Attitude and Success

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Source: You Can Win By Shiv 1


Evaluative statements or judgments concerning
objects, people, or events.

What do you
see ?

Source: You Can Win 2

By Shiv Khera
Your attitude contributes to Success

 A study at Harvard University found

that 85% of the time a person gets a
job because of their attitude

The foundation of success

regardless of your chosen field, is

Source: You Can Win 3

By Shiv Khera
 When your attitude is right, we feel
happy and contended.

 Opportunity is always under our feet.

All we need to do is to recognize it.

 The grass on the other side always

looks greener.

 When we don’t recognize opportunity,

we complain of noise when it knocks.

 The same opportunity never knocks

twice. Source: You Can Win 4
By Shiv Khera
Factors that determine our attitude

1. Environment

Environment consists of the following:

• Home: positive or negative influences

• School: peer pressure
• Work: supportive or over critical
• Media: television, newspaper,
magazines, movies
• Cultural background
• Religious background
Source: You Can Win 5
By Shiv Khera
Factors that determine our attitude

• Traditions and beliefs

• Social environment
• Political environment

2. Experiences

• If we have positive experience with a

person, our attitude toward him becomes
positive and vice versa.

Source: You Can Win 6

By Shiv Khera
Factors that determine our attitude

3. Education

• It refers to both formal and informal

education, not just academic qualifications.
• Knowledge strategically applied, turns into
wisdom, ensuring success.

Source: You Can Win 7

By Shiv Khera
How do we recognize people with
positive attitude ?

• People with positive attitude have

certain personality traits that are easy to

• They are caring, confident, patient and


• They have high expectations of

themselves and others.

• They anticipate positive outcomes.

Source: You Can Win 8
By Shiv Khera
The benefits of a positive attitude
• Increases productivity
• Fosters teamwork
• Solves problem
• Improves quality
• Makes for congenial atmosphere
• Breeds loyalty
• Reduces stress
• Makes for a pleasing personality

Source: You Can Win 9

By Shiv Khera
Consequences of a negative attitude
Their Attitude leads to
• Bitterness
• Resentment
• A purposeless life
• Ill health
• High stress level for themselves and

Source: You Can Win 10

By Shiv Khera
Steps to build a positive attitude

Step 1: Change focus, look for the


• Sometimes we have to dig deep to look

for the positive because it may be not
• Some people will criticize no matter

Source: You Can Win 11

By Shiv Khera
Step 2: Make a habit of doing it now

• Procrastination lead to a negative


• To build a positive attitude learn the

phrase, “do it now” and stop the habit of

Source: You Can Win 12

By Shiv Khera
Step 3: Develop an attitude of

• Count your blessings, not your troubles.

Step 4: Get into a continuous

education program

• Intellectual education influences the head

and values based education influences the
Source: You Can Win 13
By Shiv Khera
• Education that build fundamental traits of
character- such as honesty, compassion,
courage, persistence and responsibility- is
absolutely essential.

Step 5: Build a positive self esteem

• Self esteem is the way we feel about

• The fastest way to do so is to do
something for others who cannot repay
you in cash or kind.
Source: You Can Win 14
By Shiv Khera
• There are two kinds of people-
takers and givers. Takers eat well
and givers sleep well. They have
high self esteem.

Step 6: Stay away from negative


• Don’t let negative people drag you


Source: You Can Win 15

By Shiv Khera
• Smoking and drinking are
glamorized today. Stay away
from them.

• Pornography is nothing short of

dehumanizing women and
children. One should stay from
such negative influences.

•Negative movies and television

programs have a negative effect
on ones personality.

Source: You Can Win 16

By Shiv Khera
Step 7: Learn to like things that need
to be done

• Some things need to be done

whether we like them or not.

Step 8: Start your day with a


• Read or listen positive something in

the morning.
Source: You Can Win 17
By Shiv Khera

 Success is the result of your

attitude. Hence it is a matter of your
choice and not chance.

 To some people , success might mean

wealth. To others, it is recognition, good
health, good family, happiness,
satisfaction and peace of mind.

Source: You Can Win 18

By Shiv Khera
Obstacles to success

• Ego
• Fear of failure
• No plan
• Lack of formalized goals
• Life changes
• Procrastination
• Family responsibility
• Financial security issues
• Lack of focus
• Lack of commitment
• Lack of training
• Lack of persistence
Source: You Can Win 19
By Shiv Khera
Qualities that make a person

1. Desire
The motivation to succeed comes
from the burning desire to achieve
a purpose.

2. Commitment
To be successful one needs to
committed to the work he is doing.

Source: You Can Win 20

By Shiv Khera
Qualities that make a person
successful (Cont’d)
3. Responsibility
• A duty which becomes a desire will
ultimately become a delight.

