 4 crore per month to the board
The geography of the project is spread over 40 sq km from Sangareddy
to Gacchibowli where manual reading of water is tedious and time

The revenue is expected to go up by 20 per cent. The monthly payment to
Matech would be only Rs. 3.36 lakh. The benefits in terms of water savings or
increased billing is expected to far out weight the costs

The Vicious NRW Circle

The Virtuous NRW Circle

The Municipality is not conducting any special drives for Physical loses .
It also needs to do follow-up checking about disconnected water
connections. For measuring the exact benefit or loss to the ULB, they
must quantify the consumption of water every day and keep a check on
it regularly

This action can be replicated in any municipal body to curb the issue of
illegal water connections.


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