• People with character accept


4. Hard work
• Success is not something you run into by
chance. It takes a lot of preparation.

• One cannot develop a capacity to do

something withoutSource:
hard You work
Can Win 21
By Shiv Khera
Qualities that make a person
successful (Cont’d)
5. Character
• Character is the sum total of a persons
value, beliefs and personality.

• Ability and character go hand in hand.

Ability will get you success and character
will keep successful.

6. Positive Believing
• Positive believing is a lot more than
positive thinking. It is having a reason to
believe that positive thinking will work.
Source: You Can Win 22
By Shiv Khera
Qualities that make a person
successful (Cont’d)
• Positive thinking is an attitude of confidence
that comes with preparation.

7. Give more than you get

• If you want to get ahead in life, go the extra

• The advantages of doing more than you get

paid for are:
You make yourself more valuable.
It gives you more confidence.
People start looking at you as a leader.
Source: You Can Win 23
By Shiv Khera
Qualities that make a person
successful (Cont’d)
• Superiors start respecting you.
• It generates cooperation.

8. The power of persistence

• Persistence means commitment and

• Commitment and determination is a


• Persistence is a decision. It is a commitment

to finish what youSource:
start. You Can Win 24
By Shiv Khera
Qualities that make a person
successful (Cont’d)
9. Pride of performance
• Pride of performance does not represent
ego. It represents the pleasure with humility.

• Excellence comes when the performer

takes pride in doing his best.

10. Be willing to be a student-Get a

• A mentor is a person whose hindsight can
become your foresight.
Source: You Can Win 25
By Shiv Khera
Qualities that make a person
successful (Cont’d)

• A good mentor will guide and give direction.

Show respect and be an interested student.

Source: You Can Win 26

By Shiv Khera
Reasons for failure

1. Unwillingness to take risks

• Risk taking does not mean gambling
foolishly and behaving irresponsibly.

2. Lack of persistence
• When problems seem insurmountable,
quitting seems to be the easiest way out.

• More people fail not because they lack

knowledge or talent but because they
Source: You Can Win 27
By Shiv Khera
Reasons for failure (Cont’d)
3. Instant gratification
• We think short term and not long term.
That is limited vision.

• Instant gratification never thinks of

consequences, only of momentary

4. Lack of priorities
• When we don’t have our priorities right,
we waste time, not realizing that time
wasted is life wasted.
Source: You Can Win 28
By Shiv Khera
Reasons for failure (Cont’d)

5. Looking for shortcuts

• many times we look for the easier way,
which really ends up being the tougher

6. Selfishness and Greed

• Individuals and organizations that have a
selfish attitude toward each other have no
right to expect growth.

•Greed destroys relationships.

Source: You Can Win 29
By Shiv Khera
Reasons for failure (Cont’d)

7. Lack of conviction
• People without conviction do not take a

• They go along to get along because they

lack confidence and courage

8. Lack of understanding of nature’s laws

• Success is a matter of laws and these
laws are the laws of nature.
• Change is nature’s law.
Source: You Can Win 30
By Shiv Khera
Reasons for failure (Cont’d)
9. Unwillingness to Plan and Prepare
• Confidence comes from preparation, which is
nothing but planning and practicing.

• Preparation means learning from our mistakes.

10. Rationalizing
• Successful people don’t rationalize.

• Winners may analyze but never rationalize

by making excuses.

Source: You Can Win 31

By Shiv Khera
Reasons for failure (Cont’d)

11. Not learning from past mistakes

• People who do not learn lessons from
the past are doomed.

• Failure is a teacher if we have the right


• Experience is the name we give to our


• Wise people learn form their mistakes

and wiser people learn form other people’s
mistakes. Source: You Can Win
By Shiv Khera
Reasons for failure (Cont’d)
11. Inability to recognize opportunity
• Opportunities come disguised as obstacles
that is why most people don’t recognize

12. Fear
• Fear results in insecurity, lack of
confidence, procrastination.
• Fear destroys our potential and ability.

13. Lack of Discipline

• People without discipline try to do
everything, but commit themselves to
nothing. Source: You Can Win
By Shiv Khera
Reasons for failure (Cont’d)
16. Poor Self Esteem
• Poor self esteem is lack of self respect and
self worth.
• Idleness and excuses are consequences of
poor self esteem.

17. Fatalistic Attitude

• A fatalistic attitude prevents people from
accepting responsibility for their position in life.

• Shallow people believe in luck. People with

strength and determination believe in cause
and effect.
Source: You Can Win 34
By Shiv Khera
Reasons for failure (Cont’d)

18. Lack of purpose

• When people lack purpose and direction,
they see no opportunity.

Source: You Can Win 35

By Shiv Khera

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